The second head of the family, "Purple Gold Liang", came to the world in a bustling manner and left in a glorious manner. However, life should be lived as it should be. Without Butcher Zhang, we would not eat pigs with hair on them.

Without "Purple Golden Liang", we can't cry from morning to night, and from night to morning, and then cry him back to life.

So, two or three days later, Zhang Shun asked the Qixu Taoist people to choose an auspicious day, hosted a banquet for the guests, and held a grand inauguration ceremony for the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion.

For a ceremony like this, Taoist Master Qi Xu couldn't do it. He could only ask Zhang Shenyan to take action, dig out the relevant etiquette from the pile of old papers, modify it and use it.

Everyone pledged their blood to become an alliance and said: "Today, I, so-and-so, and the brothers of the Thirty-sixth Battalion present and not present jointly elect 'Optimus Prime' Zhang Shun as the leader of the alliance, and the Thirty-sixth Battalion jointly swear:"

"The Ming Dynasty has no way, and the people are in dire straits. Today, my thirty-sixth battalion brothers do not wish to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but they wish to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day. We will conspire to defeat the Ming Dynasty, punish the unjust people, destroy the violent Ming Dynasty, and protect China."

"On the evening of the Yuan Dynasty, the tyranny of the Yuan Dynasty was tyrannical, and the righteous people were everywhere. Only Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, was a genius, and he obeyed the destiny of the heaven. He defeated the heroes in the south and drove the Tartars in the north. The sun and the moon reopened the Great Song Dynasty, and the land of China was on the verge of being lost. Now it is already two More than one hundred and sixty years.”

"Since ancient times, there has been no dynasty that cannot be destroyed, and no family legacy that cannot be defeated. Nowadays, natural disasters occur frequently, righteous people are everywhere, and the shadow of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang has also been exhausted. We are willing to work together, share the joys and sorrows, open up the world again, and help the people. In water and fire!”

"If you violate this oath, both humans and gods will be angry, and the sky will strike with thunder!"

The oath has been completed, and everyone is lining up to do it. Zhang Shun looked at everyone's red lips and wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare.

It turns out that the so-called blood alliance is to smear the blood of animals on the lips to swear an alliance, so all the commanders of the thirty-sixth battalion looked like they were wearing lipstick.

Originally, Zhang Shun wanted to be independent from the Thirty-sixth Battalion and wrote the oath between Zhang Shun and the Thirty-sixth Battalion. As a result, the "general" came up and every battalion in the rebel army went forward and succeeded.

If the leader dies in battle, others will take over the title of leader and continue fighting. Since Zhang Shun inherited the troops from the second leader's "Purple Golden Liang", he should be counted as one of the thirty-six battalions.

Zhang Shun thought for a moment, thinking that he was accepted by the Thirty-sixth Battalion as one of his own, and agreed to the suggestion of "Running General" Huang Lai'er.

It's just that Zhang Shun didn't want to inherit the name of "Purple Golden Liang". When he was about to talk about it with everyone, he suddenly heard a commotion outside. He couldn't help shouting loudly: "Who is in charge outside? During this ceremony, there is no need to make any noise!"

At this time, Taoist Qi Xu hurried in and whispered a few words to Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun couldn't help being surprised and said: "Is this happening?"

Everyone saw Zhang Shun looking strange and quickly asked what happened outside. Zhang Shun smiled and said: "I'm not very clear either. It's hard to explain clearly in just a few words. Why don't you all follow me and take a look."

The leaders of the rebel army became even more curious after hearing this, and they all got up and followed Zhang Shun outside the hall. I saw a lot of people gathered outside, many of whom were shirtless and wearing only a pair of calf-nose pants, shouting and screaming.

Zhang Shun saw that the leader was none other than Huang Shoucai, the "River God" whom he had not seen for a long time.

When Huang Shou saw Zhang Shun coming out, he hurried over to see him and bow to him. Everyone asked strangely: "Who are you? Where do you come from? What are you doing here? If you make noise again and make my grandfather unhappy, I will send you to see Yama as soon as possible!"

