Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 393 New Year’s Eve

It's not that Zhang Shun doesn't know what the red lady means when she sends the arrow, but he's not a pervert who will die if he leaves the woman, and there's no need to do it at this time.

So Zhang Shun waved his hand and said: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Everyone is busy at this time. Isn't this not good?"

It was so difficult for Jian'er to catch him alone with Zhang Shun, how could he let him go so easily? So, she was about to cry and said: "Master, you are not willing to do this and you are not willing to do that. Do you think that I am from a humble background and are you going to find those two 'vixens'?"

Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. He had been with Li Xiang and Liu Rushi for a long time after marrying them. Now that he has just come back, if he goes to look for them again, won't he make Red Lady and Li Sanniang even more unhappy?

Zhang Shun felt that although he was a straight man, he was not so stupid. So, he scolded him with a straight face: "What nonsense are you talking about? What kind of vixen, big or small!"

However, seeing Jian'er's pitiful and aggrieved look, he waved his hand and said, "Stop crying, lead the way!"

Jian'er couldn't help but cry with joy. She held Zhang Shun's sleeve with one hand and jumped up to pull him to rest.

By the time Zhang Shun had rested, it was already afternoon, and it wasn't long before New Year's Eve. Zhang Shun also quickly changed into new clothes and came out. Although he couldn't help much, he still took advantage of the opportunity to give him a beating.

Anyway, the red lady has arranged everything clearly, so Zhang Shun doesn't need to worry about anything. After the sun went down, it was time to light the lamps. Everyone lit all the lamps in the house, making the room bright. This is called "burning lanterns to illuminate the New Year" or "lighting the New Year's fire", also known as "illuminating the waste", and the lanterns must be lit until dawn.

Then, under the order of the matchmaker, a sumptuous dinner was served, and refreshments and fruits were served, and everyone gathered together to start staying up on New Year's Eve. In short, except that there is no Spring Festival Gala, it is generally not much different from the New Year's Eve in later generations.

At this time, Li Sanniang, Zhu'er, Li Xiang and Liu Rushi also came over, plus the eight members of "Little Baby's" family, celebrating the New Year happily and happily, how strange it is!

Although the red lady, Li Sanniang and Li Xiang had always looked up and looked down, they had never been together like this. Now everyone is facing each other, and the generals are facing each other. Sitting face to face like this, there is indeed a smell of gunpowder in it.

Zhang Shun was also a little embarrassed, so he could only greet him enthusiastically: "Eat, eat, let's have a taste of this New Year's Eve dinner!"

It didn't matter that he didn't say anything. When he opened his mouth, Li Xiang was the first to say something: "Hey, my family has a small appetite, how can I eat so much? I'd better treat these two to eat more."

The red lady glanced sideways at her and thought: Is this slutty fox laughing at us for being fat? Slim figures were also popular in the Ming Dynasty. Although Red Lady and Li Sanniang were in good shape, after all, they were not as good as the master and servant who had undergone special training.

Especially since Li Sanniang is pregnant now, how can she still have a good figure? So Li Sanniang unceremoniously put a chicken leg in her bowl and said with a smile: "I can't help it. I have to eat double portions by myself. I eat one and take the other's place. Please don't laugh at me!"

Li Xiang and Lady Hong both had dark faces now. We all know you are pregnant, so why are you showing off?

A good matchmaker is not easy to get along with, so she also answered: "It's okay, Sanniang, please eat more. I ordered people to make these meals specially for everyone. If there is anything that doesn't suit your taste, or if you want to eat it, Yes, tell me and I will ask my servants to make a few more portions at any time to ensure that everyone will enjoy the meal!"

Okay, this time it's Li Xiang and Li Sanniang's turn to frown. This red lady's words are very nice, but why do they sound so unpleasant? You act like a mistress and we are all concubines?

So the two men were gearing up and waiting for an opportunity to counterattack. When Zhang Shun saw that the situation was not good, he quickly took on the posture of a master and shouted: "You don't talk when you eat, you don't talk when you sleep, you all just calm down!"

The three women rolled their eyes when they heard this, but they were too embarrassed to turn over the table on New Year's Eve. He just muttered something secretly: "You don't talk when you eat, but you don't talk when you sleep? Why do I remember that you like to eat meat the most when you are sleeping? You screamed while eating, but now you talk about us!"

Zhang Shun just pretended not to hear, picked up a chopstick and prepared to stop their mouths. Finally, when the dish was picked up, Zhang Shun thought that they would have to argue about the order, so he simply put it in his own bowl and ate it himself.

I don’t want to serve you any more. You can do whatever you want. When Zhang Shun was seven to eight percent full, the matchmaker waved her hand and said: "The master is sitting here, and we are very restrained. Could you please go and sit aside and eat melon seeds?"

Zhang Shun scratched his head and had no choice but to take a bowl of soup and sit aside. Liu Rushi, Jian'er, and Zhu'er were obedient. Each of them grabbed two handfuls of melon seeds for him and put them on the table for him to play with.

Zhang Shun was even more frightened when he saw that even their girls didn't want to suffer any loss, fearing that they would start a fight on the spot.

As a result, Zhang Shun stared at them for a long time and found that they were chatting more and more lively. They seemed like sisters they had not seen for a long time, and they even made some dirty jokes from time to time.

From this point of view, my desk and chair are saved today. Zhang Shun felt at ease and began to crack melon seeds.

After a while, the candle oil in the room gradually ran out, so Liu Rushi, Jian'er, and Zhu'er hurriedly came to change them. Zhang Shun saw them scrambling for the first place and quickly stopped the two idiots Liu Rushi and Zhu'er, fearing that if they were not quick with their hands and feet, it would be a minor matter for them to burn themselves, but a major matter for them to burn down the newly built house. By then, New Year's Eve was booming, but I had no place to live.

After finally changing the candles and lamp oil, Zhang Shun saw the three of them still chatting and laughing, and wondered if he could teach them how to fight landlords? Isn’t there a joke in later generations that says, three Chinese people will fight landlords, and four people will play mahjong?

But at this time, Li Sanniang suddenly called Zhu'er, and slowly stood up with the help of Lady Hong and Li Xiang, saying, "I can't survive anymore. I'm so tired that I can't stay up late with you!"

It turned out that Li Sanniang was pregnant, so she went to the side room to rest early for fear that she might have fetal gas after staying up for a long time. In this way, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms turned into a confrontation between the north and the south. Zhang Shun could only stare at the red lady and Li Xiang with big eyes and small eyes. You look at me, I look at you, see who blinks first!

It's impossible to persuade. It's so easy to sit on a mountain and watch the fight between tigers. How can I get burned again? Let them do it. When they have had enough trouble, they will be honest when they are tired!

Zhang Shun was alone there, admiring the beauty of the two of them out of boredom, while thinking carelessly: The red lady is quite knowledgeable, and it is not impossible for her to be the first wife. But if Huang Lai'er finds out, I'm afraid he won't come to fight me!

Thank you to fans "Witch King God" and "sammikao" for your rewards. Thank you to fans "10:49" and "twlkquxin" for your large rewards. Thank you for supporting the author!

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