After Zhang Shun finished arranging the affairs of the Golden Drum Guard and the Jingqi Guard, he called Zhang Shenyan over alone. Both Zhang Shenyan and Li Xin once put forward the saying of "enough soldiers and enough food". Zhang Shun, who came from a later generation, often heard the saying that "the Qin Empire was founded on farming and war."

So before Xu Ziyuan and others could count up the cultivated land that would be included under Zhang Shun's command, Zhang Shun hurriedly called Zhang Shenyan over and asked about the relevant procedures so that he could make early plans.

After Zhang Shenyan arrived and listened to Zhang Shun's thoughts, he smiled and said: "My lord, you have asked the right person. In the first year of Tianqi, I happened to be ordered to supervise Jifu's farming affairs, so I have quite a lot of experience."

"At that time, there were vast hectares of fertile fields between Tianjin, Jinghai, and Xingji, but no one was cultivating them. Only Tongzhi Lu Guanxiang cultivated more than 3,000 acres of farmland, and I followed his example. There were official species, tenant species, and civilian species. Please let me explain to you the five methods of planting, military branching, and garrisoning in detail."

"This method of official classification is that the government levies labor by itself, sows and harvests by itself, and all inputs and income belong to the government. The advantage is that the investment is small and the results are quick, but the disadvantage is that the people who are levied and levied have a heavy burden. If the officials have a little Evil deeds will cause families to be destroyed and people to die, and even their people to become unknown."

"The method of tenant farming is that the government leases the land to farmers and collects land rent when the grain is harvested. Based on past experience, it should be about 50%."

"The method of planting by the people is the most convenient. You only need to recruit farmers to reclaim the land, and then distribute it to the farmers for their cultivation. When the government collects the summer and autumn grains, the households will pay the grains as one."

"The method of the military is to mobilize officers and soldiers to cultivate wasteland after training. When the autumn harvest comes, all the food needs to be collected is returned to the military and reserved as military rations."

"The method of farming is to recruit refugees to reclaim wasteland. The refugees have no clothes or clothing, so they need the government to provide food, housing, farming tools and other items first. After the autumn harvest, the government collects 70% to 80% of the land rent, and the rest is left to the recruited refugees. use."

"There are five strategies in total, which can be selected and used according to local conditions."

Zhang Shun touched his chin after hearing this and did not comment. Instead, he asked: "May I ask how the farming season is in Lu's land?"

Zhang Shenyan nodded and said: "I have already inquired about it. This place has three crops every two years. Sorghum and millet are planted in the spring of the first year, and wheat is planted in the autumn, which is called 'autumn wheat'. It will be harvested in May of the second year. Later or Plant beans or wheat. Soybeans and black beans can be planted twenty days after the summer solstice, and wheat can be planted seventy days after the summer solstice. Just don't violate the farming season."

Zhang Shun suddenly became enlightened after hearing this, and thought to himself: Although this person is a bureaucrat, he did not expect that he is also a treasure. It’s not in vain that I shouted “Sir” so loudly! As the saying goes, "If you take what's mine, give it back to me; if you eat what's mine, spit it out." This guy took advantage of my words and was able to get some back!

At this thought, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "Gong Zhang is a great talent, and he really knows a lot about it. The people who followed me here, in addition to the three thousand soldiers and horses, there are more than ten thousand civilians, mostly young and strong. Now this Lu family is a mountainous and wild land, and I want to farm here, but I wonder how Duke Zhang can teach me?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shenyan shook his head when he heard this and said: "The mountains near Baodu Village are high and narrow, the weather is cold, there is no weather, and there is no favorable geographical location. It is really difficult to cultivate wasteland. Only the top of the village is flat and can be cultivated, and the rough land can be cultivated. Five thousand acres, only one crop per year.”

"When this land was first cultivated, it was raw land and could only be used to grow millet. After a year of hard work and getting up early and working late, I could only harvest five thousand dan!"

When Zhang Shun listened to Zhang Shenyan's explanation, it was like having a bucket of cold water poured on his head. Although the dangerous situation near Baodu Village is dangerous, it is a "death place".