Huang Shoucai had also done business without capital on the river. He was not afraid of them, but smiled and said: "I am the 'River God' of the Yellow River here. I have been repairing the river embankment here in the past two years, so I am somewhat famous."

"You are so brave, but you are just a human being, and you still dare to call yourself the River God?" Taoist Qixu scolded.

"Whether it's a god or a human being, it doesn't matter." "River God" Huang Shoucai said with a smile, "It's just that we dug out an object in the Yellow River in the past two days and asked the old Taoist priest to estimate the price and sell it to all the heroes. Money to buy rice!”

"What kind of rare object is it? Let us take a look!" Everyone heard it interestingly and asked curiously.

"It's this sacred stone. It's completely natural. I don't know what year it was." Huang Shoucai quickly pointed to a large object wrapped in red cloth behind him and said, "Last night, a bright light suddenly appeared in the water of the Yellow River, and only a thunderbolt was heard. The explosion caused the water of the Yellow River to splash three to four feet, and then something like this flew out."

"We thought this thing was unusual. If the government knew about it, they would definitely come to snatch it. So we hid it secretly and specially used eight cows to pull it here and asked all the rebels to bid."

The "Eight Kings" was a man with an impatient temper, and he said, "It's just a mystery, let me see what this is all about!" After saying this, he took a step forward and pulled off the red cloth.

Suddenly, a large, round, slippery pebble was revealed in front of everyone. When everyone took a closer look, they saw a line of big characters written on it: "Wooden hanging curved ruler will stop when it is smooth; when it is clear and turns into turbidity, earth will overcome it!"

This is nothing else, it is the "Yellow River Stele" on which Zhang Shun and others discovered the prophecy. This was the first time that Qixu Taoist saw this thing. He couldn't help but feel curious about it, so he ran over and rubbed it repeatedly.

It turns out that that day, when Taoist Qi Xu offered advice to Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun had just finished offering his first advice, and Zhang Shun quickly asked: "Although your first advice is good, everyone is unwilling to accept it. How can you agree with me?" ?”

The Qixu Taoist smiled and said: "My lord, this is easy to hear. I once heard that my lord and others found a strange stone on the bank of the Yellow River. I just used it to make an article to show that my lord has my destiny."

So Zhang sent someone privately to look for the "River God" Huang Shoucai, and what happened today happened.

When everyone saw these four prophecies, they didn't know how to interpret them and started talking about them.

Seeing this, Taoist Qi Xu quickly bowed to Zhang Shun three times and shouted loudly: "Congratulations, lord, congratulations, lord!"

Zhang Shun quickly said falsely: "Where does happiness come from? What does Qixu Taoist mean by this?"

"Happiness comes from the sky, joy comes from the river!" Taoist Taoist Qi Xu replied in a gushing voice, "My lord, look at this stone. It is round on the outside and square on the inside, to resemble the heaven and earth. It was offered by God. This is the Lord's destiny! "

"There are four prophecies in the letter. The curved wooden ruler is the ruler of Zhu's family. If it stops when it is smooth, it is the ruler of the Ming Dynasty. The clear and turbid ones are the ruler of Hong. The ruler is the ruler of Tu De. These four lines are the ruler. My lord, destroy the Ming Dynasty in the south and the Jin Dynasty in the north, and the four seas will be unified."

This Jin Kingdom was founded by Nurhachi, and at this time, the country's name had not yet been changed to Qing. At this time, the leader of the Jin Kingdom was none other than the famous Huang Taiji in later generations. At this time, he was often translated as Hong Tai by the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, Taoist Quxu said "clear and turbid" means: the river water is crystal clear but suddenly becomes turbid. This is a flood, so it refers to Hongtai, which means the Kingdom of Jin.

After hearing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but secretly complained: Old Taoist priest, you are really good at talking nonsense!

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