Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 380 Lu’s People’s Livelihood

When Zhang Shun finished inspecting his property, it was getting late, so he spent the night in Baodu Village and dug the "Baocu Cave" by the way.

Early the next morning, both Red Lady and Jian'er got up early and took charge of the planning and construction of the cottage.

Zhang Shun was bored by himself, lying on the warm bed and wondering: Why does he feel like he is playing the game Invincible Heroes now? Now that he has occupied a castle and a gold mine, he is expected to recruit troops in the next step.

While he was thinking, he suddenly heard Wukong shouting: "The master is in trouble, the master of suffering is coming!"

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this and said that it was Huang Lai'er who came to the door. He quickly put on his clothes and ran out regardless of the cold weather.

He hurriedly asked: "Why is this Huang Lai'er here? But what news did you hear?"

Wukong was also stunned and asked strangely: "What Huang Lai'er? I'm talking about Mr. Lu!"

Zhang Shun almost vomited blood when he heard this. How have you ever been so reliable as a dead monkey? Fortunately, I believed him once.

Zhang Shun finally calmed down and asked strangely: "What are you doing here, Mr. Lu?"

Wukong scratched his head and guessed hesitantly: "Do you want to avenge Chen Taojin? Or do you want to ask for benefits?"

Zhang Shun's eyes widened and he said with murderous intent: "He has the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard. How dare cats and dogs come to his door?"

After finishing speaking, Zhang took Wukong and waited for him to go to the east gate of the village to check. As soon as Zhang Shun arrived at the east gate, he saw someone hanging a white silk ribbon on the gate of the village from a distance, making loud noises.

Zhang Shun hurriedly took three steps at a time and rushed over, asking: "What's the fuss about? Who are you, and why are you making unreasonable trouble at the gate of our village?"

When Song Xiance saw Zhang Shun coming, he hurried over and explained in a low voice: "This person is Mr. Lu. Because of his guarantee, we took the opportunity to kill Chen Taojin, which ruined his reputation. So he came to us, Those who seek death and rebel against life!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this, and asked: "It's not a pity to die for such a hateful person. It's okay if you don't applaud and applaud. How can you cry so bitterly? Could it be that you are also a person who helps the tiger?"

When Na Lu Sanye heard this, he was furious and said angrily: "Where are you from, how can you break the rules like this? Since ancient times, 'rats have their own ways, snakes have their own snake ways', how can you do this so willfully? This bandit company It’s worse!”

Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this, he shouted, did I meet a living guy from the lawful neutral camp?

Song Xiance also felt that he owed this person a lot, and was about to persuade Zhang Shun for fear that he would be angry. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun actually laughed and said: "What the old man said is true, no matter what you do, you must have rules. I am also a person who respects rules. It is only because the leader of Baodu Village broke the rules first that he ended up today. !”

When Mr. Lu heard this, he couldn't help being stunned, and asked strangely: "How do you say this?" He thought to himself: Isn't it you who broke the rules? Why are you slandering Chen Taojin again?

Zhang Shun said with a smile: "My father is an official and is in charge of the court's criminal law. Chen Taojin secretly mined gold, which is a capital crime. But people don't blame officials. If he doesn't mess with me, I will just turn a blind eye." Just close one eye!"

"I never thought that my close confidant Liu Yinggui would be spotted by Chen Taojin after he showed up at Sanchuan Jie a few days ago. Not only did he kill and injure my servants, he also captured my close confidant and asked for ransom money. It's really terrible. What is unbearable!"

"This Chen Taojin has already committed a crime that deserves death, and he does such a thing, how can I tolerate him? What's more, he has committed murder, robbery, and rape. Since he has done it, don't blame others. Made fifteen!”

Mr. Lu was dumbfounded when he heard this and couldn't refute. He was just angry: "What does this matter have to do with me? Why do you have to ruin my reputation and do this?"

However, seeing Zhang Shun's ferocious tightness, he did not dare to argue for a moment.

