Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 467 Wanli Calendar

Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this. He stretched out his hand to wipe Liu Rushi's tears, and patted a hairpin into her hand with his other hand.

Liu Rushi touched her tears and burst into laughter. It turned out to be a gold hairpin with several red and green gems inlaid on it.

Liu Rushi knew the goods well and knew that the blue one was called "crow green", the red one was called "pigeon blood red", and the one in the middle was the priceless "cat's eye".

Smiling, Liu Rushi's eyes turned red again. He clutched the hairpin tightly and said with tears streaming down his face: "Master, don't make fun of me. How can I, a servant, dare to afford such a luxurious item?"

"Take it, madam, they have better ones. Even if they don't, when the time comes they come to me to settle the score, will they still be able to harm you?" Zhang Shun reached out and rubbed her hair, messing up her hairstyle. He smiled and responded, "Bring it here and I'll put it on with you!"

Liu Rushi was stunned, and quickly put the hairpin into his arms, and said with a smile: "Once it's in my hand, it's mine, and no one can take it away. Wearing it on your head is too ostentatious, so you should keep it in your heart and rest assured." "

"Little money lover!" Zhang Shun smiled fondly and said casually, "I have thousands of powerful soldiers now, who dares to come and steal your hairpin?"

Liu Rushi smiled and said nothing, thinking: You have too many wives. If one of them falls in love with her, how dare I, a little maid, resist? I have millions of soldiers, but I'm afraid I won't be able to use them!

After coaxing the little girl, Zhang Shun quickly invited Zhang Shenyan, Xiao Qinhu, Liu Cheng, He Jin and He Yilong to discuss the reward.

Previously, everyone was hiding in Tibet and was surrounded and suppressed by officers and soldiers. They could not stop for a moment. Don't talk about military pay and rewards, even if you want to have three meals a day, you can't get it.

For example, Zhang Shun, as the leader of an army, used to have a simple life, and compared with the conditions of his soldiers, they were not that good.

Even in daily favors, such as toothpaste and so on, he had to have several wives to subsidize him.

The red lady often complained to him about this, saying, "Marry a man, marry a man, wear clothes and eat. I have abandoned the original man and eloped with you, so I have to do something for you, right?"

"Well, now if you don't take money from home, I still have no status, and secondly, I have to pay back. I don't know whether I support the man, or the man supports me!"

Every time Zhang responded jokingly, "Aren't you just trying to make me look bigger? You still lack that little bit of money and status!" He fooled me and was done.

Even my wife is like this, let alone the man who follows her around and works hard. Now that Zhang Shun has made a fortune, he must give him a reward to appease people's hearts.

He Yilong couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw such a good thing. He was a straight-tempered person and did not make so many twists and turns. Seeing that the others were silent, he stood up and said: "My lord, as the saying goes, reward merit and punish punishment, which is the basis of the art of war. The capture of Luoyang City this time depends entirely on the rebel cavalry. I think Each of the cavalrymen should be rewarded with ten taels of silver."

After all, Xiao Qinhu values ​​​​loyalty and thinks to himself: Don't cause trouble to your brothers! Although he didn't accept He Yilong's words, he didn't have the nerve to argue.

The "King of Troubled Times" and "King of Ruled Times" gave up and quickly stood up and retorted: "The cavalry has merit, but the infantry has done the same? In the past, I attacked the city first, defended the camp, and escorted the family members. All these things have left me." How can we wait for the infantry to be used?"

Zhang Shun saw that they were arguing fiercely, so he interrupted: "Brothers in the same robe, if we can share adversity, we should also be able to share wealth and wealth. Along the way, both foot and horse have contributed."

"In my opinion, the cavalry will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver, the infantry will be rewarded with ten taels of silver, and the rest of the people who have done meritorious service will be rewarded together according to their merits. Isn't it wonderful?"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this and thanked Zhang Shun one after another. In terms of merit, Liu Chenggong was the most generous and was rewarded with three thousand taels of silver. The others He Jin, He Yilong, Xiao Qinhu, "King of Ruled Times", and "King of Troubled Times" each received rewards ranging from a thousand taels to hundreds of taels.

