Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 383 Types of Artillery

Chen Changzhen saw that this place was dangerous and did not dare to be careless. After discussing with Governor Zhang and Jiang He, he decided to find a high ground to set up camp and prepare to launch an attack the next day.

Unexpectedly, Kang Jinshan was also a ruthless man. He actually launched a surprise attack on the rebel camp with his dead soldiers that night.

Chen Changzhen has participated in many battles with Zhang Shun. He is already experienced in military affairs. Since he chose to set up camp here, he was prepared to fight steadily and completely capture Kangjiazhuang. How could he be unprepared?

However, the mountain roads here were rugged and narrow, making it difficult for cavalry to gallop. Chen Changzhen had to give up leading his usual cavalry, and instead borrowed 500 infantry from Zhang Sanbai, Li Jiyu and others.

The quality of these infantry was lower than that of Chen Changzhen's cavalry, but not only were they insufficiently trained, but they also did not have enough interaction with Chen Changzhen and other generals. After being suddenly attacked, chaos arose.

Fortunately, all the five hundred swords and shields under Jiang He's command belonged to his headquarters, and this time they were lined up by Zhang Shunyi.

Jiang He quickly led his men with swords and shields to push forward. Kang Jinshan's men were brave and brave, but they didn't go through the battle.

In times of chaos, they can still gain the upper hand. Once Jiang He led his troops into formation and all the swordsmen and shield-hands formed a shield wall and advanced in unison, these dead soldiers would have no choice.

The bows and arrows they fired were blocked by the shield bearers' shields. They had no choice but to abandon their bows and arrows and fight with spears.

But even though the spears in their hands danced like flowers, they still couldn't avoid the shield of the sword-and-shielder. They had no choice but to use their spears to pierce the legs and feet of the bayonet and shield man. As a result, the sword and shield man pressed the shield and took advantage of the situation to chop their spear shafts with his sword.

During the advance and retreat, Jiang He led the sword and shield men to gradually approach Kang Jinshan's spearmen. He then gave an order, and all the sword and shield wielders turned sideways, ran, and directly hit them with their shields.

The spearman was caught off guard and was approached by Jiang He and other sword and shield men. Suddenly, the one-foot-three-four-foot-long spear was unable to stab.

Under the leadership of Kang Jinshan, they had no choice but to abandon their spears and draw out their swords and swords to fight Jiang He's sword and shield hand.

But where can I beat him? The sword and shield player only needs to hit the opponent with his left shield, causing the opponent to stagger, and then take advantage of the situation and kill him with a sword. What's more, Kang Jinshan's dead soldiers did not have iron armor for defense. They only had some legs and bodies protected by bamboo armor. How could they withstand Jiang He's attack?

Within a moment or three, the aggressive Kang Jinshan and others were killed and dispersed by Jiang He.

But the moon was dark and the wind was high, so the rebels couldn't see where the enemy was going. After driving Kang Jinshan and others out of the camp, Chen Changzhen quickly called for gold and retreated his troops, fearing that Jiang He would lose something. Jiang He smashed his mouth, and then regretfully ordered the soldiers to withdraw.

Kang Jinshan barely escaped with his life by mixing in the crowd, and fled back to Kangjiazhuang in embarrassment.

The so-called "unruly" refers to this generation. Just like animals in nature, some animals are inherently difficult to domesticate. As the primates of all things, although humans can complete a certain degree of self-domestication, there are still a group of people who are inherently unwilling to submit to others.

Kang Jinshan is a typical person. Even if he is idle and ignorant on weekdays, he is not willing to work hard and farm for others.

In troubled times, he is a born reckless hero, and in peacetime, he is a potential criminal. If he still has some knowledge and culture and is assisted by others, he may not be able to take advantage of the situation and become another Zhang Shun in the future.

It's just that now Zhang Shun has grown up, but because of his knowledge, vision and other reasons, he has become the man with his arms like a chariot.

He originally thought that he was ferocious and uncontrollable, and his subordinates had spent a lot of money to raise three hundred dead soldiers. Even if the emperor of the capital came here, he would have to "coil up even if he is a dragon, and lie down even if he is a tiger."

I never thought that the other party just sent a small leader and beat me to pieces. This was because I had the upper hand and launched a sneak attack at night.

Kang Jinshan was heartbroken and quickly retreated back to the castle, never daring to leave the city to fight again.

It didn't matter that he was cowering. The next day, Chen Changzhen and others easily surrounded Kangjiazhuang and guarded several important access roads. Then, he leisurely set up the cannon and bombarded Kangjiazhuang.

These two artillery pieces were Hongyi cannons borrowed personally by Governor Zhang, and they were more powerful than the several general cannons in Zhang Shun's hands.

Governor Zhang was someone who had been exposed to Western warfare. Seeing that the gunners sent by Li Shi'an still fired based on experience, he quickly gave them some pointers.

Start by having them conduct multiple test fires at different angles and with different charges to establish a preliminary firing list. Then select the appropriate firing table content to calibrate the shooting, which greatly improves the accuracy of the artillery.

At first, when Kangjiazhuang heard the gunfire from the rebels, they were scared to death. It wasn't until I discovered that this guy sounded loud and looked scary, but actually he was deflected that I didn't know where to go, so he laughed and ran to the city walls, shooting holes, etc. to look at the strange things.

Unexpectedly, after watching for a long time, a cannonball suddenly flew into the crowd, killing three or five people with one shot. Some of them were broken into pieces, and their flesh and blood flew all over the floor. Only then did they realize they were afraid, and they ran around in panic.

It was only when the next few shells missed again that I calmed down. They just thought that those people were unlucky, and there was nothing surprising about this thing.

But they didn't expect that the cannonballs would become more accurate and more powerful later on. As more and more people died, they became truly frightened and hurriedly fled into castles and towers to hide.

At this time, the lethality of the artillery was greatly reduced. Governor Zhang watched for a long time before ordering the two cannons to concentrate on hitting that watchtower.

This watchtower was originally built with stones, thin at the top and thick at the bottom, very strong. The fifteen kilogram heavy bullet was hit, but it only made a dull collision sound.

Chen Changzhen watched it for a long time, but he didn't want it, so he asked strangely: "This Hongyi cannon is so famous, why can't it even do anything about this watchtower?"

Captain Zhang couldn't see that others looked down on the artillery, so he quickly defended: "Although this cannon is called a red barbarian cannon, it is actually a musket. It has a thin skin and an empty belly, so it can fire more shells, but the charge cannot be too much, otherwise it will easily explode." A real thousand-jin Hongyi cannon has a shell of only about ten kilograms, with two or three times the charge, and has a longer range and greater power. If it is to attack a city, it will need to cast a blunderbuss, so that the siege can be effective!"

After hearing this, Chen Changzhen did not take it seriously and continued to order artillery bombardment. It was not until that night that a watchtower was finally destroyed with great difficulty.

Now Chen Changzhen couldn't sit still anymore, and he quickly asked Governor Zhang for advice: "If the enemy still doesn't surrender tomorrow and only attacks the city with this method, I'm afraid the year will be over early! I wonder if it's still too late to cast the blunderbuss now?"

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