Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 293 Deng Qi is not surprising

Not long after Deng Qi's army marched westward, he saw Yang Yuchun's defeated troops running all the way from a distance. As expected, they were defeated by the rebels.

Deng Qi originally had a glimmer of hope of victory, but now it was all shattered. He couldn't help but send someone to meet him, and at the same time cursed loudly: "Yang Yuchun, the melon boy, lost his army and lost his army. He is so incompetent, I will definitely punish him!"

After all, Yang Yuchun was Deng Qi's subordinate after all, and Deng Qi still had to "wipe his butt" for him.

The defeated army was getting closer and closer, and Deng Qi originally wanted to lead people to meet him to calm the morale of the army. He just felt a palpitation in his heart and felt that something was wrong with the defeated officers and soldiers on the opposite side.

Deng Qi was worthy of being a veteran general. After pondering for a while, he was suddenly shocked and shouted loudly: "Quickly tell the front army to be careful, for fear of being deceived. The rest of the army quickly formed their formations and prepared to fight!"

The messenger was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously asked: "General, we are all our own people, how can we be deceitful?"

At the anxious moment, Deng Qi had no time to talk nonsense with him, so he directly drew out his knife, struck the disobedient messenger to death, and continued to give the order: "Send my military order quickly!"

When the other messengers saw this, they all started to fight. How could they dare to question it? He hurriedly pissed himself off and passed the order as if he was flying.

But where can we get it in time?

Zhang Shun saw that Deng Qi had been fooled and did not know that Yang Yuchun had died in the battle. After he saw Yang Yuchun's flag, he mistakenly thought they were a defeated army of officers and soldiers and did not take precautions.

After the rebel army followed the defeated officers and soldiers and approached Deng Qi's army, Zhang Shun immediately ordered all his cavalry to mount their horses and drove the defeated troops to charge into the formation.

This man under Deng Qi was originally a Sichuan soldier who became famous for fighting against An Bangyan's rebels. The land of Yunnan and Guizhou in Sichuan is full of mountains, ravines, and trees. Therefore, his men used infantry as their main method of warfare and never encountered large-scale cavalry raids.

Later, during the Deng and Lai Rebellions, most of the rebel soldiers were armed with firearms, and there was no cavalry threat. The only opportunity he had to fight against the Jin soldiers who were threatened by cavalry was because he was guarded by other frontier cavalry, so he never experienced the baptism of cavalry.

Two thousand cavalry does not sound like a lot, but according to the Ming Dynasty's frontier army's organization habit of three parts cavalry and seven parts infantry, this is almost equivalent to the entire cavalry of two full battalions.

Deng Qi was caught off guard. In a hurry, he just set up a simple defensive formation. Before he could make any other moves, Chen Changzhen, Liu Cheng, "King Zuo Jin" and "Ge Liyan" directly dispersed a third of the troops. formation.

The black cavalry rushed towards them like they were blocking out the sun, tearing the enemies in front of them to pieces.

The Sichuan soldiers are not tall, but they are very resistant to hard fighting. Armed with simple spears, they tried to fight against the galloping cavalry.

However, the formation is uneven and the military appearance is not uniform. The cavalry can easily avoid the spears up to eight feet long on horseback, and then instantly harvest their lives with the horse's spear, broadsword or bone.

It is difficult for officers and soldiers to fight with "long troops cannot be quick and short troops cannot respond". The already loose formation was shattered by the collision of cavalry, making it difficult to maintain, and then there was a one-sided massacre.

Deng Qi watched from a distance in the formation of more than 2,000 people, his eyes were cracked, but there was nothing he could do. He could only watch the infantry under his command, carrying a spear as high as three people, without any resistance. .

Zhang Shun looked at it from a distance and felt quite unbearable. Although he has experienced many battles, most of them were infantry versus infantry. Although there were casualties, there was no such one-sided massacre.

However, in the battle formation, it is a life-and-death battle. If he was half-hearted and merciful, he and others would be the ones killed by the sword. Zhang Shun had no choice but to be cruel and couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Since the rebels had killed the rest of the officers and soldiers, only more than two thousand infantry led by Deng Qi formed a circular formation, with Deng Qi as the center for defense.

