Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 300 Unified Thoughts

Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he saw that everyone reluctantly agreed that he would temporarily serve as the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion, but his expression remained calm as he continued to pursue the victory and said:

"The Art of War says that 'war is the major event of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival.' When the two armies are intersecting, if one thing is lost, the whole game will be lost. Since you all agree that I will temporarily occupy the position of leader of the alliance, my wealth and life will be at my disposal. In my hands, for the sake of everyone’s lives, you must act as ordered.”

"If there is any violation, it will cost everyone's life. Don't blame me for being ruthless in military law. At that time, if you say anything about me using chicken feathers as command arrows, you will lose your status!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock after hearing this. We have just agreed that you will be the leader of the alliance. How dare you take the next step in military law? You are really using chicken feathers as arrows!

Seeing that everyone was quite dissatisfied, Zhang Shun took a step back: "Don't blame me for saying ugly things in front of others. I, Zhang Shun, have always been fair and just in my dealings. If someone violates the order, I cannot deal with it in accordance with public conscience. Everyone can recommend it together." If someone else takes my place, wouldn’t it mean that I am following everyone’s wishes?”

"Now that the second leader has died in battle, officers and soldiers have gathered. This is a time when life and death are at stake. Only by uniting as one and sharing the same desire can we defeat the powerful enemy and survive! If you are half-hearted and do your own thing, wouldn't you be responsible for your own life and the lives of others? responsibility?"

Zhang Shun's rhetoric is not to say flawless, but fortunately it is reasonable. Zhang Shun first retreated in order to advance, taking advantage of the fact that there was no better candidate, and reluctantly got everyone to agree that he would serve as the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion.

Then, as he was already the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion, he reasonably and legally deduced that he should have the power to command the Thirty-sixth Battalion for the sake of the Thirty-sixth Battalion.

Leaders of the rebel armies, you look at me and I look at you, both of them have nothing to say. What's more, Zhang Shun deliberately exposed his name to everyone to show his sincerity, so they had no choice but to acquiesce to Zhang Shun's proposal.

Seeing that everyone had no objections for the time being, Zhang Shun quickly ordered Xu Ziyuan to put up the map in order to avoid long nights and nightmares, and said to everyone: "Since no one has any objections, I will explain to everyone the current situation facing the rebels."

Xu Ziyuan's map was a simple map he drew after following Zhang Shun and inquiring about nearby news along the way.

The map covers the Yellow River in the south, Liaozhou, Wutai Mountain, Daomaguan, Lingqiu County and other places in the north, the counties east of the Taihang Mountains in the east, and Qinshui, Yuanqu and other places in the west. Some places are also marked with distances of thirty miles, fifty miles, etc. Although the map is not very accurate, it is barely enough for the use of troops in this era.

Zhang Shun asked Li Xin to hand over a small wooden stick about three feet tall, pointed at the map and said: "Now the officers and soldiers are strong. There are roughly three groups of soldiers and horses, which pose the greatest threat to us. One is Zhang Yingchang who is stationed in Fenzhou and leads a large army to defend the western part of Taiyuan. Secondly, Cao Wenzhao garrisoned Dingzhou and led a large army to defend the eastern part of Taiyuan; thirdly, Deng Qi, Zuo Liangyu and others led a large army to garrison Zhangde Mansion."

"Today, troops are used everywhere in these three places. Fenzhou is too far away, and I don't know how to win or lose there. Now Cao Wenzhao has defeated us many times in places such as Wutai, Yuxian, Shouyang, Yushe, and Licheng. Army. Even our army’s camp in Licheng County has fallen.”

"And Deng Qi, Zuo Liangyu and others led their armies in Zhangde Mansion and attacked the rebels in Wu'an, Lin County and other places many times. The 'Chuang Jiang's' base camp is in Wu'an. We should know the outcome there!"

"General" Huang Lai'er is actually confused now. He saw that everyone was discussing the position of alliance leader, but why did he suddenly start talking about the war between the government and the bandit?

Fortunately, Huang Lai'er had personal experience, so he didn't need to organize his words, so he responded directly: "What 'Optimus Prime' said is true. Our army fought many battles with officers and soldiers in Wu'an and Lin County, and both sides won and lost. It’s just that the losses of the rebel army were too great, and many of the rebel leaders were unfortunately captured by Zuo Liangyu and others. The second master and I had no choice but to retreat to Jiyuan."

Zhang Shun saw that "Running General" was quite cooperative, so he nodded approvingly, and then said to everyone: "The above is the current situation. I wonder if you have any other information that you need to add?"

Zhang Shun analyzed the current situation from a high level and immediately stunned the ignorant rebel commanders. In the past, they just followed the trend. When they heard that there were many officers and soldiers there, they tried to avoid it; when they heard that there was plenty of money and no officers and soldiers to defend it, they took the opportunity to plunder. They never have long-term plans and just take it one step at a time. Where have they seriously collected relevant intelligence?

For example, the second masters "Purple Gold Liang" and "Chuang Jiang" deliberately set up their camps in dangerous terrains, which can be called farsightedness. How could they think so much on ordinary days?

As a result, everyone couldn't help but be a little convinced of Zhang Shun, and they added some information they knew to make Zhang Shun understand the current situation more clearly. However, what everyone added was mostly minutiae, and there was no subversive news.

Seeing that everyone was speaking enthusiastically, Zhang Shun secretly thought that he had a plan, so he took the opportunity to ask everyone to express their opinions. As a result, everyone who was lively just now was suddenly speechless.

After coming here for a long time, "Living Cao Cao" saw that the situation was too embarrassing, so he reluctantly said: "Listen to what you want, we are going to fight the officers and soldiers, but I don't know who we are going to fight? We are all big bosses, and you are the leader of the alliance. How can we You mention it, we will check for any deficiencies and make up for them!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart: Ha! You are experts in civil war and outsiders in foreign wars. The intelligence has been provided to you, but you still can't figure out how to deal with it. I am a good hand when it comes to fighting for power and gain, but I will be wilted when fighting with officers and soldiers. I really deserve to be hacked to pieces along the way!

Zhang Shenyan had been silent since Zhang Shun explained the situation to other rebel leaders. He stared at Zhang Shun seriously and was quite shocked.

Zhang Shenyan was also a person who had participated in the early dynasty many times. As he looked at it, he seemed to see Zhang Shungao sitting on the dragon throne, summoning his subordinates to hold a court meeting.

He couldn't help but secretly said "Awesome!" Zhang Shun's method of raising questions, analyzing problems and solving problems would be considered ordinary by later generations. However, it was unheard of for rogue bandits in the late Ming Dynasty. Even in the Ming Dynasty at this time, there were constant quarrels and disputes.

Zhang Shun's process of first raising questions, secondly analyzing intelligence, and thirdly discussing solutions may seem simple, but it is a real and scientific method of solving problems, which avoids many meaningless quarrels and arguments.

Zhang Shun easily controlled the theme of the meeting, avoided a large number of disagreements, and guided the meeting in the direction of solving problems. In particular, the person who is negotiating with Zhang Shun now is the rebel commander who just tried to remove him from the position of leader, which further shows the power of Zhang Shun's methods.

There is still one update today, I’m sorry!

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