He just said that when he heard Zhang Shenyan say, "I only gained five thousand stones," Zhang Shun suddenly turned from sadness to joy. What do you think? Zhang Shenyan was once in charge of Jifu's farming affairs. Tianjin, Jinghai, and Xingji were originally plain areas with vast cultivated areas, covering tens of thousands of hectares. Of course, he looked down on this small piece of wasteland in Baodu Village.

What's more, he is used to being a bureaucrat, and subconsciously regards taxes and land rent as the harvest of the land. An acre of barren hilltop wasteland, even if it was cultivated and cultivated for several years, would only cost one bushel, so Zhang Shenyan naturally looked down upon it.

But Zhang Shun was different. He had already provided food for these more than 13,000 people. In the past, Li Baihu was sent to buy grain. Not to mention the losses along the way, the price of the grain alone was one or two taels of silver. Now he can harvest five thousand stones from the top of Baodu Village, which is equivalent to ten thousand taels of silver every year. How can he not be happy?

In the past, at King Shunping, he only had to provide food for three thousand troops. The rest of the young people relied on the mountains to survive, gathered and hunted, and fished in Shengwangping.

Nowadays, Baodu Village is not as large as Shunwangping and Shengwangping, and it does not produce much food. Zhang was in trouble for a while.

What's more, these people now lack the protection of the camp. If the officers and soldiers come to attack like before, wouldn't they be left to their own devices?

As soon as he thought about this, Zhang Bian bowed to Zhang Shenyan and said: "In this case, I have to trouble Duke Zhang to help me explore the nearby land that can be cultivated to feed these more than 10,000 people and 3,000 soldiers!"

Zhang Shenyan turned sideways and could only reluctantly respond: "Well, I'll give it a try. But I heard that the fields near Kangjiazhuang are quite good, and I also asked your lord to allow me to go and have a look to find out the specific number of fields."

Zhang Shun agreed one by one and then let Zhang Shenyan leave. It was only after he calculated for a long time that he realized that these five thousand stones of food could only feed one or two thousand people for a year, and the food was still insufficient.

If he hadn't captured Lu's County and seized some grain from Lu's granary and large Lu's households, I'm afraid the rebels would have run out of food during this period.

Although these young men are of little use for the time being, if they are abandoned all together, it is estimated that many of them will not survive this winter.

As a descendant, Zhang Shun could not stand to watch so many living people starve to death, so he had to find another way.

Zhang Shun lamented all the way back to his residence. Nowadays, Li Sanniang is in confinement. Except for Zhang Shun going to visit her during her free time, it is inconvenient to disturb her on weekdays, so she stayed at the matchmaker's place.

When Jian'er saw it, he quickly responded. After inviting him to sit down, he served tea and asked him to drink some to keep warm.

It happened that Madam Hong was also at home today. Seeing his sad face, she smiled and said, "The head of the family used to be so high-spirited. What's so difficult today that makes him so worried?"

Only then did Zhang Shun remember that at the beginning, he only used troops to fight, and many people all blamed her. Maybe she would have a solution.

So, Zhang Shun mentioned the shortage of food to Lady Hong, who never expected Lady Hong to smile, nodded Zhang Shun's head, and said, "The leader is usually very smart, how could he be confused today?"

"We are not their parents, how can we take care of so many things? What's more, even our parents can't take care of our children for the rest of their lives! They have hands and feet, and we only need to find a job for them to survive. .”

When Zhang Shun heard this, he only wondered what Madam Hong could do, and quickly asked for advice: "Madam, you are such a talented lady, please give me some advice!"

The red lady was so happy that she patted him and said: "We are bandits, not officials. Why don't you understand how the leader is born? It was because he couldn't survive anymore that he had to rebel. Now that he has fled to this mountain, why is the leader so honest?"

It's uncomfortable. There is a lot of data that needs to be checked, and I don't dare to make it up randomly. In the end, nothing is found. According to the author's information, grain can be grown on Baodu Village. During the Republic of China, more than 500 bandits were entrenched here. The author had no choice but to compile a figure of 5,000 acres based on the productivity at that time. Please don't laugh. Too much time wasted today. There is only one update. Don’t wait any longer.

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