Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 379 Good Place

Baodu Village is such a great place! Zhang Shun came to this conclusion after a personal inspection by Song Xiance, Xiao Qinhu and Zhang Dudu.

Baodu Village is fourteen to five miles away from Sanchuanji, and the terrain is more dangerous than Shunwangping. Baodu Village is located at the top of Baochun Mountain, surrounded by thousands of walls. The depression on the top of the mountain is like a dustpan, which is a first-class defensive and dangerous place.

Zhang Shun didn't know that from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, villages were first formed because the villagers fled the war, and then they were occupied by bandits. Later, in order to eliminate this reactionary force, the People's Liberation Army attacked Baodu Village three times and sacrificed more than 500 people before finally eliminating the bandits here.

The People's Liberation Army's bravery and skill in fighting have paid such a high price, which shows that this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Zhang Shun liked it and quickly pointed it out to the matchmaker. The red lady has been quite sad since she lost King Shun Ping, but now that she is about to have a new "home", she can't help but smile.

She said with a smile on her face: "There is also a cave on the top of the mountain, called Guo Feng Yu, also known as Bao Chong Cave. The cave is moist. If you dig a little, you can dig out some sweet springs!"

Zhang Shun heard that what she said was interesting. He looked at the far distance to the left and right, and joked in a low voice: "The Baotong Cave in the mountain is quite moist, and you can dig a sweet spring. I just don't know how my wife's "Baotong Cave" is, and whether it can be used by my husband." How many sweet springs can you dig?"

The red lady suddenly blushed, spat at him, and then cursed in a low voice: "You pervert, I'm talking to you about business!"

The red lady only paid attention to his virtue and ignored him, and continued: "As a mountain stronghold, danger is the first priority. And only danger is not enough. Once the enemy is besieged, you will be defeated if you don't fight. Therefore, water and food are the second priority. The second priority, especially water, is not like food, which can be stored at will. Once there is a shortage, it will collapse in an instant!"

"Therefore, whether this place is feasible or not depends on digging a well. When the water from the well comes out, the village can be built. Then dig a water cellar and build a granary before it can be habitable. There are already a number of residential buildings here, and some more will be built depending on the situation. Expand the village The gate, the addition of stables, watchtowers, fortresses and a school grounds inside the village are completed, and the village is initially completed."

"After that, a government office should be added specifically for the leaders of the rebels. Firstly, it will facilitate management, and secondly, it will prevent too many people from seeing things and leaking secrets. Then there will be restaurants, casinos, pharmacies, pawn shops, etc. Then. Baocheng Palace is dilapidated and can be renovated and allocated to Mr. Song for use. Let him recruit two or three more Taoist boys to be responsible for weddings and funerals in the village."

"In addition, there is a gold mine. We need to send reliable people to manage it and continue to dig and wash it. The annual output is two to three hundred taels of gold, which is one to two thousand taels of silver. It is also an income."

Zhang Shun saw that his mother-in-law was getting serious, so he smiled and watched her calculating on her fingers one by one. After listening for a long time, he saw that she was tired from what she said, so he smiled and said: "It's so hard for my wife to work hard for you. My husband is incompetent and it's so easy to save this little family property, but I still have to worry about my wife!"

"By the way, there is also Governor Zhang, who is quite good at defense and firearms. His Qinshuidou Village is just a small village, but it is so impregnable that he manages it. The rebels attacked it three times in a row, but they couldn't take it down. "

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives. As soon as Zhang Shung mentioned Governor Zhang, he rushed over.

It turned out that he originally thought that he was good at firearms, and he was not able to attack such a small village. As a result, before he could exert any strength, he was taken down by Song Xiance, making him redundant.

As the saying goes, "the three things a new official needs to do when he takes office", Governor Zhang had just joined the rebel army, but it didn't work, and he was quite dissatisfied. So, he took the opportunity to find Zhang Shun and suggested: "General, I have checked carefully. This mountain stronghold is located in a mountain depression. There are only three broken trenches on the southeast, northwest and four sides that have been opened as passages to enter the stronghold. They are called Dongzhai. Gate, Beizhai Gate and Xizhai Gate. There is a man who can guard the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it."

"I wish to cast nine thousand kilograms of Hongyi cannons and build them into forts. Even if there are thousands of troops and horses, they cannot be broken! There is one behind each village gate, which is called a 'head cannon'. Once the gate of the village is difficult to defend, you can Attack it with artillery and penetrate it with one shot from the beginning to the end. If the enemy is coming in large numbers, if you only hit it with one shot, the blood will turn into a river and the bones will turn into pulp!"

"There are two more cannons on the left and right of the village gate, which are called 'clip cannons'. One on the left and one on the right, like crabs attacking. If the enemy breaks through the gate and wants to attack the village, just use these two cannons to pinch them, and there will be no way. Not broken!”

After Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but clap his hands and applaud. This so-called "clamp cannon" attacks from left and right like a crab. Isn't it what later generations would call crossfire?

However, Zhang Shun still put forward some opinions of his own: "This place is already dangerous and difficult to attack. It is not that there is a lack of large firearms, but that there is a risk of insufficient firepower. Why not cast two or three thousand kilograms more Hongyi cannons. If the enemy comes to attack, We can take turns to attack them with artillery. If there is a shortage, we can also temporarily use them on secondment. What do you think, Governor Zhang?"

With the idea of ​​"big is good", Captain Zhang originally wanted to try casting a 10,000-jin Hongyi cannon, which would also open Zhang Shun's horizons. I never thought that Zhang Shun did not have the adventurous and reckless spirit of young people, but instead focused on practicality.

Governor Zhang thought for a while and realized that Zhang Shun's method was a good one, so he quickly agreed. Then he asked: "How many doors should be cast?"

Zhang Shun thought for a while and then ordered: "First try casting nine gates to see how powerful they are. If it works well, cast 18 more gates. At that time, each village gate will have nine forts. Once the enemy attacks, You can fire one after another and strike in turn!"

After receiving the order, Governor Zhang began to summon the craftsmen to select iron materials. Zhang Shun then resigned from the Red Lady and called Wukong, Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance together with forty or fifty personal guards to go see the gold mine.

This gold mine is not far from Baodu Village, located in the deep mountains and old forests, about ten miles away.

When Zhang Shun and others arrived at this gold mine, the place had already been controlled by Liu Yinggui's men.

But when I got nearby, I could only see the vast sea of ​​forest, and I couldn't see any similarities or differences between this place and other places. Until Liu Yinggui came in person and led them to the gold mine.

When Zhang Shun took a closer look, it turned out to be a mine hidden in a place with thick bushes and lush vegetation.

Walking into the cave, I saw seven or eight people making fire and smelting there. Liu Yinggui quickly pointed and said: "This is a smelting place, and the product is gold!"

Going a little deeper, I saw twenty or thirty people washing something there. Liu Yinggui further explained: "This is where the sand is selected. After washing, the gold sand is selected and sent outside for smelting, and then gold is produced."

Finally, after going more than a hundred or ten steps deeper, Zhang Shun saw some hard workers digging there with oil lamps. Zhang Shun felt that it was a little difficult to breathe, so he quickly retreated and ordered: "This mine is too deep, and it is inevitable that you will be out of breath. Dig more exhaust vents, just in case."

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