Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 466 Where is the powerful enemy?

Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, was also a man who knew the military. He knew very well that if he left such thieves alone and went to "conquer" Luoyang.

I'm afraid that if I take the lead, the thieves who were driven into the mountains will swarm in and invade the borders of Henan. No matter whether I can conquer Luoyang City by then, I am afraid that even if I have a few heads, I will not be able to withstand the attack of the grandpa in the capital.

In desperation, he had to drag Zuo Liangyu and Li Bei to discuss the matter. As a result, Zuo Liangyu and Li Bei suddenly looked embarrassed when they heard that they were going to deal with King Shun.

In desperation, Zuo Liangyu didn't care much anymore and just said: "Fujun, please listen to me. A governor of a province like you will be beheaded as soon as King Shun says. A commander-in-chief like me, Then King Shun still said he would cut it off, so he cut it off."

"I don't have three heads and six arms. I dare not say that the Fu army is better than Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, but I know that it is not comparable to Deng Qi, the general soldier of Sichuan. At the beginning, these people were so majestic, with strong soldiers and horses, but they were defeated and died in just one battle."

"Moreover, Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, and Ma Fengyi, the chieftain of Shizhu, were defeated by him. The Fu army knew that it was difficult to control his fierceness!"

Governor Xuanmo's face darkened after hearing this. He looked at Li Bei, who quickly shrank his neck in inferiority and took two steps back.

Xuan Mo couldn't help but said angrily: "If Cao Wenzhao, the commander-in-chief of the army, is here, we will not let Shun's thieves become rampant here!"

It turned out that in the first half of this year, Hong Tai, the Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, unified Monan Mongolia and launched his second westward expedition to Chahar.

By July of that year, the Hou Jin army returned to the division. In the name of the Ming border generals harassing their territory, killing their people, and hiding their escapees, they harassed and plundered the Datong area of ​​Xuanfu.

When Cao Wenzhao was in Hongdong County, Shanxi Province, he was at odds with Liu Lingyu, the censor who was at home.

After the rebels entered Henan, Cao Wenzhao was assigned to encircle and suppress the rebels under Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, in accordance with the imperial order.

Unexpectedly, Liu Lingyu, the imperial censor, wanted to die and was inspecting Henan. After the two parties met, they couldn't agree on anything.

Cao Wenzhao was already unruly, how could he accept such a birdy attitude? He broke out on the spot and reprimanded the censor Liu Lingyu.

As the saying goes: If you are not afraid of officials, you are afraid of management. Liu Lingyu was not a tolerant person. Seeing that Cao Wenzhao was still so arrogant under his jurisdiction, he took the opportunity to read his book.

It is said that when Deng Qi, the commander-in-chief of Sichuan, led the army to fight against the rebels, Cao Wenzhao, the commander-in-chief of Sichuan, remained motionless and watched the friendly forces being defeated. As a result, Deng Qi, the commander-in-chief of Sichuan, died, and Ma Fengyi, the chieftain of Shizhu, was captured and should be punished.

It happened that Cao Wenzhao was violent, cruel and murderous, and his military discipline was poor, which often caused harm to the people. There was a folk proverb at that time: "I would rather be robbed by rogue bandits than serve as Cao's soldiers. Rogue bandits can only rob, but Cao's soldiers can do endless harm. Rogue bandits rob people's wealth, and Cao's soldiers kill people's lives!"

Zhang Fengyi, who was the Minister of War at the time, said to Emperor Chongzhen: "The chief military officer Cao Wenzhao is a talented person, and his flaws cannot be concealed. Although he is suspected of being murderous, he is a useful person. Now that the Xuanfu military situation is urgent, why not send him to the border areas Pay off the crime and make meritorious service."

"If it really makes a great contribution, let's forget about it. If it doesn't work as entrusted to you, then attack it as many times as possible, and never do it again!"

Chongzhen also thought so, so he transferred Cao Wenzhao to Xuanda University and listened to Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda University.

If Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, wanted to force this person to stay, he could have written a letter to argue, or delayed it for some time. It's just that he is also a relatively upright person. If he can't see a cruel and murderous person like Cao Wenzhao, he will leave.

As a result, when I employ people today, I regret it. Xuan Mo was helpless. Since he couldn't divide his troops into two places, while besieging the rebels, he could also wait for an opportunity to recapture Luoyang City.

He also refused to take the blame for losing his capital, so he had to write a letter to Chen Qiyu, the governor of the five provinces, asking him to make a timely decision.

The officers and soldiers were trying to push back and forth, which gave Zhang Shun and others an advantage. After Zhang Shun took control of Luoyang, he first released the "River God" Huang Shoucai from the prison.

Without saying a word, Huang Shoucai knelt before Zhang Shun and said, "King Shun has shown me many favors. Now that Huang has committed a damnable crime and is desperate, please ask King Shun to take me in."

Zhang Shun had long wanted to subdue this person, why wouldn't he? He quickly smiled and said: "The difference between the words 'River God', first Huang Gong helped me cross the river and relieved me of my difficulties. Then he transported grain and grass for me, helped me defeat Deng Qi, the general of Sichuan, and captured Ma Fengyi, the chieftain of Shizhu. Mo Dayan."

"Later, because the rebel army was trapped in the north of the Yellow River, Huang Gong worked tirelessly and braved the cold wind and frost to help me cross the river again. Although there was a reason and I failed to succeed, I was investigated by the government for this, which led to this difficulty. This is all my fault. , An Neng can be grateful instead?"

"Now that Mr. Huang is willing to lead all the fishermen and boats to help me, it is a timely help. I am grateful before it is too late. How can I dare to refuse you anymore?"

Later, Zhang Shun appointed "River God" Huang Shoucai as the governor of the navy, and together with more than 300 fishermen and boatmen who had been captured by the government, he formed a navy to be responsible for the Luoshui, Yishui, Gushui and Yiluo rivers near Luoyang City. Military affairs on the water.

These people have lived on the water since childhood. They are familiar with water and are good at boats, harpoons and other things.

Zhang Shun ordered his soldiers to open the armory of Henan Prefecture, select shields and firecrackers and equip them with them. He also rewarded them with three thousand taels of silver, which can be used for naval expenses.

Although it is clear that they are currently unable to fight, fortunately they can still engage in some investigation, harassment and other tasks.

They also counted the grain, grass, gold and silver in Prince Fu's Mansion and Luoyang City, and seized a total of 50,000 shi of grain and more than 2.7 million taels of gold, silver and jewelry.

Even though Zhang Shun was well-informed, his eyes couldn't help but stare for a moment. Not to mention the "little money fan" Liu Rushi.

When she followed the infantry to Prince Fu's Mansion, she was blinded by the luxury of Prince Fu's Mansion.

Although the Zhou Mansion she married into before was also magnificent, compared with Prince Fu's Mansion, it was just like a few thatched houses.

When she heard that the rebels had seized more than 2.7 million taels of property in one fell swoop, she was so happy that she almost fainted.

But she turned over and over again and couldn't think of a valid reason to ask Zhang Shun for money, so she could only mutter: "Master, you still owe me two hundred and thirteen taels of silver. Although it is not worth anything, it is my inheritance money. You Now that you are rich, never forget Nunu!”

Zhang Shun looked amused, scratched her nose, and said with a smile: "Now that I have money, I am ready to pay you back the principal with interest. How much interest do you want?"

Liu Rushi frowned and thought about it for a long time, almost crying. Even if the profit is compounded and the original amount is repaid, it is only a few hundred taels of silver. How shabby!

She's not the kind of person who can be shameless and ask Zhang Shun for money. Hearing this, he groaned for a moment. He didn't know what to say, but the tears couldn't help but flow down.

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