Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 417 Joy falls from heaven

Zhang Shun hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and finally decided to ask Ma Yingniang's opinion in person. After all, she is the person involved, and it still depends on her own thoughts.

So, Zhang said goodbye to Zhang Sanbai by the way, and walked cautiously towards Ma Yingniang.

When Zhang Shun approached, he saw Ma Yingniang standing there in military uniform. She held the saber in one hand and pointed with one finger, with a cold and angry look and a stern expression. She was really a heroic female general.

Although Ma Yingniang is only a few years older than these teenagers, she is much more mature mentally because she has followed her brother Zhang Sanbai around the world since she was a child. She methodically directed the boys to practice the hook gun as ordered.

Even though this hook gun only has an extra hook like an ordinary spear, its usage is much more complicated. In addition to slapping and stabbing with ordinary spears, this hook gun can also be used to hook.

For example, when the rebel cavalry attacked Ma Fengyi's Shizhu Chieftain soldiers, many cavalry soldiers were taken off their horses by the Shizhu Chieftain soldiers every time the impact speed slowed down, causing heavy losses for a time.

This weapon is somewhat similar to the halberd composed of a spear and a spear during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It can be used to stab, hook, and peck. Only after the halberd was eliminated, it was resurrected in the form of the hook gun.

When Zhang Shun was watching Water Margin in his previous life, there was a "golden gunner" Xu Ning who was good at this kind of weapon, but it was called a hook and sickle gun in Water Margin. After Shuibo Liangshan recruited him, he used this to defeat Hu Yanzhuo's chain of armor and horses.

Zhang Shun stood there and watched for a long time. Based on the battlefield practice at the time, he did find that this thing was also effective against cavalry. Of course, more importantly, Ma Yingniang is really beautiful!

Seeing that Ma Yingniang had been reprimanding her for a long time and finally took a breath, Zhang Shuncai stepped forward and said with a smile: "What a heroic and heroic female general, this is really a treat to watch after three days of separation!"

Ma Yingniang blushed when she heard this. She quickly turned her head and shouted sternly at the group of children and teenagers she had just commanded: "You guys practice hard. I have something to do. I will come back later to check. If there is any slack, I will take military action!"

Then, her face returned to normal, and she walked up to Zhang Shun and asked strangely: "If you don't go to the village to fool around these days, why are you here? The heat is unbearable these days, the sun is hot, and you are not afraid of getting tanned. !”

Zhang Shun was confused when he heard this. As a grown man, why should I be afraid of getting tanned and whitened? However, this matter is not very important. Zhang Shun said a few polite words before cautiously testing: "I am here today not for official business. But I have a private matter to tell you. I wonder if you can get married? Sweetheart?"

When Ma Yingniang heard this, her heart skipped a beat, and her heart almost jumped out of her mouth. She was afraid that she might get the wrong idea, so she quickly asked, "I don't know what you mean?"

"Ah? I originally wanted to marry you." After saying that, Zhang Shun was afraid that the two of them would be embarrassed, so he added, "Don't laugh at me for being a matchmaker at such a young age, but it's really hard for the person I entrusted to ask for it. That’s all! Whether it is successful or not, it comes out of my mouth and enters your ears, and no third person will know it!"

Ma Yingniang was surprised and happy. She didn't expect that she had been struggling for a long time before, but now she was so happy. No wonder when I went out this morning, magpies were chirping at me. My love for myself was about to become a lifelong event!

She forcibly suppressed the joy in her heart and made sure to appear more reserved. Ma Yingniang then responded: "There are so many people around here, why don't we go to a secluded place nearby to talk in detail!"

Zhang Shunyi thought the same thing. Ancient people were more conservative about matters between men and women. If this matter was mentioned in public, it would inevitably cause no gossip, so he nodded in agreement.

Ma Yingniang followed Zhang Shun, looking at his generous back, her heart beating like a little rabbit.

Although she can be considered a veteran, she is still naive when it comes to emotional matters. Ma Yingniang didn't know how to express her love for her for the first time, she just felt like she was in a state of confusion and at a loss.

Zhang Shun saw that he came to a secluded place, surrounded by lush trees, birds and cicadas chirping together. It was considered a good place, and he stopped. He then said: "I think this place is good, let's talk about it here!"

Zhang Shun had never been in the habit of serving others, so he found a clean place, picked up a few leaves, and sat down on his bed.

When Ma Yingniang saw this guy acting like an uncle, she shook her head angrily and amusedly. She also found a few leaves and put them on the ground to sit with him.

Zhang Shun then said: "This man is eight feet tall and looks good."

Just when he said this, Zhang Shun thought of Chen Changzhen's long beard and red face, and felt that he might not be what girls like, so he changed his words and said: "Although his appearance is a bit strange, fortunately he is also a talented person. He is generous, generous, and generous. He is highly skilled in martial arts and good at using soldiers!"

Sitting next to him, Ma Yingniang secretly glanced at Zhang Shun, looking at his strong figure, as well as his "Fuxi Bones" and "Shun King Eyes", which were indeed different from ordinary people.

Thinking about this man, he has handled tens of thousands of gold, silver and jewels since he started the army, but he never thought of taking out a few taels of silver and putting them into his pocket. He can be regarded as a hero who spares money and righteousness.

Along the way, he killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, Deng Qi, the commander-in-chief of Sichuan, defeated Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuan, and captured Ma Fengyi, the chieftain general of Shizhu, which can be regarded as a god in his military use.

As for the words about martial arts, although there is a suspicion of boasting, he has the merit of killing a tiger, so he can barely qualify for this title.

Thinking about it, Ma Yingniang was obsessed for a moment, and the tenderness in her eyes almost melted Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shunzheng was talking enthusiastically when he suddenly saw Ma Yingniang's expression and couldn't help but be startled. He felt like his heart was being pulled, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

He quickly eliminated the distracting thoughts and said with a smile in his heart: It seems that this girl is in love with her, the match is made!

After thinking about this, Zhang Shun continued: "He is my sworn brother, who is also known as 'Er Guan Gong' Chen Changzhen!"

Ma Yingniang was listening to "Zhang Shun bragging" with great affection, wishing she could take the opportunity to accomplish good things here. But when she suddenly heard Chen Changzhen's name, she couldn't help but be startled.

Then he realized that after talking for a long time, Zhang Shun actually wanted to marry himself to someone else. If it were an ordinary woman, she would either cry a lot or simply marry the wrong person and marry someone else.

But who is she, Ma Yingniang? How dare this guy tease her?

Ma Yingniang was ashamed and annoyed. She reached out and grabbed the knife, and pulled it out with a "crack" sound. She cursed angrily: How dare you! Then he jumped up and wanted to cut Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun originally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that things were going quite smoothly. As a result, Ma Yingniang suddenly changed her expression and started to use the knife.

I don't know whether Zhang Shun reacted quickly or Ma Yingniang showed mercy. Zhang Shun got up and ran around.

As he ran, he said angrily: "What are you doing, you crazy bitch? Success or failure is a matter of mutual consent. I'm not forcing you to do anything. If you have any dissatisfaction, I will talk about it later. Why did you suddenly fall out?" "

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