Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 298 Disputes arise again (Part 2)

"Living Cao Cao" couldn't help being speechless after hearing this, and he didn't care much about Zhang Shun's boastful behavior.

On the contrary, "Living Cao Cao" admired Zhang Shun's unexpected calmness, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel wary in his heart. However, he said with a smile: "Your Excellency is indeed born with a different appearance, and you will become a great person in the future!"

"What can you say about us being together? It's just about reminiscing about old times, about the hometown, and about parting."

"That's right!" Zhang Shun agreed calmly, "Although Shaanxi is a vast land, there is no place for you to stand. What's more, in the future, it's uncertain whether the fallen leaves will be able to return to their roots. Now I miss the good days before. It’s really normal and understandable!”

"Living Cao Cao" suddenly changed his expression when he heard this, and suppressed his anger and said: "What do you mean by this? I have a good conversation with you, but you are holding a gun and a stick, and you are sarcastic!"

Zhang Shun was not angry but smiled and said: "'Living Cao Cao', I heard that you are a wise man, so I treat you differently from others. I never thought that you are also a confused person!"

"How do you say this?" "Living Cao Cao" looks angry on the surface, but in fact he deliberately uses his own situation to confuse the other party's judgment and increase the other party's psychological pressure. As a result, Zhang Shun did not accept his words at all, but instead commented on him himself.

"To put it bluntly, you are nothing more than a lost dog!" Zhang Shun sneered, "I couldn't survive in Shaanxi. I was killed by the officers and soldiers like butchering dogs. Countless people were killed. I finally managed to escape to Shanxi. Ridong is hiding in Tibet, like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts to beat him!"

"It's pitiful that the second master spent all his time trying to find a way out for everyone. As a result, everyone was divided and worked on their own affairs. They were defeated by the officers and soldiers and died in a foreign country! As a foreigner, I look at it and feel sad for you. In the end, you still have one You are here just pretending to be here, fighting for power and gain. It’s really ridiculous, ridiculous!”

"Living Cao Cao" couldn't help but became furious when he heard this, threw the tea cup, slapped the table and shouted: "You can't stand and talk without pain, it's my brother from Shaanxi who died emotionally, you can laugh at him as much as you want, without any sympathy! "

"Sympathy? What's the use of sympathy!" Zhang Shun asked back, "The dead are gone, but the living are like this! The officers and soldiers are strong, and the rebels are weak. There is a clear distinction between strength and weakness. Now that we and the rebels are so intrigued, sooner or later Caught for it!"

"Living Cao Cao" saw Zhang Shuntu's helplessness and sneered in his heart, thinking: After all, you still want me to work hard for you, let's see how you say it.

Thinking of this, he put away his angry expression and asked with a half-smile: "In your opinion, what should we do?"

"Divided we are weak, united we are strong. Our thirty-sixth battalion commander has hundreds of men and horses under his command, ranging from hundreds to thousands. There are no less than 20,000 to 30,000 men who dare to fight. If we work together, why worry about encirclement and suppression by officers and soldiers?" Zhang Shun replied naturally as if he didn't see the expression on "Living Cao Cao".

"Hmph!" "Living Cao Cao" couldn't help snorting when he heard this, and said sarcastically: "The relationship is good, you take the opportunity to be the leader of the thirty-sixth camp, and we will sell it for you. You won't suffer any loss, you' Optimus Prime 'It's a good plan!"

"Hahaha!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "You really judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. No wonder you have accomplished nothing since the uprising."

"You regard the position of leader of the alliance as a treasure, but I have abandoned it like a shoe. People's hearts are not unified and the laws are not up to date. Although it is called the leader of the alliance, it is actually a position that blocks the gun and takes the blame. If it hadn't been for the second leader 'Zijin Liang' who had many conflicts with I am conversing with all my heart, hoping to find a way out with you, and entrust you to me. I will lead the army to other places sooner or later, and sooner or later I will accomplish great things!"

"Are you serious?" "Living Cao Cao" couldn't help but be suspicious when he heard that Zhang Shun didn't care much about the position of alliance leader, and even pointed out the awkwardness of the "alliance leader's" power now.

"A good man, with ambitions in all directions!" Zhang Shun suddenly stood up, opened his arms and said energetically, "An Neng is like a snake and a rat, fighting among itself in its nest? It's not that I, 'Optimus Prime', am boasting. In June last year, because of the Yellow River The only reason we can't raise troops is to break the embankment. In less than a year now, I have defeated Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuan Dynasty, and killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi. I am so powerful in the capital that I am famous in Shanxi. I am also a hero of the moment!"

"You are so ignorant that you have been fighting and fleeing until now. You have achieved nothing and almost lost your life. You are just some 'pig teammates'. If I were the leader of the alliance, I would not only become the target of fire by the officers and soldiers, but I would also have to find ways to protect you, which is a huge worry. I want you What’s the use of following my orders?”

"Personally speaking, I have strong soldiers and generals who are famous for their ability to fight and dare to fight. If they surrender, Chongzhen's son will definitely sweep up the bed to welcome him. The northern barbarians have been harassing the border for a long time. It is the time for the country to employ people. Let's talk about one less person. I should be indispensable for the position of Commander-in-Chief."

"If I want to rebel, I just need to find a foundation and seize it. If the officers and soldiers come, I will destroy it. If the officers and soldiers don't come, I will be free. How happy I am! Isn't it better than leading a bunch of ignorant and mediocre people like you? How happy are you guys here?"

Zhang Shun's words made the "living Cao Cao" dizzy. This "living Cao Cao" can be considered a resourceful person, with complicated thoughts, and it is easy for him to think too much.

As a result, after Zhang Shun's words came out, he couldn't figure out the pros and cons for a long time. Instead, he felt that Zhang Shun's words were reasonable, and he believed it in his heart.

"Living Cao Cao" can be regarded as a man of loyalty. Seeing that everyone misunderstood Zhang Shun, he felt a little less confident. After chatting with Zhang Shun for a few words, he left the sword he brought with him, got up and left, ready to go back and think deeply.

Zhang Shun sent the "living Cao Cao" out of the door, and then returned to the house with the sword. At this time, Zhang Shenyan, Xu Ziyuan, Li Xin and others had all come out of the back room.

When they saw Zhang Shun, they couldn't help but bowed in admiration and said, "My lord (general) is really eloquent, with a lotus-like tongue, nothing more than that!"

"Where, where!" Zhang Shun said politely, "I just have some words from the bottom of my heart. I won't be happy if I don't say them!"

On the second day, the rebel commanders turned out to be evil. The "King of Troubled Times" was the first to ask Zhang Shunfa: "How did the second master 'Zijin Liang' die, but I want to ask him!"

"When I arrived, the second master was already seriously injured. I heard other rebels say that it was the second master's 'Zijinliang' who, in order to protect our Jiyuan, this place where we were repairing, worked with the officer and soldier Deng Qi. In a fierce battle, he was accidentally hit by an arrow and died!" Although Zhang Shun was somewhat unsure of where this "King of Troubled Times" would put his strength, he tried his best to make his words as smooth as possible.

"Okay!" "The King of Troubled Times" shouted, "Then the second master swore that 'if he makes any lies, he will be killed by random arrows.' I don't know if this oath still counts!"

Thank you to fans "Po Shui" for the large reward, thank you for your support!

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