Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 428 Changzhen leads the troops

The battle between the two sides on the top of the mountain is boring to tell, but bloody and cruel.

The thief Yu Dazhong had 2,000 men under his command, all of whom were miners from Song County. These people usually work in the mines under Yu Dazhong's pressure and have enough to eat for a day. If something happens, the mine head will be the leader, armed with swords, guns, bows and arrows, and they will fight in formation.

These miners have a very good foundation in terms of obedience, toughness and will, and are better than those "mao gourds" who are based on mountain people and farmers.

Yu Dazhong had a large number of men and horses, so his line was long. As soon as the two sides engaged in battle, the rebels were outflanked by these "hairy gourds" from both sides.

Chen Changzhen didn't want to release the strange soldiers in his hands so soon. The so-called surprise troops are actually the reserves for future generations. This is the meaning of the Art of War saying: "Any warrior must use the right combination to win by surprise."

In ancient battles, maintaining the formation was the first priority.

If it is defense, no matter how skilled the soldiers are or how high their morale is, as long as the formation is complete, even if the first-class elites attack repeatedly, it will be difficult to achieve decent results. If the formation is broken, no matter how elite they are, they will be massacred.

However, the formation itself has certain weaknesses. For example, the conical formation is good at attacking, while the circular formation is good at defending. If the enemy repeatedly tests and tests the weak points, he can attack with all his strength to open the gap. Only then can the surprise troops be released, while blocking the gaps to ensure the integrity of the formation.

If it is used for offense, it will not be possible to break through the enemy's formation nodes for a while. At critical moments, you can also release the surprise troops in your hand to enhance the team's assault capability.

Of course, you can also use defense as offense, wait until the enemy's attack is exhausted, and then release surprise troops to turn defeat into victory; or use offense as defense, attack the opponent's flanks and back, causing the enemy's entire army to rout.

In short, "odd things lead to change" and "holding odd things means grasping opportunities." The reserve team is the last variable on the battlefield, and mastering the surprise troops is used to master fighter opportunities.

Chen Changzhen was repeatedly indoctrinated with knowledge of the art of war by Zhang Shun, and he had a profound understanding of it. Seeing that the enemy was gaining strength, he simply ordered the "King of Ruler" and "King of Chaos" to shrink their formation and turn it into a circular formation to delay time.

Seeing the rebels retreating, Yu Dazhong became even more aggressive. He couldn't help but order: "You all cheer me up, shoot two waves of arrows, and there is no lineup in the world that will not collapse!"

After receiving the order, these "hairy gourds" held the spears in their hands, paused, and stuck the spears at the end of the spears on the ground. Then he took his bow and arrows and shot them at the rebels in a mess.

Although the heat is unbearable at this time of year, the rebels have already put on cotton armor and iron armor for the sake of their lives. Suddenly, many arrows fell on the rebels with a clanging sound. Some were made of iron armor and were ejected directly; some were made of cotton armor and the arrows were hung on their bodies.

Only a few unlucky people were shot either into the cracks of their armor or into exposed areas. Fortunately, none of them were fatal, and the injuries were not serious.

The corps commander had already ordered these injured soldiers to retreat and let the people behind them take over one after another. There were also three or five female nurses who quickly took white medicine and bandages and quickly wrapped them on them so that they could recover from their injuries as soon as possible and continue fighting.

There are not many nurses in this nurse camp. Li Xiang and Liu Rushi only recruited thirty or forty people. Now that Chen Changzhen was leading the expedition, Zhang Shun specially allocated ten nurses to him to test the effect.

Sure enough, when these rebels saw the enemy's arrows coming, most of them were blocked by their armor. Only a few people were slightly injured, but they were well taken care of by the nurses. For a while, they no longer had any fear, but their morale increased.

These "hair gourds" are not real soldiers. The bows they used in the past were mostly hunting bows. The bow is weak and has little strength, and the arrows are weak and cannot penetrate the armor.

In the past, Yu Dazhong bullied other villagers and bandits who had no armor. Even Ding Zhuang, the county government servant, or the archer of the inspection department, were all unarmored. Where has he ever encountered such an opponent?

The "Mao Gourd" fired several rounds. Yu Dazhong estimated that the rebels would suffer heavy casualties, so he ordered them to charge and prepare for a hand-to-hand encounter.

Yu Dazhong led this gang of miners to fight, and he felt that he was very organized. He always liked to let the miners shoot a few rounds of arrows first to confuse the enemy. Then, abandon the bow for a gun, rush over, and defeat the opponent.

Only relying on these miners to dare to kill and charge, Yu Dazhong also gained a reputation as a good fighter. What's more, these people are all frogs in the well. They have never seen how regular frontier troops fight. In addition, with some flattery, they all praise him as "Han Bai is resurrected and Wei Huo is alive."

After listening to it for a long time, Yu Dazhong thought that he was "born to know it" and was a born famous general. If you have some free time, drink some wine, and feel a sense of sadness and anger at not being able to appreciate your talents.

Now that he saw that the rebels not only refused to surrender, but dared to resist, he was ready to release his "killer weapon" to destroy the resistance of the rebels in one fell swoop.

But how could he have imagined that no matter how brave you are, how can you resist with no armor against someone with armor?

These miners rushed up with howls and screams, and then met the rebels who were waiting neatly. The weapons used by both sides were not much different, including several spears and spears.

When the two formations intersect, they don't pay attention to any martial arts skills. They just hold spears and spears and poke randomly. There were even those who were too nervous and frightened and just shook the spear up and down and slapped it, but it did no harm.

After the two sides fought for a while, the rebels realized that the opponent was like a "Donkey of Guizhou". They looked at it as a giant, but in fact they had limited skills.

So some brave people rushed forward, braved the gunfire, and hit a miner to death. The miner's spear tip also pierced his body, but it was blocked by the armor.

Others couldn't help but suddenly realize what they saw, and immediately relied on the strength of their armor to exchange guns with these miners.

Although these miners are desperadoes, they are not people who are not afraid of death. When they see others suffering, who would dare to step forward? Suddenly, they were killed by the rebels and retreated steadily.

The rebels couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw this. They rushed forward like a swarm of swarms and beat up the drowned dog.

After being hit, the "Mao Gourd" composed of miners from Songxian County continued to retreat and stubbornly maintained its lineup despite losing ground.

After the rebels rushed too far forward, the formation became dispersed. Instead, they were defeated by these "hairy gourds" with more numbers, two or three against one, killing more than ten people, and then retreated in defeat.

Chen Changzhen stood at a high place and frowned when he saw this. The enemy is numerous and quite tough, but it is not easy to handle.

If it were a plain and wilderness, there would be no need for such trouble. All he needs to do is to single-handedly find an opportunity to lead more than a dozen fine cavalry to find the location of the remaining loyalist. With a single charge, he can capture the thief and the king, and capture the beast.

Nowadays, the mountains are so rugged that it is difficult for horses to gallop, but they can only fight infantry against infantry in waves, which is really uncomfortable.

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