Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 302: Know yourself and know the enemy (Part 2)

After Zhang Shun finished questioning him, he still refused to give up and continued to ask: "Do you have anything else that you can't tell anyone? Are you afraid that everyone will find out?"

Seeing that Zhang Shun was so aggressive and aggressive, the "King of Troubled Times" did not dare to continue to pester him, so he had to reluctantly respond: "If everyone is willing, I will not be such a villain in vain!"

The others had already been confused by Zhang Shun's manipulations. They suddenly had so many things agreed upon for no apparent reason, and it was inevitable that they felt a little uneasy.

It's just that they thought about it and didn't realize that they had been deceived. It was a problem that had to be solved as a matter of course, so they had no choice but to accept it.

Zhang Shun also knew that he had pushed too hard today. In order to show his sincerity, he specially appointed Xu Ziyuan as the chief and Qixu Taoist as his deputy to go and count the troops of each battalion.

In addition, Zhang Shun specially sent Huang Lai'er, the "traveling general", to lead his troops to take the lead, occupy Tianjing Pass, and explore the movements of Cao Wenzhao. He also sent his general Li Jiyu to lead two to three hundred people to the west of Jiyuan to explore Zhang Yingchang in Fenzhou. news; dispatched Chen Changzhen to lead five hundred cavalry to investigate the news of Deng Qi and Zuo Liangyu, and at the same time communicate with the Wu'anlin County rebels in order to attack their opponents from both inside and outside.

Especially before Zhang Shun left, he gave Li Jiyu many instructions for fear that something would happen to the west. Zhang Shun had only taken a little precaution against this, just in case.

As a result, Zhang Shenyan later told him that during the Battle of Changping during the Warring States Period, the Qin army went from Hedong, which is now the Yuncheng Basin and Linfen Basin, all the way east, passing Zhiguanxing and reaching Yewang.

This wild king was near Huaiqing Mansion in the Ming Dynasty. Then the Qin army went upstream along the Dan River and launched the Battle of Changping. In one battle, he annihilated Zhao's 400,000-strong army, seized the land of Shangdang in South Korea, and broke the "backbone of the world."

To be honest, Zhang Shun was very worried about being surrounded by officers and soldiers on three sides at this time and annihilating the rebel army in Huaiqing Mansion in one fell swoop.

However, crisis, crisis, since there is danger, there are also great opportunities. Zhang Shun didn't know it before, but after "Chuang Jiang" and others supplemented the information. Zhang Shuncai learned that Zhang Yingchang was stationed in Fenzhou, but he was fighting with "King Chuang" and could not go back for a while.

Cao Wenzhao in the north was responsible for the Zelu area, and there were many rebels, like gophers, running around everywhere. Cao Wenzhao, a famous general of the generation, was eating ashes behind the small and chaotic rebel army.

Although Deng Qi, Zuo Liangyu and others had the upper hand in Wu'an and Lin counties, they still could not completely eliminate the rebels here.

Because in addition to the "Chuang Jiang" and other people from the west of Shaanxi, the rebels here thought that there were also many local people who could not survive.

The terrain here is difficult and the people are in poverty. It is a place of "poor mountains and bad water". Since ancient times, "poor mountains and harsh waters have brought out unruly people", and the "unruly people" here are also very powerful.

The so-called "difficult people" are not born with such temperament. However, transportation here is inconvenient and arable land is severely lacking. In order to survive, people have to hunt to supplement their household income while desperately competing for resources with neighboring villages, neighboring counties, and neighboring provinces.

Since ancient times, this place has been a place full of martial virtues and popular fighting. Nalin County is the hometown of Hongqi Canal in later generations. It can be imagined that the place is dangerous and poor. Even in the 1990s, fighting broke out in the area to compete for water resources. Even the famous Red Flag Canal in the Republic was blown up, causing huge economic losses. The two sides even used weapons such as artillery and explosives many times, and the incident directly shocked the central government.

In comparison, the thousands of people fighting with clans as the core in the south seem petty.

