Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 505: Surrender to Song County (Part 2)

Wine is a bad thing and can lead to sexual misconduct; wine is a good thing and can lead to sexual misconduct!

There are many things that are inconvenient to say and do that can be blamed on foreign objects under the guise of alcohol.

Zhang Shun, deputy commander Fu Yuren, health officer Liu Yuejiang, and guard Wei Zhiyou were all drunk. Although there was no promiscuity, both parties opened their hearts and became closer to each other.

The alcohol content in this era was relatively low, but it was even more uncomfortable to be drunk with low-alcohol alcohol.

It was three o'clock in the morning the next day. Zhang Shun lay in bed and still didn't want to get up. He had eaten so much wine last night that he still had lingering energy. He had a severe headache and felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

At this time, there was a "bang bang" knock on the door outside the house, and the force was like a siege hammer hitting the city gate. Besides Wukong, who else could Zhang Shun's subordinate be?

"What's the matter?" Although Zhang Shun felt a little uncomfortable, he still put on his clothes haphazardly.

"Master, Xu Quan is here to meet you!" Wukong's rough voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in!" Zhang Shun responded as he was almost fully dressed.

Not long after, Xu Quan came in and quickly greeted Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun bowed his hand and said: "How can we do this? You have done well these days and have lived up to my expectations. Taking Song County is a great achievement!"

Xu Quan has been with Zhang Shun for a short time and has already figured out his habits. He disliked Wukong's rough work, so he quickly took a towel and soaked it, then twisted it and handed it to Zhang Shun.

He then said: "This is not my credit, it's just that Song County City has long been willing to surrender, but it's just a matter of flow!"

Zhang Shun took it and wiped his face. The well water with the morning chill chilled his sleepy face, and his head felt better.

"Pushing the boat along with the current, you need someone to push the boat along with the current!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "What do you want to do here today? You are not here to chat with me, are you?"

"Lord, there is something I have to tell you!" Xu Quan hesitated for a moment and then said, "When the rebel army first entered the city the day before yesterday, some of General Cao's subordinates were unruly and harassed the people."

"One man insulted a woman, and two others robbed the belongings of two large families in the city! Although I know that this matter is excusable, Xu Quan has to inform the lord!"

"Huh? Why didn't Fu Yuren and Liu Yuejiang mention this to me yesterday?" Zhang Shun asked a little strangely.

Thinking of this, Zhang shouted to Wukong: "Send someone to inform Fu Yuren, Liu Yuejiang and Cao Bianjiao to come over. I want to question this matter personally!"

After a while, Fu Yuren, Liu Yuejiang and Cao Bianjiao arrived one after another.

When Zhang Shun saw that everyone was gathered, he asked, "I heard that some of the rebels insulted women and robbed the city's goods. Is this true?"

Cao Bianjiao's expression changed upon hearing this, and he couldn't help but glare at Xu Quan. Xu Quan was still frightened by the brutality of the previous robbery of their village Tang Jiuzhou. Seeing that Cao Bianjiao was so arrogant, he became even more furious and glared at him.

"If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it! Cao Bianjiao, do you still want to avenge your personal revenge?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said angrily when he saw this.

"Well, my lord, the officers and men under my command are all those who dare to fight. After the war, it is inevitable that they will be a little unruly. If everyone is obedient and obedient, it is better to hide in the boudoir at home and be the eldest lady. Where can I get the knife to kill? moving?"

Zhang Shun raised his eyebrows when he heard this, raised it as high as a sword, looked at Fu Yuren and Liu Yuejiang, and asked, "What do you think?"

Zhang Shun was originally a murderer, but now he was angry and even more murderous. Fu Yuren and Liu Yuejiang couldn't help but shudder, and for a while they couldn't feel Zhang Shun's pulse.

Fortunately, the two of them also had some conscience, so they said bravely: "The situation is excusable, but the law is unforgivable. Although the general's military discipline is good now, there is still room for improvement!"

"These are just a few human words!" Zhang Shun nodded, turned to look at Cao Bianjiao and said, "Have you ever fought like this before?"

