Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 485: Half-crossing and attacking (Part 2)

"King Zuojin" He Jin made the right bet, and the officers and soldiers caused even greater chaos due to the panic-stricken order from the commander-in-chief Zhang Quanchang to change formations.

Without waiting for the officers and soldiers to change formations, He Jin and others took the lead and charged into the enemy's formation. The sharp spear penetrated the bodies of the officers and soldiers in front of him as easily as a knife cutting through tofu.

Even if some cavalry were unable to stab the enemy in front of them due to line of sight, they could still break through the formation of officers and soldiers just by the collision and trampling of their horses.

Although He Jin's attack was a blind attack, it caught the officers and soldiers off guard and penetrated the third and fourth layers of defense of the officers and soldiers.

However, He Jin was not reluctant to fight. He knew that Liu Cheng responded quickly. In the dark night, the rebels couldn't see each other.

If he couldn't retreat in time, Liu Cheng's galloping cavalry would probably kill him and the officers and soldiers in front of him.

The officers and soldiers attacked from the east, with the rolling Yellow River on the right. The cavalry led by He Jin had no way to retreat to the left and right sides. He could only try his best to let his soldiers kill to the left, and retreat laterally to the left while killing.

He Jin's expectation was good. Sure enough, his cavalry had just broken away from the officers and soldiers. Liu Cheng's cavalry roared over there, like an awl, and violently drove into the already chaotic formation of officers and soldiers again.

Zhang Quanchang led his swordsmen and axemen to fight hard, and managed to withstand the second wave of charges with their flesh and blood. As a result, just as Liu Cheng's front army left, the rear army came again, and the third wave of cavalry charge roared in again.

It turned out that due to poor vision at night, Liu Cheng avoided a mistake that led to the annihilation of the entire cavalry army. He divided his five hundred cavalry into three teams and carried out waves of charges.

At this moment, Zhang Quanchang finally showed a look of despair. The rebels were too ruthless, not to mention charging at night. If they couldn't see the road clearly, they would easily break their horses' hooves. It was just like this, wave after wave of charges, one careless result would be self-inflicted.

He even saw with his own eyes that because the rebels did not retreat in time, the next wave of charging cavalry killed him and his horse with spears.

Wave after wave of cavalry tore the "wounds" of the officers and soldiers' formation, vowing to tear the officers and soldiers' formation apart.

Am I, Zhang Quanchang, going to end up like Cao Bianjiao this time?

At this moment, Zhang Quanchang was afraid. He turned around and saw that the boats that had been transporting soldiers back and forth were approaching the shore.

So, he ignored the officers and soldiers who were fighting bravely and hurried to the river. The boats shouted: "I am the commander-in-chief Zhang Quanchang, come and save me!"

When the transport ship arrived at the shore, Zhang Quanchang didn't care about the ship docking, and quickly stepped into the water and ran towards the ship desperately.

Fortunately, the water on the river bank was not deep. When Zhang Quanchang ran to the boat with one foot deep and one foot shallow, the river water had just reached his waist.

By the time the soldiers and boatmen desperately pulled him up, the boots on his feet had long been sucked away by the mud in the river.

The commander-in-chief Zhang Quanchang, with his bare feet stained with mud and his lower body soaked through, breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered in an embarrassed tone: "If things don't work out, go back to the north bank of the river!"

It doesn't matter if Zhang Quanchang leaves, how can the officers and soldiers still have fighting spirit? The general is the courage of the army, and the courage breaks the army into disarray. They immediately abandoned their weapons and shouted loudly: "We are willing to surrender, and please King Shun spare my life!"

The officers and soldiers shouted three or five times, and Zhang Shun heard it clearly. This time he quickly ordered Zhao Lizi, He Jin and Liu Cheng to stop attacking.

Only after collecting all the weapons of the officers and soldiers did Zhang Shun step forward and accept the surrender.

Zhang Shun was fighting fiercely with the commander-in-chief Zhang Quanchang, and Cao Wenzhao, Xiao Qinhu and others were not idle either.

When Zhang Shun was marching northwest along the river with great fanfare, the officers and soldiers on the other side of the river had already seen it clearly and quickly reported the matter to the commander-in-chief Cao Wenzhao.

After hearing this, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but said in surprise: "This means Zhang Quanchang is in danger!"

Mu Ziqiang quickly volunteered and said: "In that case, I am willing to lead my men to support the commander-in-chief Zhang Quanchang!"

Cao Wenzhao shook his head and sighed: "The three of us committed a serious crime because of our defeat. Your Majesty showed mercy and allowed us to go to Henan Prefecture to suppress the bandits and seize Luoyang City. The original intention was to catch the thieves off guard while they were not yet firmly established. .”

"This is also the reason why we traveled day and night after leaving Xuanfu. We just didn't expect that the thieves would react faster than we thought and their combat effectiveness would be higher than we thought. I know my nephew Cao Bianjiao's ability to lead troops, although in his hands There are only 300 troops, and any ordinary bandits would have been defeated by him, let alone being unable to defeat the thieves and instead being captured by them!"

"Now that the officers and soldiers cannot seize the Mengjin Ferry, they can only count on Zhang Quanchang to seize the Baima Ferry. But now the thieves have discovered the sneak crossing of the Yellow River. Zhang Quanchang left the camp not long ago, and it was too late for the whole army to cross the river. I am afraid that this battle has already ended There is less danger and less danger.”

"You can lead the troops to take a look. If God is really helping me and I have occupied the south bank of the Yellow River, you can cross the river in time to support me. If I have been defeated, help him collect the defeated troops and minimize the loss of men and horses."

Mu Ziqiang knew that the commander-in-chief Cao Wenzhao was no longer optimistic about Zhang Quanchang's fate, but he had no choice but to have a glimmer of hope and quickly led his soldiers to Baihe Ferry.

Mu Ziqiang's men were all infantry, and by the time he arrived, the battle on the south bank of the river was almost over.

Mu Ziqiang waited for a moment, and then Zhang Quanchang jumped off the boat in embarrassment. When he saw Mu Ziqiang, he couldn't help but cry bitterly: "Brother, how have we ever fought such a frustrating battle?"

Mu Ziqiang could only comfort him: "Brother, don't worry. When General Cao got the news that the thieves discovered that the brothers were crossing the river, he expected that today would happen, and he would definitely not blame you."

"Victory and defeat have been common matters for military officers since ancient times. Don't blame yourself, brothers. Just follow me back to the camp and make a long-term plan!"

Zhang Quanchang murmured for a long time and then said: "Then this is too much for us, isn't it?"

When Mu Ziqiang heard this, he looked around quickly and saw that the other soldiers were not paying attention. Then he reprimanded in a low voice: "Brother, what do you mean? Do you still want to blame General Cao? Now that my brother has been defeated, whether he should be punished or not depends entirely on him. General Cao has a thought, brothers, please be careful!"

Zhang Quanchang was horrified, and a cold sweat broke out on his back. He quickly cupped his hands and responded in a low voice: "Thank you, brother, for reminding me. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. I will definitely thank you deeply in the future!"

When Mu Ziqiang and Zhang Quanchang returned to the Mengjin Ferry camp, Cao Wenzhao had already come up to welcome them into the camp. Then he smiled and said: "Two generals, don't be discouraged. Just because the thieves have occupied the favorable location, Cao Wenzhao Because of his eagerness to suppress the thieves, he allowed the thieves to attack halfway and gained the upper hand."

"Now I have thought of a prudent plan, which will make the thieves helpless and watch our army cross the Yellow River!"

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