Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 297 Disputes arise again (Part 2)

Although the words of the "King of Troubled Times" are all based on rumors, people in this era do believe in these superstitions. As a result, many people suddenly started to murmur in their hearts.

The "Eight Great Kings" spoke quickly and quickly asked: "Now that the second master has fulfilled his oath, what will happen to me?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other in shock after hearing this: Although the second master killed his brother, now that death is a big deal, should we continue to settle old scores?

Fortunately, "Chang Jiang" has always been friendly with the second master, and he quickly defended: "The second master swore to 'die by random arrows,' but in fact he died from a stray arrow, not in compliance with the oath!"

The "King of Chaos" was not willing to give up, and said aggressively: "'Chaos Arrows' can be several arrows, or it can be one arrow. You will eventually die under the arrows, this is unmistakable!"

"But. But, the second master swore a poisonous oath just to prove his innocence. Everyone has done this worthless business. No one can predict that he will be gone that day. How can he do it?" "Jiang Jiang" Huang Lai'er tried hard to explain.

"The key is why the second master died under random arrows?" "The King of Chaos" sneered, "If he hadn't violated his oath, how could he have ended up like this!"

"Living Cao Cao" couldn't stand it anymore, so he quickly tried to dissuade him: "'King of Troubled Times', please have some moral integrity. Everyone is saddened by the death of the second master. Although it is related to the oath of the second master, after all, death is the most important thing." , how can you catch the wind and blame the matter of 'Lao Hui Hui' on the second boss?"

"Yes, death is a big deal!" "The King of Chaos" sneered, "Then why is death a big deal when the second master dies, and why is death a big deal when 'Lao Huihui' dies?"

No matter how resourceful "Living Cao Cao" is, he is speechless. After all, if everyone expresses disbelief in swearing at the beginning, it will be easier to explain later.

However, in order to settle the dispute, everyone pretended to believe the second master's oath. As a result, the second master actually died in compliance with the oath. No matter how others argued, they could not get around what they believed in the first place.

After all, an ax cannot be used to chop wood at the same time. No matter how double standard everyone is, in front of so many people, they cannot stiffen their necks and only accept the oath and not the oath.

As a result, after the chaos caused by the "King of Chaos", everyone originally planned to discuss the matter of dealing with Zhang Shun, but they could no longer continue.

No matter what, the second leader "Zijin Liang" has been the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion for such a long time, and he has some prestige. Among the many rebel leaders, there are also people who respect him.

The "King of Chaos" immediately denied even the second-in-command "Purple Gold Liang"'s behavior, which directly led to the split among other rebel leaders.

This incident really made the "Eight Kings" and "Living Cao Cao" very angry, but this "King of Troubled Times" was such a bastard. Back then, he dared to fight with the second boss "Purple Gold Liang" because of a woman. Now that "Purple Gold Liang" is dead, he is even more unscrupulous and does not take the overall situation into consideration at all.

As a result, after the meeting ended that night, "Living Cao Cao" brought a sword and went to visit Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun was discussing countermeasures with Zhang Shenyan, Xu Ziyuan, Li Xin and others indoors. When he suddenly heard that "living Cao Cao" was coming, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly ordered Zhang Shenyan and others to hide in the back room, and then personally welcomed them out.

Zhang Shun cupped his hands and said loudly: "Old brother, I have been known as 'Living Cao Cao' for a long time. People often say: Cao Cao is good at planning, and his generals are good at attacking. They are all heroes in the rebel army. Now I, 'Optimus Prime', can actually It’s a great honor to receive your visit!”

"Living Cao Cao" couldn't help but laugh when he heard this: "People in the world are just praising you for a vain reputation. He doesn't deserve such praise from 'Optimus Prime'."

"On the other hand, I have heard about the name of brother Optimus Prime, which is very popular. People say that Optimus Prime is so sharp-tongued that he can bring life to the dead. Now that I see him, he is indeed well-deserved!"

"Hey? What the hell! I, 'Optimus Prime', am still young, and I am just looking up to my brothers. If we say who is the most assertive among the rebels, I am not as cunning as 'Living Cao Cao'. I have to see my old brother today, and I don't know how to teach him. Me?" Zhang Shun also joked with him.

After some probing words between the two, Zhang Shuncai took the opportunity to bring this "living Cao Cao" into the room and sit down, and ordered Wukong to bring tea.

The "living Cao Cao" pretended to be cool, took a sip of tea, but couldn't help it, and then said to Zhang Shun mysteriously: "Little brother, do you know where I come from?"

"Brother, did I fail the test? But this little brother already knew it." Zhang Shun smiled as if he understood, "Of course you are coming from where you are and going where you are going!"

"Living Cao Cao" heard this and almost choked to death at his words, and thought to himself: This guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp at such a young age. He looked like you know I know, I know you know I know, and almost stunned the "living Cao Cao" who had a low level of education.

Fortunately, "Living Cao Cao" also knew about this contest, but he was at a disadvantage. Since he came to Zhang Shun's residence, he wanted to buy things from both sides without offending both parties.

Originally, he wanted to go all the way to the dark side and confront Zhang Shun to the end. As a result, after seeing a pig teammate like "The King of Chaos", I had no choice but to change my position to have both feet on both sides, for fear of being cheated by him.

However, this Shun is much more cunning and cunning than the "King of Troubled Times". Originally, "Living Cao Cao" thought that he must be restless and restless, and he could sell him a favor with just a few words of his own.

But I didn't expect that this guy would not let go of the rabbit when he saw it, so "Living Cao Cao" had no choice but to take the initiative to confide: "I am the commander of the rebel army who just came here after the meeting!"

"Living Cao Cao" he said word by word while staring into Zhang Shun's eyes. As a result, Zhang Shun's eyes did not change, and he said with surprise: "You all gathered together just now. I wonder what you said?"

When Zhang Shun saw "Living Cao Cao", he stopped pretending and asked him straight to the point. Cao Cao stared at Zhang Shun for a long time, but he couldn't see any fluctuation in Zhang Shun's eyes. On the contrary, he accidentally discovered that Zhang Shun's pupils were different, and he was lost for a moment.

When "Living Cao Cao" came to his senses, he apologized awkwardly: "I'm sorry, my brother was distracted for a moment!"

"It doesn't matter!" Zhang Shun suddenly had a smile in his eyes and responded, "A Taoist priest who told me fortune told me that I was destined to be the one with the double pupils of the Holy King Shun. "

"Although I don't really believe in these magical things, fortunately I looked for a bronze mirror and found that my pupils are indeed different. It's just that they have been like this since I was born. It has been nearly twenty years now, but It doesn’t block eating or drinking, so it should be fine!”

Thanks to the fan "Book Friends 20190606165218345" for the two rewards and the "Xiaoxiao Ending" reward, thank you! The author is working hard to update, and the next chapter should not be out tonight, so you don't have to wait any longer. .

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