Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 412 Recruitment and Training

After working hard for a few more days, Zhang Shuncai finally had his hands on Xiao Qinhu and Li Shian's lifelong affairs.

Ever since he entered the Lu family, Zhang Shun was surprised to find that the people in the Lu family were fierce and martial, and they took death lightly.

For example, Kangjiazhuang is just a group of bullies and heroes. Under normal circumstances, the rebels will fall apart as soon as they arrive. Unexpectedly, Nakang Jinshan and his hundreds of dead soldiers were not only able to defend Zhuangzi with the help of the geographical advantage, but were also able to fight to the death against the rebels, which was quite impressive.

As for the archer from the Luanchuan Town Inspection Department, Zhang Shun was even more surprised. These so-called archers from the inspection department are actually not much different from the young men recruited by the county government. Basically, they should all disperse in a hurry.

As a result, they not only resisted for a long time with the help of the Inspection Department, but even injured Jiang He, who had always fought bravely, which made Zhang Shun treat him differently.

Zhang Shenyan had mentioned the name of Henan watermelon to him before, and Meng Jin and Zhao Yutou had also heard about it. Now that I am here and have just solved the problem of "enough food", why not recruit some and train them into a camp to increase their strength?

So Zhang called over the already tanned Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance, Zhao Yutou, Chen Jindou, Zhang Dudu, the newlywed Xiao Qinhu, Chen Changzhen, Zhang Sanbai and Ma Yingniang who were far away in Kangjiazhuang, and asked them Think about your own plan.

This was Zhang Shenyan's suggestion, and it was Zhang Shun's established plan. How could anyone object to it? Immediately, everyone expressed their agreement.

Seeing that Zhang Shun had unified his thoughts, he ordered: "The method of using troops is to teach the army first. If one person learns warfare, teach it to ten people; if ten people learn warfare, teach it to become a hundred people; if a hundred people learn to fight, teach it to become a thousand people; if a thousand people learn to fight, teach it to become a thousand people." If you learn to fight, you can teach tens of thousands of people; if you learn to fight and teach tens of thousands of people, you can become three armies."

"I want to recruit five hundred 'hair gourds' first. Xiao Qinhu will be responsible for recruiting, Zhang Sanbai will be responsible for training, and Ma Yingniang will provide tactics and tactics. Let's try it out first! If it works well, we can use the old to bring in the new, and then expand the scale. . If it doesn’t work, let’s leave it at that.”

"Zhang Shenyan will be responsible for providing the required food and grass, the required weapons and armor will be supervised by Governor Zhang, and the required site will be divided and used by the Red Lady. As for the accommodation in the camp, you will take care of it yourself!"

After hearing this, everyone took the order and went away, leaving Xiao Qinhu, Zhang Sanbai and Ma Yingniang alone. Zhang Shun then said to Xiao Qinhu: "You are my sworn brother. If I can't come in person, you must keep a close eye on me. The first step in training soldiers is to select soldiers. Please be sure to select strong men for me. Those who are over forty-five and under sixteen must not be selected."

"I have also heard that in the land in the west of Henan, the people are martial in nature and good at spears and arrows. Therefore, when selecting soldiers, they must test their bows, arrows and spears. Anyone who uses a bow must set up a target board, six feet high and two feet wide. Three shots to one side are considered qualified. "

"Recalibrate his spear again, and set up a wooden target twenty steps away. The target is five feet high and eight inches wide. Five holes need to be drilled in the target to represent the eyes, throat, heart, waist, and feet. Then the spearman Stand 20 steps away and listen to the command of the drum beating, and prepare your gun. When the drum sounds, you will fly towards the wooden target and poke it. Only if you can successfully poke any one of the five holes will you be qualified."

"Only when these three items are satisfied can you be accepted as a new soldier of our rebel army. Only then can you have soldiers ready to fight!"

