After a few days, Xu Ziyuan and Taoist Wuxu finally figured out the plans of the rebels who had been invited.

"General Chuang" has four thousand warriors who dare to fight, "Eight Kings" has three thousand soldiers, "Living Cao Cao" has two thousand elites, "Sweeper King" has eight hundred warriors, and "King of Troubled Times" has There are three thousand available soldiers, the "Nine Dragons" have 500 soldiers, and the "Armor-breaking Cone" has 700 brave soldiers. In addition to the 3,400 soldiers under Zhang Shun's command, the more than 1,000 cavalry left by "Purple Gold Liang" to Zhang Shun amounted to 18,400 usable soldiers.

Zhang Shun had more than 10,000 infantrymen under his command at the "Purple Gold Liang". Although they were untrained, they were well equipped, so he ordered Zhang Sanbai, Jiang He, and Li Xin to go and sort through them. They picked out 2,000 barely usable soldiers and sent them to The troop strength was increased to about 20,000.

Now that the armor and soldiers were ready for use, Zhang Shun quickly gathered everyone to arrange the funeral of the second master, "Zijin Liang".

It stands to reason that although the second head of the family, "Purple Gold Liang", has a transcendent status, he comes from a precarious background. Even if the burial is carried out, it must be done secretly and carefully, for fear that the officers and soldiers will know about it and the resting place will be disturbed.

However, most affairs in the world cannot be avoided by those who are interested. Zhang Shun was the thoughtful person. The second head of the family, "Purple Gold Liang", had always treated him well. How could he be buried hastily?

Therefore, Zhang Shun appointed Taoist Qi Xu as an "old official" to be responsible for the burial of "Purple Gold Liang". All the expenses were borne by Zhang Shun himself.

One is to "invite" two teams to "blow the trumpet". The so-called "trumpeter" refers to the trumpet class. Generally, they are required to stir up the atmosphere at weddings, weddings and funerals.

This "ringer class" was hard to find. Zhang Shun even sent people to search nearby villages and houses. Many people came here directly because of the sword and the temptation of gold and silver.

Among them, the percussion instruments include drums, gongs, cymbals, and cymbals. The drum is as big as a millstone and is a big cowhide drum. The three bronze musical instruments, gongs, cymbals and cymbals, were produced in Luzhou.

Among the wind instruments, there are sheng, suona, xiao, xun and other objects, with low sounds and back and forth sighs. Those who just listened felt sad and shed tears.

There are also flags of various colors, three-eyed muskets and other cannon firing equipment, all available.

Originally, Zhang Shun wanted to build a luxurious cemetery for the second master "Purple Gold Liang", but was reminded by Qixu Taoist: "The general is kind, I will take it on behalf of the second master. But now the officers and soldiers are strong, in order to prevent them from harassing the second master Qing Jing, please just ask!" Zhang Shun followed the good advice and did not push it forward.

After the funeral, Zhang Shun wore sackcloth and mourning, like a filial son. He cried so much that the front of his clothes was soaked with tears.

He held the spiritual flag in one hand and cried normally: "My parents are the ones who gave birth to me! My second boss is the one who favored me! My second boss treated me like my own flesh and blood. When I bury my second boss, I should be treated like my biological parents!"

Zhang Shun's performance made Zhang Shenyan dumbfounded and couldn't bear to look directly at him. He couldn't help but secretly cursed: Bah! The living are recognized as your biological parents, and the deceased are recognized as your biological parents. You haven't even given birth to a few sons, but your parents recognize them quite a lot! This second-in-command has been so unlucky for eight lifetimes that you regard him as your biological parent.

No matter what others think or say, after Zhang Shun made one operation, he buried the second-in-command "Purple Golden Liang" and led everyone back to Jiyuan with satisfaction.

In order to prevent the second master's "Zijinliang" grave from being destroyed by officers and soldiers, they deliberately chose a remote place in the mountains to prevent anyone from discovering it.

Due to the long distance, Zhang Shun knelt and cried all the way. His knees were almost broken and his tears were almost dry. He finally returned to Jiyuan and almost fell ill.

Ma Yingniang was anxious and annoyed after hearing this, and quickly ran over to see him. At this time, Zhang Shun was lying on the bed and groaning. As a result, Ma Yingniang came up and took off his pants without thinking. Zhang Shun was so frightened that he grabbed his pants tightly and shouted in panic: "What are you doing? Is it indecent!"

Upon hearing this, Ma Yingniang immediately blushed, loosened her hands, straightened her clothes, and responded in a lady-like manner: "General, please don't worry too much. Yingniang heard that you were injured today, so she went to check on the general! "

"Ah? I'm not injured!" Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this, and held his pants tightly and said, "What's more, you are a yellow flower girl, how unbecoming you are!"

"How come you are not injured?" Ma Yingniang became a little anxious and asked quickly: "You have been kowtowing all the way. Look, your head is flattened. How can your knees be intact?"

"Oh, you mean the knees!" Zhang Shun said at a loss for words, "Then why are you taking off my pants? Just roll up the legs!"

"Ah? Ah~ah!" Ma Yingniang's blushing face that had just disappeared immediately turned red again, and she muttered, "This...that person didn't think of it for a moment!"

"Okay, okay, I have nothing to do. You can go back! Say hello to Zhang Sanbai for me." Zhang Shun said speechlessly. If you become the leader of the alliance, your subordinates won't have to worry about it. Ma Yingniang didn't look good on herself before, but now that she saw that she had been promoted, she abandoned Zhang Sanbai and came to climb her own branch. This really made her feel happy!

Fortunately, Zhang Shun knew that the overall situation was important and could not control his own crotch, so he declined Ma Yingniang's "seduce" to prevent his family from causing discord between the emperor and his ministers because of a woman.

When Ma Yingniang heard this, she refused to comply and insisted on looking at his knees. Zhang Shun had no choice but to pull up his pants and let Ma Yingniang check.

When Ma Yingniang saw that Zhang Shun's knees were a little red, there was no damage at all. She couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Could it be that the general's knees are made of iron? He must have knelt a lot in the past and he just practiced this skill." !”

Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this. Are you praising me or hurting me? He could only smile awkwardly and said: "Actually, I made a pair of knee braces before, so I didn't suffer any losses!"

"Who did it?" Ma Yingniang asked quickly.

"Sanniang sewed it for me when she had nothing to do!" Zhang Shun thought for a moment and had to remind her that he already had a wife.

Ma Yingniang curled her lips and said sourly: "She understands you! You must have done such unethical things in the past!"

Ouch! Why do I call this something immoral? Am I not doing this for the sake of the overall situation? If people don’t know that I am not angry, am I not a gentleman? Zhang Shun was too lazy to argue with her. The melons and plums in the fields would inevitably cause gossip, so he found a reason to drive her out.

Not long after Ma Yingniang left Zhang Shun's door, someone came over to meet her. It was none other than Ma Yingniang's Wu Ma.

When Wu Ma saw Ma Yingniang, she winked and asked, "How's it going, girl? Is this a good idea? Is it done?"

The author overestimates his ability to write emotional dramas, which is light. . .

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