Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 400 Golden Drum Banner

Chen Jindou and Chen Jingzhi couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this. After a long while, Chen Jindou, taking advantage of his age and being an elder from Conglong, muttered: "Old Chen is old and alone, very lonely. At that time, Jian Jing was young and quite... Out of love, he adopted him as his adopted son."

"My adopted son happens to have the same surname as me. If I have a grandson in the future, his surname will be Chen. He will barely inherit the incense of my old Chen family. But I don't have much, and he looks poor after all, so I want to give it to him. He saves some money so that he can marry a wife as soon as possible and continue the legacy of my old Chen family!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be horrified when he heard this. The two men recognized the relationship between father and son in private, but he didn't know it at all. If it weren't for this corruption case, I would still be in the dark. It seems that I can't be careless!

However, Zhang Shun's expression did not change on the surface, and he just looked at Chen Jingzhi. Chen Jingzhi nodded in embarrassment and said: "That's true! My lord, you are a 'full man but not a hungry man'. You don't even need to move your fingers. You are just a woman, and you are a woman. This is when I meet someone you like." People don't like me, and I don't like people who like me, so I'm just a single person."

"According to my thinking, if a woman can't find a husband, she must be ugly, and if a man can't find a wife, he must be poor. So I tried to save a little money."

Zhang Shun simply didn't know where to complain when he heard this. Is this the legendary saying "if there are flaws all over the body, there will be no flaws"?

You're a fucking copper smelter, and now you're telling me that I can't find my mother-in-law? That’s really thankful!

And "saving money"? What is saving money? Is it just that taking it out of my pocket and putting it into your own pocket is called saving money?

As for the saying that "a well-fed man does not know how hungry a hungry man is", Zhang Shun has no shame at all. Li Sanniang is his childhood sweetheart, the matchmaker was seduced by his strength, and Li Xiang was brought to his doorstep by Li Baihu eagerly. What does it have to do with you straight men like you?

However, fortunately, Zhang Shun, as a qualified lord, also understood the principle of not worrying about scarcity but inequality, so he could only pat his chest and promise: "Don't panic after this, I will send someone to pay attention to this matter for you. If it is true, If you find the right person, I will definitely find a good matchmaker for you!"

Chen Jindou and Chen Jingzhi were overjoyed when they heard this and quickly thanked them. Zhang Shun had already arranged a marriage for each of Xiao Qinhu and Li Shian before, and now something good is about to happen. The two of them looked at each other with envy in their hearts, and they couldn't help it anymore. Now that Zhang Shun has personally guaranteed it, how can he still be dissatisfied?

So Zhang Shun comforted them again before letting them go. The two people were grateful and grateful, but they didn't know that this was what Zhang Shun wanted to achieve.

This incident happened when Zhang Shun was just starting his business. At that time, Zhang Shun was isolated and had no relatives or friends to help him, so he was inevitably being manipulated.

It wasn't until Lady Red took over the affairs of the camp that she discovered that there was something wrong with the accounts. She secretly told Zhang Shun that the situation was urgent at that time and Zhang Shun was not in a position to pursue the matter. He just ordered Lady Hong to straighten out the accounts and give him an explanation.

The people involved were all veterans when he was in trouble, and Zhang Shun didn't want to pursue the case. It stands to reason that it has been a long time and the evidence is not sufficient, so this matter should be over.

But Zhang Shun then thought about it, employing people was like driving cattle and horses. If you relax a little, it will take the opportunity to be lazy.

Zhang Shun took advantage of this great day of his double happiness to pull these two people out and give them a beating to prevent them from underestimating him and getting more and more greedy in the future.

What's more, this matter involves the Red Lady, who has been busy all year round and has achieved great results through hard work. No matter how heartless I am, I still have to protect her, and it is even more inconvenient to sell her and let her offend other courtiers for no reason.

When Chen Jindou and Chen Jingzhi walked away, Zhang Shun shouted: "Come out, Yinggui!"

At this time, a person walked out from the back room of the side house. He had an honest face and steady steps. This person was none other than Liu Yinggui, the grandson of Old Man Liu.