Xiao Qinhu was stunned when he heard this. This request was indeed not low, which showed that Zhang Shun had high expectations for the new army. He had just married a wife with the help of Zhang Shun, and they were sworn brothers. He was so grateful. Now that he was promoting himself, would he agree? Xiao Qinhu quickly bowed his hands respectfully and said: "I will definitely test each one personally to ensure that I don't miss the master's important mission!"

Zhang Shun nodded. Xiao Qinhu was a true man and would definitely not do anything fancy. He was a suitable candidate for selecting soldiers.

So Zhang Shun said to Zhang Sanbai again: "Confucius said: If you don't teach the people to fight, you will abandon their positions. Now Xiao Qinhu has selected the soldiers one by one, how will they be trained by you?"

Zhang Sanbai has also led troops many times, and he said with great experience: "The way to train troops is to practice their martial arts first. Now that the new soldiers have matured in martial arts, there is no need to worry. I will teach his small team first, and wait for his small team to complete the training." Then form a brigade. Once the brigade is trained, form an army. If you fight in formation like this and see blood, you will become a strong army."

Zhang Shun shook his head and said: "You took charge of the army twice on my behalf. The general outline is acceptable, but the details are insufficient."

"Since I asked Xiao Qinhu to select carefully, I definitely don't want to train the so-called 'usable soldiers'. If I want to train soldiers, I need to train a battalion of elite soldiers. They will go through fire and water, travel through mountains and rivers without changing their expressions; When those who attack are defeated and those who defend are strong; when they face the rain of bullets and arrows but stand firm and motionless; when they attack the fortified city and the thick formations and attack like fire, then we can become a strong army in the world!"

Zhang Sanbai's heart surged when he heard this, and he couldn't help but responded loudly: "Based on your master's instructions alone, if I can train such a powerful soldier, I will have no regrets in this life!"

Zhang Shun heard the words and said with a smile: "Military discipline comes first in the use of troops. Although this generation is highly skilled in martial arts, after all, they are unruly people who come out of poor mountains and rivers. Since I use you to train troops, I want to use your ruthlessness. Give me a good training of them. If anyone is dissatisfied, just kill them, and I will make the decision for you! You must train me to have a team that can use its arms and fingers like an arm."

"When new recruits enter the camp, they should practice their steps first. After giving the command, the left foot comes out first. After the command has stopped, the right foot comes back. There is a standing posture when standing, a sitting posture when sitting, a walking posture when walking, a running posture when running, and a turning posture when turning. There is a way to take a break. I will be with you for a month, and I will make sure to teach you proficiently. If you make any mistakes, just beat and scold them. If anyone dares to disobey and resist, they will be dealt with according to military law!"

Zhang Sanbai was shocked when he heard this. There was such a harsh method of training soldiers in the world. This has no use at all, so why waste your time?

Zhang Shun knew that he was dissatisfied, so he continued: "The wild beasts in the world can only be used after they have been tamed, and the same is true for the use of weapons. All of these Henan squash gourds are good murderers, and their hands are covered with blood. If you don't kill one How can we control their wild nature by killing them? I'm afraid if there is a slight disturbance, we will be attacked by the enemy!"

"Wait until you are proficient in this movement, then practice the formation. To form a formation, first choose the captain, and then line up in a row, making sure that everyone knows their position. With an order, the soldiers can start one by one with the captain as the leader. Line up in a row and turn to form a line. If you move forward, your steps will be the same, and if you turn, you will face the same direction. You can divide and combine freely, and take turns like a file. This is how you can form a line."

"Added with golden drums and banners, make sure the captain can see and hear clearly. Then add various tactics, compile them into a booklet, and distribute them to the captains to recite. If he fails the assessment, he will be demoted to a soldier and re-joined the team. Selected."

"After the teaching of the golden drum and banner is completed, we can form a battalion, put on the armor again, and teach the method of fighting in formation. In this way, we can build a strong army!"

Thanks to fans "Wangxian Hongchen", "Wang Yao's Young Guard Rabbit", "2001zlr" and "The Head of the Rockcruid Family" for their rewards. Thank you for supporting the author!

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