Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 484: Half-crossing and striking (Part 2)

If you ask Zhang Shun what formation the soldiers are in, he won't be able to answer. Not to mention that he can't answer. Even his subordinates Liu Cheng and He Jin can't answer.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize it. Fortunately, there were not many officers and soldiers, and the formation was relatively simple. Zhang Shun only needs to roughly observe the distribution and position of his soldiers from the outside to know the general changes and functions of his formation. Basically, it's a way of killing with firearms from a distance, and resisting with spears, swords and axes at close range.

In fact, the military formation deployed by Zhang Quanchang also had a name. It was a simplified version of the Queyue formation that was once famous on the Internet in later generations.

Since ancient times, due to terrain and natural resources, the "Southern Ships and Northern Horses" have been different. Therefore, the biggest problem facing the southern expedition to the north is how to deal with the elite cavalry in the north.

During the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, armored riding equipment became popular due to the invention of high-bridge saddles and stirrups.

The thick armor and heavier mass made the cavalry's impact more unstoppable than before. Ordinary spears, bows and crossbows can no longer meet the important task of resisting armor and cavalry equipment after being arrayed.

In order to fight against the elite armored cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Liu Yu led his army northward along the river, advancing both by land and water.

When he encountered the Northern Wei cavalry, Liu Yu ordered his chariots to surround them and set up camp with his back to the river. Because the formation is semicircular, like a crescent moon, it is called the "Queyue Formation".

The key to this formation is to use chariots and spears to resist the impact of cavalry, use long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows to kill the opponent's cavalry, and use the navy to transport personnel and food. Once the battle is unfavorable, they can withdraw at any time.

Zhang Quanchang did not have all the conditions for Liu Yuqueyue Formation. Fortunately, the cavalry under Zhang Shun did not have the conditions for the Northern Wei Dynasty's armor.

Coupled with the prevalence of firearms in the late Ming Dynasty, the intensive firepower at different levels, both near and far, consisting of various artillery pieces, fast guns, and muskets, was more lethal than the crossbows of the Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

If the rebels charge headlong into the officers and soldiers formation, regardless of victory or defeat, the result will definitely be heavy losses.

Fortunately, Liu Chengcheng was born in the Shaanxi frontier army. He has been fighting with the Mongolian cavalry in the Hetao area all year round. He has a good understanding of the tactics and response methods of officers and soldiers using foot to control cavalry.

He then gave Zhang Shun an idea to use a small number of cavalry to harass and deceive the enemy's firepower. This was also a common tactics used by the Mongols.

Zhao Lizi followed the order and led twenty horsemen who dared to die, galloping back and forth in front of the officers and soldiers in a dispersed formation to harass them.

Sure enough, the officers and soldiers couldn't help but open fire. The accuracy of many firearms in this era is not very high, and they rely more on dense fire coverage to kill.

Because Zhao Lizi and his twenty cavalry were small in number, their formation was sparse, and they were moving targets, they were difficult to hit directly. As a result, except for the two unlucky ones who were knocked down from their horses, the others were unscathed.

But in this way, the difficult decision was thrown to Zhang Shun again.

After a burst of crackling fire from the officers and soldiers, gunpowder smoke filled the air and enveloped the formation of officers and soldiers by the river.

But how many of the officers and soldiers had opened fire, and how many of the officers and soldiers still had unfired muskets and artillery pieces? Not to mention Zhang Shun, even Zhang Quanchang, the leader of the officers and soldiers, probably didn't have any confidence in his heart.

what to do? To rush or not to rush is just two choices. But if you make the wrong choice, a large number of elite rebels will lose their lives in vain.

Zhang Shun's face was uncertain for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and shouted: "'King Zuo Jin' He Jin listens to the order, you and I will lead 200 cavalry in a sparse formation and decide whether to charge based on the strength of the officers and soldiers!"

He Jin knew what Zhang Shun meant and quickly responded: "General, don't worry. After testing by Zhao Lizi and others, I already know the range of the officers and soldiers' firearms. I will definitely bring officers and soldiers to wander near the range to test the officers and soldiers. If there is any It’s wrong, I’m the only one asking!”

Zhang Shun nodded, and then said to Liu Cheng: "Liu Cheng will lead the team to prepare. Once the officers and soldiers show weakness, you will immediately lead the five hundred knights under your command to charge into the battle! Regardless of the casualties, this battle can only be won and not defeated, otherwise we will take You’re asking!”

Liu Cheng was also well aware of the dangers involved, with neat lineups of officers and soldiers and numerous firearms. Once the rebels decide to launch an attack, the fewer the number of firearm strikes from officers and soldiers, the better.

If the formation of officers and soldiers can be torn apart in one fell swoop, those muskets, guns and artillery will become useless, and the rebel army will massacre the officers and soldiers one-sidedly.

However, if the formation of the officers and soldiers cannot be broken, then every time before launching a charge, they will be hit by intensive firepower from the officers and soldiers, and the lives of many soldiers will be wasted on the way to the charge.

Liu Cheng also took the order and left, leading five hundred elite cavalry to wander outside the formation of officers and soldiers, like predatory tigers, ready to pounce and bite the enemy at any time.

And the "King of Zuo Jin" He Jin was quite resourceful. After receiving the order, he actually ordered the soldiers to extinguish the torches, and only relied on the firelight of the officers and soldiers to hover near the lethal range of the firearms.

Without the light of the fire, the officers and soldiers lost sight of He Jin and the two hundred cavalrymen under his command. They only felt that there were shadows outside the formation, as if evil spirits were haunting them.

Invisible threats are even more frightening. Although most of the officers and soldiers under Zhang Quanchang are battle-hardened men, they still can't help but hold on to their weapons and subconsciously swallow the saliva in their mouths!

Zhang Quanchang himself felt a little uneasy. He was also worried that the rebels would attack under the cover of night and the officers and soldiers would not have time to open fire.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to order the soldiers who had shot before to quickly reload their ammunition, and at the same time order a group of soldiers to shoot again.

After a burst of "bang bang bang" firearms fire, gunpowder smoke enveloped the formation of officers and soldiers again, and for a while the officers and soldiers could not see anything.

At this moment, just as the officers and soldiers fired muskets, the sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded from the east of the formation.

Zhang Quanchang's heart skipped a beat and he quickly ordered his soldiers to shoot. The soldiers were in a state of nervousness, and they didn't care much after hearing the order, and quickly started shooting again.

Just after the shooting, there was no sound of the rebels being killed or injured. Instead, there was another rapid sound of horse hooves.

Zhang Quanchang's face changed greatly when he heard this, and he shouted quickly: "The gunmen and artillerymen quickly retreated into the formation, and the spearmen and axemen are ready!"

What is virtual is real, what is real is virtual. It turned out that after being deceived many times by the rebels, the officers and soldiers on the east side of the formation finally fired all the ammunition in their firearms, and there was a gap in firepower.

He Jin, the "King of Zuo Jin", is indeed very thoughtful. He understood that the neat volleys must have been fired in accordance with the officer's orders; the chaotic volleys must have been the officers and soldiers who fired all the ammunition in their hands under tension.

In order to prevent the officers and soldiers from reloading, He Jin, after deceiving all the ammunition from the east side firearms of the officers and soldiers, simply did not wait for Liu Cheng to come, and personally led the team to charge forward.

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