Just by spending a little more money, Zhang Bian was able to temporarily settle the affairs of Magistrate Bai and three large families in Lushi County. Although it hurts a bit, luckily the wool comes from the sheep. These silver taels should have been collected by the county itself and then distributed, but now Zhang Shun does it for him.

Zhang Shun was different from the lonely Magistrate Bai. He had soldiers, generals, and manpower. He quickly checked the population and land house by house, and was able to collect more tax revenue. In fact, he basically still played the "white wolf with empty gloves" trick. The rebels actually did not lose anything, but instead gained a temporary foothold.

After Zhang Shun and Magistrate Bai and others negotiated the terms, they stayed in Lushi County for a symbolic night. They said goodbye to everyone early the next morning and returned to Baodu Village.

Back in Baodu Village, Li Sanniang still didn't look good on him, but fortunately she no longer stopped Zhang Shun from entering the house to visit the child.

At this time, Zhu'er asked Zhang Shun to give the child a nickname. Zhang Shun was not very good at naming, so he thought for a long time before saying, "Since this child was born on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, let's call him fifteen!"

Zhu'er didn't dare to object, so he had to agree and tell Li Sanniang. Li Sanniang was so angry and funny when she heard this. She couldn't keep her face down anymore, so she could only laugh and curse: "How in the world would you name your child like this?"

Seeing that Li Sanniang was happy, Zhang Shun rubbed his nose and replied with a smile: "It's just a nickname, what's it worth? I'll think about it later and come up with a nice name!"

"Hippy smile!" Li Sanniang rolled her eyes at him, but she didn't say any more angry words. She just changed the topic and said: "When I gave birth, I was able to survive thanks to the help of Li Xiang and Wu Ma. I want to What do you think about the child recognizing Li Xiang as his godmother?"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he realized that his wife and concubines were harmonious, which was really what he wished for. He quickly responded: "That's a good thing, but I don't know what Li Xiangyi is thinking. I'll ask you when she comes back from Luanchuan Town. But Wu Ma also worked hard. I don't know how we can thank her?"

Zhang Shun thought for a while and thought: Anyway, I can't commit myself to him! So, he smiled and said: "Now you have two children, 'Little Baby' and 'Fifteen', and Zhu'er is useless. You can't handle either of them. I think Wu Ma is a reliable person. Why don't we ask her to come over and help us, and we can also give her a share of the expenses, which can be regarded as an income!"

Li Sanniang listened to the words one by one and continued: "When Mr. Zhao and Mr. Zhang spoke for their children, they were also people who did not care about personal gains and losses. Now that our mother and son are safe, I am afraid that these two people have a grudge against Zhang Sheng, so why not It’s just the right time to ask these two to be your child’s teachers, so that you can save yourself the trouble of finding a teacher to discipline you in the future!”

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized that Li Sanniang was on target. I never thought that the naive and silly country girl would now have a scheming plan.

But it is his own child anyway, so it is not impossible to let his important ministers teach him. As for the future, it won’t be too late to talk about it in the future.

At this thought, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "That's very good. Zhao Yutou has been a boatman for a long time and is well aware of the sufferings of the people; Zhang Gong is erudite and has a thorough knowledge of all kinds of knowledge. He is just the teacher of the fifteenth!"

Seeing Zhang Shun's eagerness to agree, Li Sanniang herself was stunned, feeling a little unbelievable.

It's just that Zhang Shun's mind has always been deep, and Li Sanniang couldn't see any emotion or anger in him. She only felt a little uneasy and a little happy!

Li Sanniang had just given birth to a baby and was inconvenient to take care of her. She originally wanted to keep Zhang Shun here and let Zhu'er accompany him.

As a result, Zhang Shun declined: "You haven't recovered yet, and Zhu'er has to help you take care of the child. It doesn't have to be like this. I came here specially, firstly to see how you are, and secondly because I like it, so I came here to see the child." You have the right to rest now, where can I go without spending the night?"

Li Sanniang curled her lips when she heard this, knowing that this guy was definitely planning to spend the night at the Red Lady's place. But now she was a little guilty and couldn't object, so she had to respond gently: "Then you go to the Red Lady. You have been very busy these past few months, at least you can have some rest!"

Zhang Shun was struck by Li Sanniang's words, but he responded with a red face and a heartbeat: "That's fine!"

After Zhang Shun stayed in Baodu Village for a few days, Li Xiang and Liu Rushi rushed back from Luanchuan Town. Zhang Shun talked to her and asked Shi Shi to recognize her as his godmother.

Li Xiang wants to be a ghost's godmother, but relatively speaking, she wants to be a child's biological mother. But back then, she had a share of credit for Shi Fifteen's origins and more or less a share of feelings, so she had no choice but to admit it.

It is said that after the red lady heard about this incident, she threw a lot of things in private. It's just that my stomach is not up to par, and there is nothing I can do.

At this time, the matter had just come to an end. Taking advantage of the three to five days of leisure, Zhang Shun talked with Song Xiance and chose an auspicious day to arrange the marriage of Xiao Qinhu and Li Shi'an.

The wives of these two men were all picked up from the hostages of wealthy families in Zezhou. They are both fair-skinned, beautiful, well-educated and courteous ladies.

Zhang Shun himself had already hooked up with Mrs. Sanfang, so he didn't want to take a closer look, so he just glanced at her and passed by.

Xiao Qinhu and Li Shi'an breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. They were afraid that Zhang Shun, a "lecher", would suddenly say, "This woman is destined to me", which would be great fun.

Zhang Shun had been fed well by the red lady in the past few days. He had already entered the "Sage Time" and had no other thoughts. He then ordered Baodu Village to be decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and arranged the marriage between the two people.

A normal wedding is about "the parents' orders and the matchmaker's words", but Xiao Qinhu was alone, and Li Shian's parents were no longer around, so where could there be any parents' orders?

What's more, these two women are hostages of wealthy families in Zezhou. Even if they want to make a "matchmaker's suggestion" and send people to Zezhou to propose marriage, I'm afraid their families will just use a big stick to beat the matchmaker out and say: " How can I have such a woman in my family? You can’t slander my famous family!”

So, they simply asked Song Xiance and Zhang Shenyan to be witnesses, and they borrowed two sedans and asked eight people to carry them each, barely counting them as "eight-carrying sedans" to welcome them into the house.

Zhang Shun was penniless, so he had to ask the red lady for some silver as a gift. As a result, the red lady was already jealous. Where could she find money with him?

Zhang Shun had no choice but to go to Li Xiang to ask for money again. Li Xiang was very upset when he saw the "eight-carrying sedan chair" and didn't have any money at all.

Zhang Shun scratched his head and had no idea what to do. Based on the mentality of "If you have too many lice, you won't be itchy, if you have too many debts, you won't have to worry about it." He planned to shamelessly borrow some more from Song Xiance.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Liu Rushi followed him out secretly, stuffed some money into his hand, and whispered: "This is my ransom money, let me lend you some money first!"

The next update will be late, try to update before 11 o'clock

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