"Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang is not an outsider. Hearing this, he felt that "Chuang General" Huang Lai'er's words were reasonable, so he nodded and asked, "What do you think?"

The "Eight Kings", "Man's Sky Star", "Guo Tianxing" and others were all at a lower level in terms of strength and level. Seeing "Chuang King" and "Chuang General" make their decision, they all nodded in agreement.

Both "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang and "Chuang General" Huang Lai'er have been here and are familiar with the terrain. There is a small road in Ankang that leads to Xi'an Mansion, but the rebels expected that the officers and soldiers would not know about it.

So, the rebels took advantage of the night to march north along the Fujia River valley.

It's May and June, and the weather is getting warmer. The rebel army happened to be marching along the river. The forest was deep and the valley was deep, and the moonlight could not reach it.

Fortunately, the terrain in the valley is flat, and it avoids the Liangheguan Inspection Department at the intersection of Ganyou River and Xun River. Along the way, I could only hear frogs chirping and insects chirping, but no human sounds. The rebels easily walked out of the Fujia River Valley without realizing it, and reached the junction of Xing'an, Xunyang and Zhen'an.

There are many peaks here, reaching straight into the sky. Stopping the road are Niutou Mountain and Wangmang Mountain in the remaining mountains of Zhongnan Mountain. After crossing this mountain, you can reach Zhen'an County in Xi'an Prefecture.

This place is a dead end, but no matter how high the mountain is or how deep the valley is, there will always be a path leading to it. The same is true for this mountain. There have long been trails traversed by local people in the mountains, but they are only known to the local people. If not, "Chuang King", "Chuang General" and others would not dare to go out this way.

Starting from Xing'an Prefecture to Zhen'an County, it is about 200 miles of mountainous roads. The rebels climbed all night and day, and reached a valley at dawn the next day.

"Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang asked someone and learned that this place is called "Songshu Dam", but he didn't know what it meant.

The rebel soldiers were sleepy, hungry, and their feet were in unbearable pain. "King Chuang" knew that he could not go any further, so he had to order the rebels to rest on the spot and bury pots to make rice.

In fact, the rebels were already out of food. Although they had looted a lot in the past, they were carrying gold, silver, jewelry and other items in their carriages and belts. Now I can neither eat nor drink, so I have to take out some grain and cook some gruel to satisfy my hunger.

At this time, some rebels complained in a low voice: "What 'Chuang King' and 'Chuang General' are so famous! Not only did we suffer hardships along the way, but we didn't even have enough to eat. I think when we followed King Shun, not only did we The battle was fought happily, and we had no worries about food and drink.”

"We believed him in the first place, why did we come here? We were chased like dogs by the officers and soldiers along the way. If we had known this, we might as well have followed King Shun. After all, he is still the serious boss!"

"Chuang King" and "Chuang General" couldn't help but blush when they heard this, but it was bad luck. They were being gossiped about behind their backs and had nothing to say.

It's just that the "eight kings" had a hot temper. Hearing this, he stepped forward and kicked the person who was talking nonsense, and yelled: "You brewed it. If you follow that little kid, can you still be happy along the way?"

"You bastard donkey ball ball, your woman has also played with you, and your silver and jewelry have been robbed. You have taken all the benefits. How can you say such sarcastic words?"

When the man saw that the person coming was the ferocious "Eight Great Kings", he immediately did not dare to say anything and just looked at him angrily.

"Chuang Jiang" Huang Lai'er saw that this was not the case, so he stepped forward and talked to "Eight Kings" and said: "Forget it!"

The "Eight Kings" were not as powerful as others, so they sold "Chuang Jiang" a thin side. He cursed and walked to the side, filled a bowl of hot gruel and drank it.

"Jiang Jiang" shook his head and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Although this guy's words sound unpleasant, it is actually the truth. When King Shun assumed the position of leader of the alliance, he was still responsible for half of the food and fodder for the brothers in each camp.

At first everyone thought it was just that, but after they went their separate ways, they realized how powerful this guy was, and they didn't know where he got so much food and grass at that time.

Even though there are thirty or forty thousand rebels now, their strength is even greater than before. As a result, wherever they went, they were like locusts, eating up everything. The slightest disadvantage would be the end of starvation.

Everyone was born as farmers, and without food and drink, their first reaction was to go farming in the valleys. As a result, the Ming Dynasty did not give these bandits a chance.

At the beginning of the division of troops, the "Eight Great Kings" were in Yingshan County, the "King Chuang" went to the vicinity of Yunyang, and the "General Chuang" entered Shangluo. As a result, as soon as the seeds were sown, the government army came after them. After a chaotic battle, not only did they lose the chassis, but they also lost all the seeds they had sown.

"King Shun" also has more than ten thousand troops under his command. Now we don't know where he went or how he acted.

After thinking for a long time, "Chuang Jiang" couldn't think of a reason, so he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

This King Shun has a lively mind, which is different from ordinary people. He can't tell what tricks he will come up with. Anyway, he is definitely happier than himself and others!

"General Chuang" was about to ask the counselor who had just taken refuge in him not long ago, how he should act in the future.

Unexpectedly, I only heard the sound of a cannon in the clear sky, shocking the birds and beasts in the forest. Crowds of birds flew up from the forest, chirping, and covered the sky and the sun, but the rebels didn't have the slightest intention to appreciate it.

I saw a dense group of people rushing out near the exit of the valley. When everyone looked up, they saw it was none other than a group of officers and soldiers with bright uniforms and full armor.

Everyone was startled and quickly gathered their soldiers and retreated along the way. Just after retreating seven or eight miles, I saw a group of officers and soldiers in sharp attire blocking behind me.

Gao Yingxiang, the "King of Chuang", didn't know that he and others had fallen into a trick of the officers and soldiers and were now in danger. He quickly and decisively shouted: "The brave will win when we meet on a narrow road. Brothers, follow me and fight to the death to break through!"

When it comes to life and death, how can you care about so many things? The rebel army unleashed a powerful fighting force and defeated this group of officers and soldiers. Seeing that they were about to break through the siege, they never thought that another group of officers and soldiers would catch up and forcefully block the rebels back.

Seeing an opportunity, the officers and soldiers on the other side rushed over to help in the battle. The two sides fought fiercely from morning to night and into the middle of the night. Both sides were injured before they retreated to rest.

At dawn the next day, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides again, each still suffering from injuries and no match for the other.

At this time, "King Chuang" had no choice but to summon the leaders of the rebels to discuss, but they were all helpless and had to disperse.

When Huang Lai'er, the "Investigator", came to the camp with a sad face, he wanted to ask his brother and nephew if there was anything they could do. His newly recruited counselor, whom he called "Gu Junen", offered advice: "Now the rebel army is surrounded by enemies on all sides, and the trapped animals are still fighting. The officers and soldiers cannot leave, so surrender is the first priority!"

Thank you to the fan "Wang Yao's Young Guard Rabbit" for the large reward, and thank you for your strong support to the author!

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