When it comes to civil servants, no one else is here except Zhang Shenyan. Zhang Shun smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang is my arm and has given me advice many times. Without publicity, Zhang Shun would not be here today. A few gold and silver cannot express my gratitude to Zhang Shun. I would like to ask Mr. Zhang to accept the silver." Three thousand taels, just to express my feelings."

Zhang Shenyan had hundreds of children, grandchildren, wives, concubines, and clan members behind him, so he accepted the offer generously without refusing.

After collecting them, Zhang Shenyan said: "The laws and punishments are clear, rewards are due to merit, and punishments are due to demerits. Leading the army to march thousands of miles away, avoiding the real and attacking the weak as if entering an uninhabited land. This is the merit of the lord. I don't know what the lord is doing. Why reward?"

Hearing this, Zhang Shun smiled a little embarrassedly and said: "Gold and silver are just common things to me. It's just that my mother-in-law made a lot of noise at home. I asked King Fu for a few colored jewelry, and I took them as gifts. The rest of the gold and silver jewelry went in as usual. Gong, put it all into the tube and use it.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, especially He Jin, He Yilong and others couldn't help but admire them. They said: "In the past, when we were waiting in the rebel army, there was an orderly hierarchy between superiors and inferiors. Any supplies that were robbed were not only kept for personal use, but also When handing over most of the treasures that belong to the palm."

"In the past, the 'Second Master' had been the leader of the alliance for only a few months. He had countless gold and silver in his pocket, and the women around him changed every few days. He usually wore gold and silver and boasted about his wealth, which was better than that of wealthy families and corrupt officials."

"Now my lord is wearing simple clothes, has no wealth, and women have no luck. He is truly my lord!"

Zhang Shun thought about the women at home, and felt quite lacking in confidence. He waved his hands in embarrassment and said, "I don't dare to take it. I don't take it. As long as everyone works together, we will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties and enjoy prosperity and wealth!"

In fact, Zhang Shun was overly worried. The so-called "nothing to gain from wealth and no luck to women" mainly refers to plundering a large amount of property for his own use and plundering a large number of women for his own play.

Like the "Eight Kings", no wealth is too little, no possessions are too cheap, whether women's jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, but all valuable things are taken away.

Like "Living Cao Cao", all the pretty girls are taken for his own amusement. Once they get tired of playing, they will be given to their subordinates as soldiers, and they will continue to have fun by plundering other women.

If Zhang Shun only married a few wives, he would have been a very good "good man".

With the cooperation of Zhang Shenyan, Zhang Shun won the hearts of everyone and established an image of a wise king and wise master.

At this time, Zhang Shenyan suggested: "Now that the rebels have occupied Luoyang City for several days, they should promptly punish the evil and promote the good, so as to show their intention to do justice for heaven and punish the people."

"After verification by the rebel army, the local magistrate and the general magistrate are all corrupt and perverting the law. They not only embezzled the court's public funds, but also deducted relief food and grass. I also ask the lord to give the order in time. Explicitly order the punishment to win people's hearts!"

"At the same time, we should also announce our army's "Requesting the Common People" together, so that the world will know that I am not a reckless bandit, but a righteous man who helps the world."

This was Zhang Shun's plan. He saw that the others had no objections, so why didn't he follow it?

It's just that when Zhang Shenyan reached this point, he started to speak but stopped, as if he had endless meaning. Zhang Shun observed his words and asked again: "If Mr. Zhang has something to say, just say it. There is no need to be so hesitant."

Zhang Shenyan then said: "Since my lord regards King Fu as his direct eldest son, he should abandon the year names of Taichang, Tianqi and Chongzhen. Before King Fu ascends the throne, Wanli should be regarded as the orthodox year. This proclamation should be based on the sixty-two years of Wanli. This is how it is done. The right path.”

"Is there any precedent for this?" Zhang Shun asked a little unsure.

"In the past, Jingnan, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, took the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty as the orthodox one, abolished the Jianwen era of Emperor Hui, and changed it to the Hongwu era!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. Is your old Zhu family still here today? The routines are all ready-made, so don’t blame me for being disrespectful!

I wish my fans "what should I change my name to" happy birthday! I’m really sorry that I can’t add more blessings today due to time constraints!

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