Zhang Shun then asked: "Did you understand what I heard just now?"

"Yinggui only heard the conversation between the lord and the two ministers, but he didn't understand!" Liu Yinggui said honestly.

Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing and said: "I like your calm spirit! Although I have many ministers under my command, you are the only one close to me. Now that my words come from my mouth, if they enter your ears, don't let them The third person knows!”

"Sun Tzu said: The golden drums and banners are the eyes and ears of one person. Since people are single-minded, the brave cannot advance alone, and the timid cannot retreat alone. This is the method of using the crowd. When fighting with troops, we can only rely on the golden drums and banners. Only then can we command thousands of troops."

"Now that the rebel army has gained momentum, there are many people with mixed voices and many thoughts. Are you willing to make this banner for me, so that you can find out the loyal ministers and report them to me?"

Hearing this, Liu Yinggui knelt down and responded in a deep voice: "Yinggui will only obey the Lord's orders, but if you have an order, you will not hesitate even to the death!"

"Okay!" Zhang Shun praised, "I will ask Governor Zhang to present the Jin Yiwei detection method and hand it over to you later. You can learn from it and secretly go to the rebels to select smart young people for training. , serve as the backbone. Don’t rush for success in doing things, but take a long-term approach to catch big fish, and slowly infiltrate around the ministers to serve as eyes and ears!"

"The Jinyiwei and Dongchangxichang of the Ming Dynasty not only serve as eyes and ears, but also act as limbs in vain. They are notorious and I will not take them. You only need to make exploration the first priority. This department is my close guard. , then call me the banner guard!"

Liu Yinggui responded one by one, and the two talked for a long time before leaving separately.

On the second day, Zhang Shun met with Li Xin alone. Zhang Shun asked with a smile: "You have been on my staff for a long time and then led troops to fight. Do you have any experience?"

Li Xin was originally good at both civil and military skills, but now after practice, he naturally had many ideas, and he talked about them for a long time.

Zhang Shun nodded and then said: "It seems that we have made great progress. But do you know which is the first priority in using troops?"

Li Xin quickly responded after hearing this: "Confucius said: enough soldiers, enough food, and enough faith. In my opinion, enough faith is the first priority, secondly enough food, and thirdly enough soldiers!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and said: "Your Excellency is really a great talent, and what you say in this theory is very great. But now, the matters of sufficient soldiers, sufficient food, and sufficient trust are not your duty. You can choose another time to talk about it. I only talk about the use of troops, and only the military situation As the first priority, don’t you think so?”

Li Xin still didn't understand that Zhang Shun had something to entrust to him, so he quickly responded: "What my lord said is true, but I have a mission. Please give me your orders!"

Zhang Shunting liked his cleverness and said with a smile: "The way to use troops is to advance without retreating. If there are no ears and eyes, it is easy for the enemy to take advantage of it. I intend to set up a Golden Drum Guard to detect the movements of surrounding officers and soldiers for the rebels." What can you do for offensive and defensive purposes?"

Since Li Xin led the army last time, his position has been unclear and he is confused. Now that I got Zhang Shun's order, I couldn't help but be overjoyed and quickly agreed. After Zhang Shun gave some instructions, he let him go.

It was only then that Zhang Shun breathed a sigh of relief. Sun Tzu's Art of War says: If you know your enemy and yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Now that I have set up two guards of golden drums and banners, one knows the enemy and the other knows myself, only then can I relax and go to work. Unexpectedly, the development of Youshunying is getting bigger and bigger, and things happen that are more and more out of my control.

Once again, I lamented that the fans "watched silently as shadows in the dark night" are really spoiler addicts, guessing the author's rough plan in advance every time. These two chapters are the author's true story of how the protagonist becomes a hero. He began to realize, consciously or unconsciously, that only the power he could control was considered power. If the rebels in the past were just held together by the external pressure of the officers and soldiers, now the rebels are slowly being penetrated by the protagonist's tentacles into every corner, and are truly held by the protagonist in his hands.

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