Zhang Shun saw that Deng Qi's formation was tight and there was no gap to take advantage of, so he called Chen Changzhen, Liu Cheng, "King Zuo Jin" and "Ge Liyan" to discuss countermeasures.

Everyone was experienced in war, and they all said: "The enemy's formation is very strict, so we can't attack forcefully." Zhang Shun followed his advice and simply ordered the four of them to form four formations, surrounded the officers and soldiers, and constantly sent cavalry to harass them. .

There are many types of cavalry harassment. When it comes to attacking enemy formations, there are nothing more than probing charges and long-range attacks.

There are two types of trial charges:

One is to speed up the horse from time to time and launch false charges towards the enemy's formation to intimidate the enemy. If there is a commotion in the enemy's formation, they will turn the imaginary into real and charge into the formation, hoping to open a gap in the formation.

The other type is undoubtedly similar to a real charge, but it is not a rigid charge into the enemy's formation. Instead, after approaching the enemy, he turned his horse's head, passed by the edge of the enemy's formation, and tried to attack the enemy with spears, sabers, etc.

This is also where weapons such as the hook sickle and halberd come into play on the defensive side. Defenders often used these hooked weapons to hook passing cavalry and kill them by hooking them off their horses.

The long-range attack avoids the disadvantage of being too close to the enemy during the test charge and being easily hooked by the opponent. They turned the cavalry's horses' heads vertically, galloped past the opponent's formation twenty paces away, and then used long-range weapons such as bows and arrows to attack.

The defender's way of dealing with them was to use crossbows and fire guns to fight back. On the cavalry side, due to inconvenient operation, the range and power of general attacks are weaker than those of infantry.

Just because the cavalry shoots while in motion, they are moving and shooting at fixed targets; while the infantry is standing and shooting at moving targets. The hit rate of infantry is naturally not as high as that of cavalry, so they are in a passive state.

Although Deng Qi did not have much experience in dealing with cavalry, fortunately as a qualified veteran, he could barely cope with the harassment and attacks of Zhang Shun's cavalry. Except that he paid higher tuition fees and lost a lot of soldiers.

Zhang Shun and Deng Qi fought for about an hour, but failed to achieve results, so they focused on the siege and did not increase the intensity of harassment.

At this time, Deng Qi's sensitivity as a veteran general who had been in battle for a long time showed. He suddenly felt something was wrong and guessed that Zhang Shun was waiting for other reinforcements to arrive.

In order to avoid the annihilation of the entire army, Deng Qi had to take the risk and ordered his infantry to retreat to Huaiqing Mansion.

Huaiqing Mansion is not far from here. Although there are not enough troops to come to the rescue, if Deng Qi can take the opportunity to push into the city of Huaiqing Mansion, then Zhang Shun's operation after Yang Yuchun's death will be in vain.

But now the soldiers of both sides are similar. Although Zhang Shun's men are all cavalry and have the advantage, they can't be here without brain damage.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun was well prepared and quickly led his bodyguards to Deng Qi's formation, but he raised the banner of the second leader's "Purple Gold Liang".

Deng Qi was shocked when he saw this and asked loudly: "Who are you?"

"I am the leader of the 36th Battalion of the Rebel Army. I have had many battles in the past. Don't you recognize me?" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

Deng Qi and others had never seen the true face of "Purple Gold Liang". They only thought that they had fallen into the trap of "Purple Gold Liang" to fake their own death. They were shocked and their morale was shaken.

It turns out that Deng Qi only thought that "Purple Golden Liang" was not dead, and now he was making various plans to gather all the rebels and annihilate his officers and soldiers in one fell swoop.

In order to avoid long nights and long dreams, Deng Qi had no choice but to urge his officers and soldiers to retreat faster. Zhang Shun took the opportunity to order his cavalry to attack, and Deng Qi was immediately defeated.

Today the baby at home was crying and wouldn't sleep. The author helped his wife to soothe the baby. There was only one update, so I shamelessly said I'm sorry.

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