Unable to take advantage of his personal martial arts, Chen Changzhen had to carefully direct the "King of Chaos" and "King of Rule" to fight back and forth with the miners under Yu Dazhong's command.

One side is well-trained and well-equipped, while the other side is numerous and skilled in martial arts. The two sides go back and forth without giving in to each other.

After the rebels were compressed into a circular formation, they could explode with a strong impact; however, when the rebels took advantage and expanded outward, the formation dispersed, but they were pushed back by the miners, forming a dynamic balance for a while.

While Chen Changzhen resisted the urge to release the surprise soldiers Li Jiyu and the horses in his hands, he looked towards Kangjiazhuang.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but due to Yu Dazhong's large number of men, even when he was attacking the rebels on the mountain with all his strength, he still retained six to seven hundred people to monitor the movements of Kangjiazhuang.

Due to his haste to engage Yu Dazhong and his gang of miners, Chen Changzhen did not dispatch personnel to communicate with Kangjiazhuang in time. So he didn't know that the reason why Yu Dazhong reserved these six to seven hundred people was because he was being attacked defensively by Kangjiazhuang, and he was still frightened by the attack.

But this did not prevent Chen Changzhen from judging that the remaining six to seven hundred people under the "thief" were the last "surprise soldiers". As long as this last variable is contained, this battle will be won.

However, can the enemy's "surprise soldiers" be contained before Chen Changzhen releases his surprise soldiers?

The answer is yes!

Li Daliang and Chen Changzhen are cousins. They grew up playing together, and they are almost brothers. Based on Chen Changzhen's understanding of Li Daliang, he naturally knew that he would not sit back and ignore him being besieged.

Sure enough, after the two sides were in a stalemate for two or three hours, everyone was exhausted. Suddenly, the gate of Kangjiazhuang City opened, and Li Daliang personally led five hundred elites to rush out.

Yu Dazhong was not a fool. He had long been prepared for the rebels to rush out of the city and attack him from both sides. He immediately and decisively sent out the remaining five or six hundred men in formation to block Li Daliang's troops.

Although Li Daliang's men were considered elite, they were unable to deal with the miners who were fighting in formation for a while, and the battle line temporarily regained balance.

Yu Dazhong was not familiar with the art of war, but based on his many years of experience in dealing with other mountain people, bandits and government officials, he believed that the rebels had nothing to do with him.

The reason why he dared to blackmail Kangjiazhuang was because he heard that Kang Jinshan had died and the owner of Kangjiazhuang had been replaced.

Yu Dazhong has coveted the "gold and silver" in Kangjiazhuang a long time ago and wants to take it for himself. It's just that when Kang Jinshan was here before, he attacked many times without achieving any results. Nakang Jinshan did not want to be his enemy, and paid gold many times to sue for peace, so the two sides barely maintained a superficial peace.

Now that the fragile balance no longer existed, he felt that he was capable again, so he decided to launch this attack.

Now that "the idea is stuck", Yu Dazhong cannot help but want to quit.

Zhang Shun and others shouted "Catch the thief", and they called Yu Dazhong and others thieves, which is not without reason. As the mine leader, Yu Dazhong directly controls several mines in Baitu. There are silver mines, iron mines, and lead mines, but there are no gold mines.

So he was jealous of the Kangjiazhuang gold mine. The five-to-one ratio of gold to silver made him want to swallow up Kangjiazhuang.

But if the offensive fails, he has no intention of dying. After all, I have land and money, so why should I try to fight for my life like a fool?

It's just that if you don't advance on the battlefield, you will retreat. The only difference is victory or defeat. When Yu Dazhong had not yet decided whether to retreat, Chen Changzhen had already seen the chance of victory.

On the battlefield, the last of the miners' "surprise troops" has been released. The enemy has no variables. The only variables are the two hundred elite soldiers under his command, Li Jiyu.

Chen Changzhen gave an order, and when Li Ji met the two hundred elites, they suddenly acted like wolves and tigers, and went around to the left flank of the miners to launch a fierce attack.

The miners were still immersed in the back and forth with the rebels. Unexpectedly, there were enemies coming from the side, and the left wing was immediately destroyed by the rebels.

Yu Dazhong suddenly saw the left wing of his team collapsed and was shocked. However, he no longer had the troops to use to maintain the left wing's front. He could only watch helplessly as the rebels destroyed the left wing and used this momentum to sweep towards the center and right wing.

Yu Dazhong shouted something bad, quickly abandoned the team, turned around and fled eastward. These miners were at the end of their rope after persisting for so long. Seeing that their left wing collapsed and the mine leader Yu Dazhong could not be found, how could they still have the fighting spirit?

Immediately, the entire army of miners was defeated and was attacked from two sides by the rebels. Countless people were killed, wounded and captured alive in a short period of time. The rebels achieved a hearty victory.

After Zhang Shun waited anxiously for two days in Baodu Village, as expected, he received news of Chen Changzhen's victory.

In Chen Changzhen's letter to Zhang Shun, he proudly described how he commanded the rebels to set up camp to lure the enemy, how to form formations for a stalemate, how to determine that Li Daliang would definitely send troops in Kangjiazhuang, and how to release the last surprise force to finalize the war.

Zhang Shun pursed his lips and smiled. These were just childish matters. Maybe he felt the same way when he led them to fight against the officers and soldiers.

After being deliberately trained by himself, Chen Changzhen basically has the ability to lead an army on his own, and this is all within his expectation.

But he felt mixed feelings in his heart. I am happy that Chen Changzhen has finally grown up, but I am worried that Chen Changzhen has finally grown up and the training of others has to be put on the agenda.

However, after listening to Chen Changzhen's report, Zhang Shun had other thoughts.

He originally planned to discuss with Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance to find new ways to make money, but now that he learned that Yu Dazhong, the leader of the Baitu Mine, was invading, he wanted to take the opportunity to seize the Baitu mines.

Baitu is in the northeast of Baodu Village, even closer than Kangjiazhuang. It's just that this place originally belonged to Song County to the east of the Lu family. In order to prevent the rebels from becoming known to the government, Zhang Shun did not want to provoke this place for a while.

Now that the leader of the white clay mine has offended him, he has to take action on him. Even if the magistrate of Song County investigates the case, it can be deduced that the thief is only responsible for provoking him, so he fights with each other.

When the time comes, even if I spend some money, the magistrate of Song County will not be able to guess his true identity.

In the Ming Dynasty, mining revenue was included in the emperor's internal funds, which has always been disliked by local officials. Even if the mine bosses and thieves were allowed to steal, the emperor would not send eunuchs to mine.

Even gold mines like Kangjiazhuang have never been taken seriously by local officials. If the rebels took over these minerals under the guise of personal vendetta, nothing would happen.

Just when Zhang Shun was calculating the gains and losses, he didn't expect that the second letter from Kangjiazhuang was rushed over.

Zhang Shun's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly opened it and saw that it read: "Kangjiazhuang was attacked by three to four thousand soldiers, Yu Dazhong and other miners. Now it is in danger. Please send the army to the rescue as soon as possible."

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