Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 301 Know yourself and the enemy (Part 1)

Zhang Shun raised his eyes and saw that other rebel leaders avoided his gaze and did not dare to speak. Zhang Shuncai hated the iron and shouted: "It's just this once, it won't be the same next time!"

"When we hold a meeting in the future, I will provide the information first, and everyone will add to it. After the information is presented, I will conduct a rough analysis for the time being, and everyone will add and improve it. Finally, I hope everyone will speak up and express their opinions on how to act!"

"If I was asked to shoulder the responsibility alone every time, firstly, I would be too tired, and secondly, everyone would have objections to my position as alliance leader. Wouldn't it make me, Zhang Shun, more domineering and dictatorial?"

Zhang Shun showed no fear and looked like a later generation teacher who would discipline his students for not handing in their homework. He immediately silenced and convinced these unruly rebel leaders.

It’s hard not to accept it. After all, compared to Zhang Shun, even if they know a few words, they are still considered rough and tumble. How could they come up with such a detailed and complete plan in a moment?

The "Eight Kings" couldn't stand what Zhang Shun said. He blushed and defended: "We haven't read many books, so we can't compete with you. When it comes to fighting, we are all good at talking. , but we can’t!”

Zhang Shun pointed out unceremoniously: "You are good at fighting? They have been driven from Shaanxi to Shanxi, and from Shanxi to Henan. Maybe you will be trapped and die near Jiyuan. How dare you claim that you are good at it?"

"I defeated Zhang Zongheng, the governor-general of Xuan Dynasty, killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, and shocked the three places of Shanxi, Zhili, and the capital. It is not in vain to say that it is "war". Do you dare to call it "war" when you are as panic-stricken as a bereaved dog?"

Zhang Shun cursed so loudly that the "Eight Kings" became a little embarrassed. Don't tell me, these rebel leaders are really doing this.

Whether such people have read books or have not read books, they are all bullies. In their opinion, the method of "keeping a tightrope in doing things" means that they are weak and incompetent, and they are bastards if they don't take advantage.

Previously, Zhang Shun was easy to discuss with them, but they bullied Zhang Shun because he was young and not from their hometown. Now that Zhang Shun was scolding them mercilessly, they felt that Zhang Shun was quite the leader of the alliance.

Zhang Shun saw that they were convinced and he also made progress. He thought to himself: It turns out that to be a leader, one must be courageous. In the words of later generations, one must have the courage to take on responsibilities. No matter what you do, you can't be timid or hesitant, worried that your subordinates may have this or that idea!

You must issue mission goals simply and decisively, and at the same time shape your subordinates into what you want. You must be firm in your heart so that your subordinates will know which direction to push hard; if you are wavering left and right, your subordinates will be at a loss as to what to do and conflicts will arise.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun continued expressionlessly: "Stop talking nonsense, let's continue talking about combat matters."

"Now, with our Jiyuan as the center, officers and soldiers are besieging our army from three directions: Fenzhou, Pingding Prefecture and Zhangde Prefecture. Among them, Fenzhou is the farthest and is out of reach, so we can ignore it for the time being; the other ones are in the north Pingding the disciples of Cao Wenzhao and Deng Qi and Zuo Liangyu of Zhangde Prefecture."

"Among them, Cao Wenzhao is the most powerful. He has generals like Hu Dawei, Fierce Tiger, Ai Wannian, He Renlong, Li Bei, and Po Ximu. They are all brave and good at fighting. They cannot compete with him. Secondly, The disciples of Deng Qi and Zuo Liangyu were defeated by me one after another, their muscles and bones were injured, and it was difficult to restore their morale for a while."

"In my opinion, we should divide our troops to occupy Tianjing Pass to defend Cao Wenzhao from leading his troops south. However, now that Cao Wenzhao is fully pursuing and suppressing other rebel armies, he may not be willing to take advantage of us if he can easily gain credit."

"Then, set up a unified command to the west of Jiyuan, closely monitor the movements of officers and soldiers in the direction of Yuanqu, and be on guard against Zhang Yingchang suddenly leading his army from the west to sneak attack on our Jiyuan city."

"The rest of the generals will lead their men who dare to fight and go eastward with me. I am preparing to attack from inside and outside with the Wu'an and Lin County rebels, defeat Deng Qi, Zuo Liangyu and other troops in one fell swoop, and relieve the officers and soldiers of their war on us. Threats to the homeland.”

"From Zhangde Mansion to the west to Jiyuan, there is a vast plain. There is Taihang in the north, Wangwu in the west, and the Yellow River in the south. Only the east is the gateway. If we cannot defeat Deng Qi, Zuo Liangyu and other troops in time, once the army of officers and soldiers If we are surrounded, I will be trapped to death!"

When everyone heard this, they were shocked. They didn't pay as much attention to collecting intelligence as Zhang Shun did. They had Xu Ziyuan draw maps. In the past, they really didn't think about it so carefully. Now that Zhang Shun analyzed it, they realized that they were in a dangerous situation.

They quickly expressed their willingness to fight and were willing to go to Zhangde Mansion with Zhang Shun to defeat Deng Qi, Zuo Liangyu and other troops stationed here.

Zhang Shun smiled slightly and said quickly: "Don't worry, everyone. No matter how anxious you are, there is no need to rush into this moment."

"Today, I have only met you a few times, and some of you have just met for the first time. Not to mention the generals and soldiers under your command, we don't know each other. This is called 'the general does not know the soldiers, and the soldiers do not know the soldiers' "General, if I, Zhang Shun, lead such a large army, I probably don't care about everyone's lives and my own."

The "sweeping king" listened for a long time without saying a word, so he took the opportunity to stand up and said: "What do you want to do? Let's draw a line and let's discuss it later!"

This guy is also a rough guy, his words are vulgar and quite harsh. Zhang Shun was not angry, but smiled and said: "Although we have many people under our command, some of them are famous, and some are old, weak, women and children, all of them are included. These are just fake, just to deceive outsiders."

"Now that everyone is on his own, I also sent my subordinate Xu Ziyuan, yes, the man who drew the map for everyone, to count the number of available troops under each leader. How many cavalry, how many infantry, and everything. If you know it clearly, you will be able to fight!"

"The King of Chaos" was still a little unconvinced and asked: "Now, haven't you read through our old records? What does this matter have to do with the war? I think you are just being mysterious!"

Zhang Shun laughed loudly when he heard this, as if he had heard a big joke, and said sarcastically: "Have you never heard of the saying 'Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be safe in a hundred battles'? The most taboo thing in military warfare is not knowing the enemy and not knowing yourself."

"Now I have spent all my efforts and tried all my methods to find out the truth of the officers and soldiers. However, this is the first time for you and I to fight together, and it involves everyone's lives and property. If you are not careful, everything will be lost. So. , I can’t be careless!”

"Now that the statistics have been completed, the respective troops and horses are clearly visible. I know everyone's true and false, and everyone will also know mine. As the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion, I am not afraid that you will take the opportunity to stumble me, so what are you afraid of me? Woolen cloth?"

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