Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 420 Carriage Gorge

Chen Changzhen was despised by Zhang Shun and Li Xin. He had no shame in asking Zhang Shun to help with matchmaking, so he had to drop the matter.

Just as Zhang Shenyan and others arrived one after another, everyone started talking about business.

After Zhang Shun ordered Li Xin to briefly introduce the matter, he said: "Where is Xing'an Prefecture and what is the terrain like? I wonder if the rebels have a chance to break through?"

As a result, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all a little dumbfounded.

Zhang Shenyan was born in Shanxi and worked mostly near the capital, but had never been to this place. Song Xiance traveled south and north, but mostly around eastern Henan. No one else knows the people here.

With no other choice, Zhang Shun had no choice but to order Li Xin to go out and ask if anyone knew the route to Xing'an Prefecture.

After waiting for a long time, the red lady came over followed by arrows. She was only three months pregnant and her belly was not very obvious yet. She looked the same as usual. It turned out that among all the rebels, only Lady Hong was familiar with the situation here.

The red lady is not a coy person. Since she came, she explained openly: "Xing'an Prefecture is located in Hanzhong, east of Hanzhong Prefecture in Shaanxi, west of Yunyang Prefecture in Huguang, and south of Kuizhou Prefecture in Sichuan North, south of Xi'an Prefecture in Shaanxi Province, between 800 and 1,000 miles away from Lu's family."

"If, as Li Xin said, Chen Qiyu, the governor of the five provinces, occupied Hanzhong Mansion, Lu Xiangsheng, governor of Yunyang, occupied Yunyang Mansion, Sichuan soldiers and chieftain soldiers occupied the south, and Shaanxi governor Lian Guoshi occupied Shangluo in the southeast, the rebel army would have no choice but to go north. There is a glimmer of hope if you enter Xi'an Prefecture."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be shocked: Surrounded by three towers? As expected, Zhang Shun explained the art of war to everyone many times, and everyone reacted instantly.

Even Zhang Shun, Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance had a vague feeling that the victory of this battle should have been decided long ago, but the news had not yet been transmitted.

Zhang Shun was impatient, but he didn't dare to show it. He just asked: "How is the situation in Xing'an Prefecture? If we go north from Xing'an Prefecture, how many roads can we take?"

The red lady pondered for a moment before continuing: "Xing'an Prefecture was originally called Jinzhou. It was renamed Xing'an Prefecture during the Wanli Period. It governs six counties: Shiquan, Hanyin, Ziyang, Xunyang, Baihe and Pingli. This state is surrounded by mountains on all sides. , the east and west can be connected by the Han River, and the north and south can only be accessed by mountain trails."

"If you want to go north, only the Ziwu Road connects you. However, this road is narrow and rugged, and you can only reach Xi'an by riding alone through hundreds of miles of deep mountains and old forests."

"The Ziwu Valley conspiracy?" Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this. In later generations, he also liked forum trolling. There are also many comments about Wei Yan's Ziwu Valley Qiuzhi during the Three Kingdoms period, and I have some impressions.

It is said that when Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, went to Cao Wei in the north, the famous general Wei Yan proposed the famous Ziwu Valley strategy, which was to follow Han Xin's example of "building a plank road openly and secretly attacking Chen Cang".

Wei Yan personally led 5,000 elite troops from Ziwu Valley to Chang'an and captured Chang'an and Tongguan in one fell swoop. Zhuge Liang led the army out of Xie Valley and marched into Chang'an and Tongguan. The two armies met at Tongguan.

Since Zhuge Liang was always cautious in using troops, he thought this strategy was too dangerous and unlikely to succeed, so he abandoned it.

At that time, Zhang Shun still remembered that someone cited extensive evidence and cited the example of Gao Yingxiang, the "King of Chuang", who followed this path and was captured alive by Sun Chuanting, the governor of Shaanxi.

After thinking about this, Zhang Shun finally remembered that the person he was fighting for power with was the "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang, wasn't he? This is bad. Could it be that the rebel army is about to be wiped out?

