Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 418 Beauty is a disaster

The two of them chased each other and fled out of the woods. Zhang Sanbai had sharp eyes and was the first to see his sister chasing his lord with a knife. He was even more shocked and angry.

Zhang Sanbai spends time with his sister day and night, how can he not know what she is thinking? Now the two of them were having such a great time, but they ended up having such a quarrel. Maybe it was because this guy saw that his sister was devoted to him, so he couldn't help but get involved. Instead, he made the girl unhappy, so she slashed him with a knife.

Zhang Sanbai and Ma Yingniang have similar temperaments, both because of their parents' emotional affairs, and they have no good impressions of passionate and lustful people. Seeing this, he quickly rolled up his sleeves, grabbed a three-pointed two-edged knife and rushed forward.

Zhang Shun ran on the front foot, Ma Yingniang on the back foot, the two of them were chasing each other, but they didn't notice the person in front, and they happened to be bumped into by Zhang Sanbai.

When Zhang Sanbai saw Zhang Shun running towards him, he waved the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and he slashed at the top of his pocket!

Ma Yingniang was chasing after her in a hurry when she suddenly saw her brother slashing at her with a knife, and she couldn't help being frightened. She hurriedly took two steps faster and suddenly jumped on Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun's steps were unsteady and he was immediately thrown to the ground by Ma Yingniang.

That Zhang Sanbai was about to strike hard with his sword, but suddenly he saw his sister rushing towards him. How could he dare to strike? I had no choice but to stop it, and I almost lost my waist.

Zhang Shun had already escaped, but suddenly a fragrant wind hit him and knocked him to the ground. He couldn't help being shocked and thought to himself: My life is at stake!

After waiting for a long time, no pain came. Instead, a soft body pressed against him, and warm breaths, following the rise and fall of the woman's chest behind him, hit him behind his ears, tickling him a bit.

Suddenly, Zhang Shun's mind calmed down, and he lost both fear and charming thoughts. Just a sentence popped into my mind, "Bow one's body like jade, and blow your breath like orchid"!

Without any reason, he finally understood the reason why she was chasing him. Yes, for such a beautiful woman, only I am worthy of her in the world. I am stupid enough to be a matchmaker for others. I really deserve to be killed and beheaded!

The two of them were motionless, lying there as if no one in the world existed!

Zhang Sanbai looked embarrassed and could only try to retreat to the starting point. When he looked up, he saw Xiao Qinhu standing in front of him holding two knives. The other little "hairy gourds" were surrounded by a dark crowd eating melons, and they immediately covered their eyes helplessly.

My sister has always been a thin-skinned person. If she got up and saw them, she would be so embarrassed and angry that she would have to kill them! Forget it, never mind, I'll slip away first!

As a result, as soon as Zhang Sanbai raised his foot, Xiao Qinhu shouted: "Zhang Sanbai! You want to rebel, but you dare to swing your sword at the lord!"

Xiao Qinhu's drink didn't matter, he immediately woke up the bunch of mandarin ducks lying on the ground. The two quickly turned over and climbed up, blushing and adjusting their clothes.

Among the two, Zhang Shun was the thicker-skinned and regained his composure instantly. Seeing that things were developing in an uncontrollable direction, he coughed lightly and said, "Let's all disperse, it's okay! Yingniang and I were practicing our chasing and escaping skills just now. Because we didn't say hello to you in advance, it caused a stir." Misunderstand!"

As he spoke, Zhang Shun himself felt that his words were a bit arrogant. He looked at the "mao gourds" around him and then changed the subject and said: "When Mount Tai collapses in front but its color remains unchanged, when elk thrives on the left but the tree does not fade, then you become the strongest soldier in the world." .You don’t obey orders to train, but instead gather around here to watch the fun. Don’t you have nothing to do?”

"Those who still train seriously will be rewarded with a hundred, and the rest will be given ten lashes with the cane as punishment!"

The people who were eating melons didn't expect to eat melons and even ate the boards. They suddenly started wailing and dispersed.

Zhang Shun then said to Xiao Qinhu: "Thank you, second brother, for your concern. This is just a misunderstanding. I also ask second brother Xiao to go and enforce military law. I will explain to the second brother later."

Xiao Qinhu was doubtful, but now that Zhang Shun said so, he had no choice but to obey the order. After that, he said goodbye to Zhang Shun, picked up his board, and began to implement military law.

At this time, Zhang Shun smiled and said to Zhang Sanbai: "You are really brothers and sisters working together!"

Zhang Sanbai didn't know that he had violated a taboo, so he quickly knelt down and admitted his mistake honestly: "My lord has been so kind to me. Now, because of my anger, I brandished a knife at my lord. I deserve death." Please punish me, my lord!”

Zhang Shun's face was expressionless, but he actually had a terrible headache. As the saying goes, "beauties bring disaster", and now Ma Yingniang really deserves this name.

Just because she was alone, her three generals Chen Changzhen, Zhang Sanbai and Xiao Qinhu were involved, as well as Wang Jinyi, who seemed to be aloof. She seemed to be thinking about it, but this matter was no longer good!

Now Zhang Shun couldn't care about much, so he could only shout: "Let's make a note of it this time, and you and Xiao Qinhu can enforce the military law. I will talk to Yingniang again, and there are some misunderstandings. I'm afraid I need to explain it clearly!" "

Zhang Sanbai breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left. His behavior of wielding a sword at his lord is a taboo for ministers. As a result, he was eager to protect his sister, but he never thought that he would make such a big mistake, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Besides, after everyone dispersed, Zhang Shun awkwardly said to Ma Yingniang: "Yingniang, do you think we can find another place to talk?"

As soon as she heard that she was looking for a place to talk, Ma Yingniang felt angry. She raised her eyebrows coldly and shouted: "What are you talking about!"

"Well, let's talk about the two of us!"

Ma Yingniang felt relieved and replied angrily: "Well, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will die with you even if I risk my life!"

If you dare to do something, you must dare to take responsibility, and if you are beaten, you must stand upright. Zhang Shun himself almost helped someone to cuckold him. This was really a shame and a great humiliation. He dared not speak harshly, so he could only respond in a low voice: "I am fully aware of Yingniang's affection for me. Previously, Shun was stupid, but instead he let Yingniang I’m angry!”

Ma Yingniang was originally in a fierce mood, but when she heard the words "Yeah", she blushed with embarrassment and could no longer be fierce.

The two of them walked to a remote place. Ma Yingniang looked around and found that the surroundings were quiet. She couldn't help but worry: This guy is a pervert. Will he make a move soon? Should she give in half-heartedly or refuse verbally?

Zhang Shun didn't know where this woman's thoughts were, so he just sighed: "At the beginning, I was just an ordinary farmer. If not for something unexpected, I would have spent my whole life getting married and having children in my hometown with Sanniang. !”

"It wasn't until I met Ying Niang that I was astonished. It's just that I was immoral and incompetent at the time. I didn't dare to delay Ying Niang's future. I could only watch her from a distance and didn't dare to get close to her."

"After that, I went back and forth again, fought repeatedly, and gradually drifted away from Yingniang. I thought we were destined to be together in this life. But unexpectedly, Yingniang was so affectionate towards me, but it was my fault!"

Seeing that he was babbling non-stop, Ma Yingniang gritted her teeth and said straight to the point: "In this case, how dare you marry me now!"

"Why don't you dare!" How can a man say no?

"Is this true?"

"It's true!" Despite Zhang Shun's cheerful reply, he secretly smiled bitterly. He was pretending to be fat, but today he was able to shake off his macho dignity.

But how to solve the problem of Chen Changzhen and others, Zhang Shun is in trouble!

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