Zhang Shun knew that he was dissatisfied, so he smiled and said: "Old man, you are a businessman. If you want to know the rules of heaven, you must rely on force to ensure it."

"Now that I have become the master of this village, your Sanchuan Collection will be under my protection. What do you think?"

Lu Sanye's Sanchuanji was actually protected by Baodu Village. This was one of the reasons why Lu Sanye became so angry after losing Chen Taojin.

This place has poor mountains and rivers, and there have been many unruly people since ancient times. Henan's pumpkin gourd wraps his head and brain, and kills people as a profession. In later generations, it was once a paradise for bandits, so we know how good the public security is here. If Chen Taojin hadn't been here, Lu Sanye's Sanchuanji would have been robbed and even slaughtered! How can he, Mr. Lu, still be today?

Mr. Lu couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this. The bandits along the way were cunning, cunning, and ruthless, and they were looking for first-rate partners.

Thinking of this, Mr. Lu asked tentatively: "If this is the case, how much percentage will the village charge?"

"What percentage did Chen Taojin extract in the past?" Zhang Shun asked.

"Chen Thief is fierce, take 20% of the profit!" Mr. Lu quickly stretched out two fingers and said.

Zhang Shun retorted: "You are an old man who is not honest. You deceive me when I am young, and you still want to fool me. You really want money rather than your life. I don't want much from you. I only need three achievements!"

When Mr. Lu heard this, his face turned red and white, and he had to reluctantly agree. In fact, he was already happy because Chen Tao was a cheat and made 50% of the profit in one fell swoop. Now that I have made 20% more profit, I am very lucky.

Zhang Shun didn't know that this guy must have made a profit, but he didn't want to push too hard. After all, strong dragons cannot overwhelm local cowards. I am new here, and I have to rely on these people to support me.

Zhang Shun then invited Mr. Lu to the stronghold. After they sat down separately and served tea, he asked: "Master Lu, you are polite. This junior has just arrived. I don't know what the situation is like here. Please give me some advice."

Mr. Lu didn't even dare to say anything, so he stroked his beard before Shi Shiran said: "I have a small population in Lu's Mountain, a narrow land and few fields, a lot of gold, silver, copper and iron, a lot of mountain treasures and furs, but a shortage of grains!"

"Since ancient times, food has been the top priority for the people! There is little food in the local area and there are many hunters, so the people are naturally fierce and difficult to control. Those who are difficult to control locally are just 'two heads and a thief'."

"The so-called 'two ends' are the mine head and the village head, and the so-called 'one thief' is the mountain bandit. This mine head often occupies one mineral, or iron ore, or copper mine, or gold and silver mine. They gather in large numbers The number ranges from a hundred to several thousand. Firstly, mining requires labor, secondly, they are afraid of theft and plunder by other miners, and thirdly, they are afraid of encirclement and robbery by the government. So everyone prepares weapons, long spears and big arrows, which are quite fierce."

"And Zhuangtou is a large household in the county. They own the land and lean forward. There are hundreds of tenants, and each household has one person. They cultivate during busy periods and practice during leisure periods. The lighter ones resist taxation, and the more severe ones fight for water and land. The rest of the people Forced by them, they could not settle down. Some simply gave up their property and went into the mountains to become thieves, while others simply raised thieves as 'talismans'. Therefore, local mountain bandits and thieves often have connections with the people at the foot of the mountain. Every year, the people are like two grains in summer and autumn. Taxes are paid to the village in accordance with government regulations, and the village guarantees that the village will not be plundered by other bandits."

"They are just bandits and thieves, how can they be kind and righteous? People often break the rules and cause trouble for the people nearby, and they have to move to another place!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but open his eyes after hearing this. He came from Shanxi, and the land of Zelu in Shanxi was already a very miserable place. He never thought that the land in western Henan was a hundred times worse than Shanxi.

Thank you to the fan "Jiutian Yezi" for the large reward, and thank you for supporting the author! Thank you very much

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