Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 410 Transaction

Zhang Shun has a sharp tongue and likes to show off his words the most. He smiled and said: "As the saying goes: 'A man is as good as iron rice, and he will be hungry if he doesn't eat a meal.' I have more than ten thousand elites under my command, and they are all pot-bellied men."

"Although when I first arrived in your land, you all helped me, King Shun, but it was only enough for a few months. If I have the intention to ask for it from you again, it will appear that I, King Shun, have gone too far and will be disliked by others."

Everyone didn't dare to say anything after hearing this, but they couldn't help but curse in their hearts: "Supporting" and so on, isn't it just a robbery? Everyone thought that you, the thieves, would hide here to avoid the limelight and then leave on your own. Who would have thought that you would actually settle down here? Being friends with thieves and neighbors with thieves, who would want to live like this?

County Magistrate Bai knew everyone's thoughts well and said quickly: "I think King Shun seems to want to live there for a long time. However, there are many people in this county but little land, and the mountains are barren. I would like to ask King Shun to choose another place!"

Zhang Shun had just worked hard to open up the wasteland and planted the seeds. Where was he willing to go? He chuckled and said: "Does Magistrate Bai want to drive us away? Don't you hear the saying that 'bandits are like combs, soldiers are like grates'? If these people have no home and no food to eat, they will naturally be killed." Wherever they pass, there will be rivers of blood and no grass will grow! Even if you are lucky enough to survive, once the imperial army arrives, they will kill the good ones and take credit for their merits, and wipe them out!"

"County Magistrate Bai is also a scholar, and he should know the truth of 'Those without permanent property have no perseverance.' I opened up wasteland for Magistrate Bai here, bought cattle and farm tools, and even built houses and villages. It didn't cost the court a penny. So many refugees were resettled."

"When we wait for the next summer and autumn, the food supply will definitely exceed previous years. For such a great achievement, County Magistrate Bai not only doesn't thank me, but actually wants to drive me away. How can this be justified?"

County Magistrate Bai couldn't tell how he felt when he heard this. He couldn't play hardball, and he couldn't explain the many fallacies in reasoning.

He had no choice but to argue: "King Shun is interested, but he is not an official and does not know the difficulties involved. Shaanxi was hit by a disaster and refugees were everywhere. Do you think the imperial court was unwilling to provide disaster relief and resettle the refugees?"

"In fact, it is easy to provide disaster relief, but it is difficult to resettle the refugees. It has been more than two hundred years since our founding, and the emperor's grace has been so great that it has blessed the world. There is no ownerless land in the world, and there is no surplus food and grass. It would be fine if there were only three hundred or five hundred people. , even if I sell my old face, I can help King Shun find a property here. But with more than 10,000 people here, occupying the mountains, forests and valleys, how can they be willing to obey? "

"King Shun has only been here for two months, and I have already piled up a mountain of lawsuits against him. There are big households in Lengshui, Taojiawan, Minghe, and Luanchuan! What do you want me to do?"

"If I take charge of it, I'm afraid I'll offend King Shun; but if I don't take care of it, I'm afraid someone will jump to the next level and complain, and then neither you nor I will be able to live with it!"

"What's more, there are many men under the command of King Shun. As the saying goes, 'when they are full and warm, they miss the rain.' If these people settle down, their weddings and funerals will definitely affect the lives of the local people. When conflicts arise, I wonder how King Shun will solve them? "

Although County Magistrate Bai is just a mediocre person, he has some ability because he has been in contact with the grassroots for a long time. Zhang Shun suddenly felt a little dizzy after hearing these questions.

In this era, for a canal of water, a long land can be beaten to death, and even the conflicts between natives and guests in the south often lead to violent fights, and the human brains are beaten into the dog brains. What's more, what about the many mountains, forests and river valleys?

However, Zhang Shun also knew that this was not the time to give in, so he had no choice but to smile confidently: "Magistrate Bai, the Wang family, the Li family, and the Lu family, everyone, please be patient. We have already settled this matter, so there is no need to worry about it." consider!"

"As the saying goes, 'If you are not afraid of officials, you are afraid of management.' With our old parents supporting us, what do we have to worry about? I heard that in the Fujian and Guangdong lands in the south, the contradiction between natives and foreigners is very prominent. A small dozen every three days, and a dozen every two days. Fighting, for the water source for irrigation, for the division of land boundaries, we often fight in formations, without resorting to military warfare. I have not heard of any county magistrate being troubled by this?"

"As for weddings and funerals, it's the people's own business. As long as someone doesn't commit adultery or violate the laws of the Ming Dynasty, what's wrong? As for two or three of them who are ruffians and scoundrels, and cause trouble because of this, they'll hit twenty big boards and throw them out. It’s just the Yamen, so why worry?”

County Magistrate Bai and other wealthy households looked at each other in shock after hearing this. They used to hold the sky with one hand, but now they are being taught a lesson by a "thief leader", which is really rare!

Magistrate Bai and the other three big family leaders looked at each other and were already convinced. However, he still said: "This is the truth, but the villagers and the ignorant people are not reasonable. One or two can be said to be fine, but I am afraid that if there are too many people, something will happen!"

Zhang Shun laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "What could happen? If they gather three to five hundred people to make trouble, and they are accused of gathering a crowd to rebel, they will recruit some strong archers from the county magistrate and destroy them in one fell swoop. It will be just right for Magistrate Bai to recruit achievement!"

"Nowadays, all the neighboring counties are being massacred and plundered by bandits. Only the Bai County magistrate has done a good job in protecting the Lu family. The Lu family is not disturbed. I have read the yellow book, fish scale book and official documents in the county. The Lu family only pays taxes in the county. It's just two or three thousand taels of silver, which is often not enough to levy."

"Nowadays, there are many things going on in the world, and the court is short of pay. Officials who do not collect enough taxes are often dismissed and imprisoned. If County Magistrate Bai collects the amount and escorts the capital, he will definitely please the emperor, and maybe he will be promoted. I don't know what Magistrate Bai is besides him. ?”

Zhang Shun knew what Magistrate Bai meant, so he pulled and beat him, threatening and tempting him at the same time. County Magistrate Bai was satisfied, but he didn't dare to say it directly. He just looked at the three surnames Wang, Li and Lu.

When these three households saw that Magistrate Bai had benefited, and that they and others were being treated as villains and had no way to benefit, they couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Zhang Shun waited for a long time and cooled them off for a long time. When he saw that they could no longer bear it, he pointed at the other three and continued: "You are all beneficiaries, how can you deserve my benefits?"

"However, since we got along quite happily in the past, I can buy the excess grain from the three of you at a price half a level higher than the market price. Real money, pay for it and deliver it with one hand!"

The three of them looked at each other, and then the old man named Wang stood up tremblingly and asked: "King Shun has made a fortune now. I wonder if he has any extra farmland for sale?"

Land is the foundation of a family's business, and these three large households actually attach more importance to it. Zhang Shun frowned and then said: "On both sides is a newly cultivated barren land. Selling you three to five hundred acres is not a big deal. But I am absolutely willing, because I am afraid that the original land owner Don’t obey!”

When the three of them heard this, they looked at me and I looked at you, feeling a little disappointed. They took such a big risk and gained very little.

Zhang Shun saw this and was afraid that something might change. He smiled and said, "Don't be disappointed, you three. I said this grain business is a big deal. I will buy at least ten thousand shi of grain this year. How much profit will be made? You can calculate it." You will know. As for the land, when the raw rice is cooked, I will sell some to you before it is too late!"

The three major families smiled happily when they heard this.

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