Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 382 Determined to Attack

Despite Zhang Shun's tough tone, which he said was righteous and aggressive, he was actually quite cautious in his heart.

The nice things he said were just to appease Mr. Lu. As the new leader of the village, if I can't show my tough attitude and excellent strength, someone will soon take me seriously. Even the profits from Sanchuanji may not be handed over to him on time.

Therefore, whether he should express his stance or whether he should fight, the key is how to fight. When Zhang Shun had finished questioning, he dismissed Mr. Lu, then called Song Xiance, Zhang Shenyan, Governor Zhang and other generals to explain the matter.

"How dare you be so arrogant as a little thief?" Suddenly, everyone became furious and insisted on killing this thief. Zhang Shun signaled everyone to be calm, and then expressed his position: "We must fight, but we have to talk about how to fight."

At this time, Governor Zhang quickly stood up and suggested: "Our army is strong, but the thieves are weak. Since this person dares to provoke, he is just taking advantage of the dangerous mountains and high ground to fight for victory. In fact, he is just a frog in the well. In my opinion , it is better to send people to investigate first, then bring in the cannon, blast open the gate of the villa, and kill all the way through."

"This time we captured Baodu Village, there were many tricks, and it is inevitable that some people will doubt our strength. How about we defeat the tricks with force this time, beat him to be frightened, beat him to be upright, beat him to hear the name of King Shun , so the two sides were fighting, and I didn’t dare to have other thoughts."

After speaking, Governor Zhang gave Zhang Shenyan a provocative look. Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but smile brightly, and added: "The Art of War says: There is no movement until there is advantage. Now that the general wants to raise troops to fight injustice, he should first punish the enemy with great righteousness, and then attack him with troops, and then reap the benefits."

"I heard that Kangshan is rich in gold, which is even better than my gold mine. This is a talented general. General, why don't you defeat this thief to show your great righteousness, use this wealth to feed your soldiers, and take the opportunity to train your troops and protect the people, in case the world changes."

"Okay!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this. These things were what he was thinking, but they were not as clear as Zhang Shenyan said. Of course, these words cannot come from the mouth of his kind King Shun.

To be honest, when he heard that there was gold in Kangshan Village, he had the idea of ​​​​killing people to seize the treasure. It's just that he has always been a kind person, and he would grab it with open fire, which is somewhat embarrassing.

Governor Zhang's face turned dark when he heard this. He actually failed to gain the upper hand, but Zhang Shenyan stole the limelight. He thought to himself: This guy is really clever with his words and his tongue is like a lotus flower. He is not easy to deal with. He must take the long term!

Anyone who does great things must put righteousness first! Stealing other people's things for no reason is the behavior of rogues! If you use the opponent's smashing of Sanchuanji as an excuse, it will be the way of a fight between ruffians and scoundrels! On the contrary, as Zhang Shenyan said, "taking responsibility with great justice" is the style of Master Wang.

Thinking of this, Zhang ordered by the way: "Mr. Zhang's words are reasonable, but I have to trouble you to write an appeal to Kang Jinshan. Responsibility should be righteous, understand it with emotion, and move it with reason, and explain the fact that he was beaten and killed. This is the law of heaven!”

"What Governor Zhang said is true. It's just that this time I need to trouble you and Chen Changzhen and Jiang He to go out. Together they led more than a thousand people to quell this group of local tyrants and evil gentry."

It turns out that Song Xiance and Xiao Qinhu each had their own merits last time, but this governor didn't play any role. In addition, Jiang He had a lot of men and horses at the beginning. When Zhang Shun led this man on the expedition, he took the opportunity to deprive him of some of his men and horses. This man worked hard without complaining and said nothing.

Zhang Bian wanted to take the opportunity to praise the two of them, killing two birds with one stone. It can be regarded as giving Governor Zhang a chance to perform and Jiang He a chance to compensate.

After receiving the order, the three of them ordered their troops and horses, carried two artillery pieces, and headed north.

Kangjiazhuang is fifty or sixty miles away from Baodu Village by mountain road. If it is a plain, we only need to drive a short distance and we will arrive in the morning. However, this mountain road has eighteen turns and is difficult to navigate. In addition, Chen Changzhen was carrying a Hongyi cannon, so Chen Changzhen planned to rush to Kangshan Villa in two days.

Unexpectedly, the rebel team was discovered by spies from Kangjiazhuang that afternoon. They were hiding on both sides of the road and shooting arrows from a distance to interfere with the march of the rebel army.

Fortunately, it was a cold winter, and the rebels under Zhang Shun's command were all wearing thick armor, which could not be penetrated by arrows, but did not cause much damage. However, it did affect the morale of the soldiers.

Chen Changzhen was quite experienced and knew that he and others were unfamiliar with the place. If you send people to expel them, you will inevitably fall into the enemy's trap. In the end, the effort is in vain, but it is more likely to affect the morale of the soldiers.

Chen Changzhen pretended not to see it and just ordered the soldiers to move forward with their heads down. The spies from Kangjiazhuang saw that the rebels were easy to bully, and because they were too far away to penetrate the rebel armor, they slowly began to approach the rebels.

At this time, Chen Changzhen understood in surprise, suddenly drew his bow and nocked an arrow, turned around, and shot three arrows in succession. Immediately, two of the spies were shot to death and one was wounded. One was shot through the throat with an arrow; one was shot through the chest with an arrow through the lungs; and the other was shot in the arm and abandoned his bow and ran away.

Now these spies were startled, and they quickly turned around and ran away, no longer daring to come forward to harass the marching rebels.

Governor Zhang had also led an army. He recognized Chen Changzhen's prowess and couldn't help praising him: "What a good arrow! I have two to three hundred servants under my command. All of them are good at martial arts. I have never heard of anyone with such ability. It's really amazing." What a skill!”

Chen Changzhen knew that Zhang Shun wanted to win over this person, so he smiled and said: "It's just a small skill. No matter how high my martial arts skills are and how good my archery skills are, I can only kill dozens of people with one person's strength! I can't compare to Zhang Dudu's firearm skills. Once The completion of the weapon is earth-shattering. Even thousands of troops and horses can make changes for it!"

"Where, where!" Governor Zhang said humbly, "It's just picking up people's wits. If we say that we should use Western and red barbarians as the best. But we in Yangcheng, Shanxi and other places have refined steel, so we can shock the world, and forge this cannon! That's all! Martial arts, Firearms each have their own merits, and they should not be praised like this!"

The two of them praised each other, but Jiang He was silent and silent. He knew very well that one of the two men was the righteous brother of the Lord, and the other could forge artillery. Regardless of the victory or defeat in this battle, they would not be greatly affected.

And because I was too strong before, I was tabooed by the Lord. Now this time, the Lord is just trying to make up for himself. If he does well, he will have a bright future. If he doesn't do well, he may have to do this for the rest of his life. So he was most concerned about it, fearing that something would go wrong during this trip.

On the afternoon of the second day, the rebels finally arrived near Kangjiazhuang. Jiang He ordered the guide to take him and others to a nearby mountain to check the terrain and defense of Kangjiazhuang.

I saw buildings on the mountain in the distance, mountain forts staggered, and watchtowers towering into the clouds. Everyone couldn't help but frown. Before they came, they had expected that this place would be dangerous, but they never imagined that it would be so dangerous and difficult to attack.

Thanks to fans "shao1364" and "Huangliang Yimengkong enters the Tao" for their rewards, and thank you for supporting the author!

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