At this time, the red lady hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Actually, there is a small road here that can also lead to Xi'an Prefecture. From the north of Xing'an Prefecture, trace the Fujia River north to the junction of Xing'an, Xunyang and Zhen'an. , you can go directly to Xi’an Prefecture from Nanshan Trail.”

After hearing this, Zhang Shun and others didn't know the situation of the rebels, and they didn't come up with any ideas.

At this time, Zhang Shenyan suggested: "The life and death of the rebel army is related to the safety of our army, but now we are thousands of miles away. Even if we have the intention, we are powerless. If my prediction is correct, the victory or defeat has already been decided between the officers and soldiers and the rebel army." . Our army should dispatch scouts in time to find out the outcome of both sides."

"If the rebel army is unfortunately defeated, our army will contact its defeated troops in time and prepare to receive other remaining troops to strengthen our army's strength."

Others didn't have any good ideas and all agreed. Zhang Shun had no choice but to let everyone disperse, but told Li Xin to send more soldiers to Yunyang and Xing'an to gather information.

The story is divided into two parts. It is said that after "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang, "Chuang General", "Eight Kings", "Living Cao Cao", "Man Gypsophila", "Guo Tianxing" and others separated from Zhang Shun, they divided their forces to attack various places in Huguang.

At the beginning, they advanced all the way, defeating those they attacked and surrendering, and captured the remaining six counties except Yunyang Prefecture along the way.

It was the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month in the sixth year of Chongzhen. The rebels pretended to be pilgrims and cleverly captured Yunxi County, west of Yunyang Prefecture. On the 25th, they went west to capture Shangjin. Then the rebel army went deep into Daba Mountain and successively attacked Zhuxi, Zhushan, Fangshan and Baokang counties, killing the county magistrates Wang Zhensheng and Yu Xiao.

Then he divided his troops into three groups and attacked Shaanxi, Guizhou, Fengjie and other places, reaching the vicinity of the north bank of the Yangtze River, with unrivaled momentum.

Unexpectedly, out of joy came sorrow. The imperial court appointed Governor Chen Qiyu of the five provinces and Governor Lu Xiangsheng of Yunyang to carry out encirclement and suppression of the rebels.

The land occupied by the rebels is the vast mountainous area between the Qinling Mountains and the Daba Mountains. It was the place where Jingxiang refugees prospered in the middle of the Ming Dynasty.

Later, after the refugees in Jingxiang were pacified by the Ming Dynasty, in order to prevent the refugees from coming back, Yunyang Prefecture was specially established to govern the vast mountainous areas between Shaanxi, Henan, Sichuan and Huguang.

This Yunyang Prefecture is located right between the Qinling Mountains and the Daba Mountains. It also has the Han River connecting the east and west, connecting Hanzhong and Xiangyang. It was like a fish bone stuck in the rebel's throat, making the rebel very uncomfortable.

"Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang and "Chuang General" and others had not thought of uprooting this strategic location. However, Lu Xiangsheng used both civil and military forces to suppress and appeasement, and quickly stabilized the situation in Yunyang Mansion.

The rebel army was forced by Lu Xiangsheng and Chen Qiyu and had no choice but to slowly retreat into Hanzhong. Then Chen Qiyu entered Hanzhong Prefecture, and the rebel army was besieged in Xing'an Prefecture.

"Chuang Jiang" came here in the second year of Chongzhen, so he is familiar with the topography and geography of this place. Although he has not studied the art of war as systematically as Zhang Shun, fortunately he is also a soldier, and with his good talent, he also knows the principle of "surrounding three buildings and one".

At that time, "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang and other rebels were preparing to go north to Xi'an Prefecture via Ziwu Valley. He then objected: "The purpose of the four gatherings of officers and soldiers is to destroy our army. Now that the officers and soldiers have set up nets on three sides and only opened one side, they must have predicted that our army will go north from this road. If I follow it, I will definitely be trapped by the officers and soldiers."

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