Entering modern society, state management is unprecedentedly strong, and this place is still so "full of martial virtues." What's more, it is easy to imagine how difficult it would be for Wu'an, Linxian and other places to tame the poor governance in the late Ming Dynasty.

What's more, with the Ming army's virtue of "thieves passing like a comb, soldiers passing like a grate", it was easy for them to come into conflict with the people in Wu'an, Lin County and other places, and then rebellions broke out, making it impossible to suppress them.

After Zhang Shun learned of these situations, he was overjoyed and couldn't help but take the opportunity to integrate the thirty-sixth battalion of rebels and march eastward to wipe out Deng Qi and Zuo Liangyu's troops who were the greatest threat to the rebels in Huaiqing Prefecture.

Then, the army can either go eastward and jump out of the encirclement; or it can go northward, defeat Cao Wenzhao and occupy Shangdang's land as a base; or it can go westward, defeat Zhang Yingchang, and return to Shaanxi. Do whatever you want and don't be trapped by officers and soldiers.

Zhang Shun's plan had been decided, and Taoist Qi Xu, who had not thought about visiting him for a long time, was the former Taoist Master Ma. He put aside his work with Xu Ziyuan to count the soldiers and horses of each battalion and came to visit. Zhang Shun quickly put down his work, dismissed everyone, and went out to greet him personally.

The Qixu Taoist was welcomed into the room. After seeing the ceremony, he said immediately: "My lord, although you are temporarily occupying the position of leader of the thirty-sixth camp, you are actually living in a gunpowder magazine. You don't know when you will be blown to pieces!"

Zhang Shun didn't look outside when he heard the words, and sighed and said: "Master Qixu, how could I not know? But there are officers and soldiers outside, and there are rebel leaders inside who are restraining us, so what can we do!"

Taoist Qi Xu laughed when he heard this and said, "I have three strategies to offer you and help your lord!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and asked quickly: "I would like to hear the details. I don't know what you can teach me?"

"The first strategy is to change the name to determine the superiority and inferiority." Taoist Quxu said with a smile, "In order to avoid being noticed by others, my lord just called himself 'Optimus Prime'. Now that he has succumbed to the position of leader of the thirty-sixth camp, This old name cannot be used again."

"Nowadays, there are many kings in the rebel army. If my lord proclaims himself emperor, it would be too arrogant. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to take the throne as the leader of the thirty-sixth camp and change his name to King Shun to show his native virtue."

When Zhang Shun heard this, he clapped his hands and applauded. This King Shun was originally the name "Little Yuchi" Wei Congyi made up in order to intimidate the capital, and now it happens to be loud and clear. What's more, he was born with double pupils and has always regarded himself as Emperor Shun. Now he is called King Shun, which is the right time.

Besides, the "kings" with various nicknames such as "King Chuang", "King Zuojin", "King of Troubled Times" and so on among the rebels are not considered true kings. Now that he calls himself "King Shun", he is actually in a state of ambiguity. He can pretend to be a miscellaneous "King" like the first three, or he can be regarded as a formal king.

He ordered the thirty-sixth battalion in this way, which was justified and became a habit. If he were to take the opportunity to reward the generals and give each of them a title, then the hierarchy of superiors and inferiors would be determined.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but said happily: "The Taoist Master still knows me, and now Shun is able to hold the position of leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion, all because of the Taoist Master. Without the Taoist Master, I, Zhang Shun, would not be where I am today!"

Upon hearing this, Taoist Qi Xu also hurriedly said a few polite words. For a while, the monarch and his ministers were in a happy mood with each other, and there was no more intrigues and deceptions when they parted.

Without you and me, both parties know their true qualities, and they no longer have the confidence to be arrogant and arrogant.

The two updates have been completed. The fighting in Lin County is just to illustrate the situation here. The fundamental reason is involution and does not involve regional disputes. After the 21st century, with the changes in society, everyone is living a better life, and violence rarely occurs. If you are interested, you can search on Baidu on your own. Do not discuss it in this chapter, so as not to damage the work.

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