When Fu Yuren and Liu Yuejiang saw that Zhang Shun didn't take the opportunity to clean them up, they couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

Cao Bianjiao had been following his uncle Cao Wen's orders for a long time, and he was a bit unruly. Hearing this, he laughed and said, "That's not true. When I was an official, I burned, killed, looted, and killed good people for credit! Not only did the imperial court dare not No matter what, you will be rewarded even more!"

"Are you very proud?" Zhang Shun smiled instead of getting angry.

"Uh" Cao Bianjiao just said that Zhang Shun wanted to settle old scores and beat himself up, so he had no scruples.

As a result, he never expected Zhang Shun to ask such a question. If he wanted to confront Zhang Shun directly, he would inevitably feel guilty as a defeated general.

Cao Bianjiao couldn't help but said with a bit of embarrassment: "General, these people are all good at martial arts, and they are all good at getting in first and trapping them. Please spare them this time!"

"Military law is ruthless. I know that your servants are used to being unruly and you can't cure them!" Zhang Shun said calmly, "Since you can't cure them, then as the commander, I will cure them for you!"

"The order goes down. Anyone who insults a woman is ordered to be punished and will be executed at Caishikou tomorrow! Anyone who robs property will be struck with thirty sticks and all property will be returned. In addition, an equal amount of silver will be allocated from the official to compensate the robbed home."

"As the commander-in-chief, Cao Bianjiao failed to restrain him and was struck ten times with his staff. As the commander-in-chief, I am also guilty of the same crime as Cao Bianjiao!"

"Lord!" Fu Yuren, Liu Yuejiang, Cao Bianjiao and Xu Quan were shocked when they heard this. Especially Cao Bianjiao, who was used to being undisciplined, was angry when Zhang Shun insisted on punishing these servants.

But he never expected that Zhang Shun's punishment of these servants would also involve Cao Bianjiao and the lord himself, so he couldn't help but be convinced.

He quickly knelt down and confessed: "My mistakes are all the fault of Cao Bianjiao. Bianjiao is incompetent, how dare I harm my lord? Please take back my life, otherwise I will be blamed for Bianjiao's death!"

Zhang Shunxin said: The combination of Song County and the county seat is a key part of our strategy and cannot be missed. Now is the right time. I just want to imitate Zhuge's tearful execution of Ma Su and Cao Cao's imposition of military discipline. How can you stop me?

He quickly helped Cao Bianjiao up personally and said, "I don't blame General Cao, it's really my own fault."

"Previously, I only thought that General Cao fought bravely and was a fierce general, so I entrusted these soldiers to you. But unexpectedly, I forgot that these people under the general were all unruly and unruly people. He did not give repeated orders and warnings, so that today !”

Fu Yuren, Liu Yuejiang and Xu Quan were also startled, and hurriedly knelt down and begged: "The punishment is not worthy of an official, and the courtesy is not worthy of a common man. As the leader of an army, how can the general (lord) be punished? I would like to act on behalf of the general (lord) If you accept this punishment, please allow it!"

Seeing this, Zhang Shun quickly looked up to the sky forty-five times and said in a pretentious manner: "This king raised the army for the common people. If you want personal wealth, why do you need to leave your home thousands of miles to join the rebel army?"

"Now the court has no principles, and the people are in dire straits. Now there are three disasters in the world: drought, locust disaster, and military disaster! The drought and locust disaster are natural disasters, and I can do nothing about them. The military disaster originated from the court and caused harm to the rebel army. Although I There is no way to deal with it, but you have to start with me.”

"Killing someone is like killing my father, and raping someone is like raping my mother! In this way, the world will be stable, and the war disaster will be eliminated. If I can't set an example, how can I ask others?"

Cultivating oneself, managing one's family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world are the lifelong pursuits of Confucian scholars.

Fu Yuren, Liu Yuejiang and Xu Quan were greatly shocked when they heard this. They all bowed and said, "My Lord has such an ambition, how dare we not die in service?"

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