Early the next morning, when the people in the city were driving to the market to buy vegetables, the rebels began to punish the soldiers who violated military law with great fanfare.

The gongs and drums were so noisy that everyone in the city knew about the noise. Zhang Shun then sat on a high place, slapped the tree in the hall, and shouted: "This king raised the army for the common people, and hates those who harm the common people the most. Now, A and B have seized the property in the city. According to the law, thirty will be punished with the rod. Return double the amount of stolen property!”

Then a few big men escorted the two strong men out, and then the executioner peeled off the heavy iron armor, revealing his dark and strong upper body.

A thorn stick as thick as a thumb will leave a trail of blood when the stick is touched. After only three or five blows, the two men couldn't help crying out in pain like killing pigs.

Zhang Shun originally wanted to use them to scare the monkeys, but he had no mercy and just ordered the executioner to beat them severely!

At first, the people in the city only regarded Zhang Shun as a showman, and they just came over to watch the excitement.

Unexpectedly, it was a real beating, and the backs of the two men were beaten to a bloody pulp with just a few strokes of the stick. I don’t know who started it, and the people couldn’t help but cheer. I don’t even know when the rhythm started. The executioner hit it, and everyone shouted!

After the beating was over, the two men were beaten to the point of dying. Zhang ordered people to carry them down, and then brought out two boxes of money.

The soldiers opened the box and found that in addition to the original money of the host, there were hundreds of taels of silver.

Wealth and silk are so attractive that they immediately capture the hearts and minds of the people around them. Everyone took a breath, just to see how this happened.

Zhang Shun stood up, called the master of Ku, and paid them all the goods with his own hands. He also ordered: "As long as I, King Shun, am here, I will never cause my good people to suffer or suffer disaster."

The two families thought they were grateful to have found their lost property, but they never expected that one would come back with two, and they would have doubled their wealth in vain.

They couldn't help but thank Zhang Shun profusely, and even knelt down and kowtowed to Zhang Shun several times, praising: "King Shun is really a benevolent gentleman, the best man in the world. He is really a father-in-law, and his own parents are not as good as him!"

Zhang Shun didn't dare, so he sent three or five soldiers to escort the two families home, for fear that someone would steal their belongings on the way.

"Okay!" "What a good man and good official!" The people's eyes were sharp, and they couldn't help but cheer.

Zhang Shun smiled and bowed his hands to everyone, then walked back to his seat and sat down. His face turned solemn, he slapped the hall suddenly, and shouted: "The first of all evils is sexual immorality, and the first of all good deeds is filial piety. There is a certain soldier who insults a woman. He is an unforgivable crime and must be executed according to law!"

As soon as the verdict was pronounced, two more big men came out carrying a soldier. The man knew that he had no reason to live, so he couldn't help but yelled: "You are a rebellious traitor. In the past, you burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil! Now you are trying to be a good person at the cost of the lives of the Sa family. Sooner or later, you will be struck by lightning. You will not die a good death!"

Zhang Shun ignored him, and the two big men took his helmet and pushed it onto the guillotine. The executioner chopped it off with a knife, and the insults suddenly stopped, and the big head rolled down.

Everyone screamed and quickly covered their eyes, but they spread their fingers and peeked through the gaps between their fingers.

I saw that the corpse had long lost its head, and it was only twitching and spurting out blood from the fracture.

Some people saw this in a strange way and whispered: "Emotions are similar to killing a chicken? It has no head, but it can still flutter!"

This time, no one came out. After all, it was a shameful thing. He just hid in the crowd and secretly cheered!

After a while, everyone came to their senses, and then they shouted: "Okay, good job! This kind of thief should have been killed long ago!"

After this wave of shouts passed, Zhang Shun cleared his throat and continued to judge: "The leading general Cao Bianjiao failed to restrain the soldiers. He should be punished for dereliction of duty and should be punished with ten strokes of the cane! The commander-in-chief, King Shun, improperly hired people, and he also Shared guilt!"

After saying this, Zhang Shun got down from his seat and knelt on the ground with Cao Bianjiao himself to wait for the punishment.

After everyone's fun was over, they turned around and went home. How could they have imagined that there would be such a change?

However, the soldiers removed the upper body clothes and armor of Zhang Shun and Cao Bianjiao respectively, revealing two pairs of strong arms, one white and one black.

The executioner frowned, knowing that Zhang Shun's order was difficult, especially since Zhang Shun repeatedly told him: "If there is any leakage, I will make him look good when I turn around!" He had no choice but to grit his teeth and hit him with the cane.

It's okay that Cao Bianjiao is a rough guy, so he can't be regarded as anything. Zhang Shun's thin skin and tender flesh suddenly felt like a knife chopping an axe, and the pain spread from his back to his heart.

Zhang Shun couldn't help shouting "Ah!" Fortunately, he reacted quickly and quickly answered: "Killing someone is like killing my father, humiliating someone is like humiliating my mother!"

When the people of Song County saw that this was serious business, they couldn't help but be shocked. When they heard Zhang Shun shouting loudly, they only thought that Zhang Shun was expressing his ambition. They never imagined that Zhang Shun couldn't bear the pain and deliberately shouted some awe-inspiring words to cover it up.

The people watching couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Since ancient times, officials have not been able to be punished, but King Shun is so iron-faced that he even punishes himself. He is really the great master of Qingtian!"

Before Zhang Shun could relax, the second stick hit him on the back with a "swish".

Zhang Shun had no choice but to shout again: "Ah! The world is about to perish, and there will be disasters! When the emperor is in power, the people will not live in peace!"

Uh, what is this rebel shouting about? The people around were stunned. It turned out that Zhang Shun was in so much pain that he couldn't care much and just screamed whatever came to his mind.

After being beaten like this, Zhang Shun shouted loudly, and the ten sticks hit him so hard that the skin on his back was torn and his voice was almost hoarse. Zhang Shun had suffered such losses in his two lifetimes? While gritting his teeth, he secretly said fiercely: "Mother Xipi, Cao turned into a dragon!" If you don't give me any strength in the future, let's see how I deal with you!

After suffering losses and being beaten, Zhang Shun had no choice but to grit his teeth and put on a show to the end. He vowed to turn this execution into a propaganda show for the rebels!

He stood up tremblingly, took a few steps forward, knelt down to the people around him, and continued to shout loudly: "The king raised the army for the sake of the people. As long as I, King Shun, are here, corrupt officials will not be allowed to run rampant. If you oppress the people, you will not let the rebels under your command become unruly and bring disaster to the people!"

After saying that, he bowed his head and kowtowed. His back, which was white just now, had been beaten into red, purple, black and rotten pieces.

How have the people in Song County ever seen this? In the past, all officials and bandits who came here would bully them wantonly.

The only county magistrate who was doing better, He Fu, had only been in office for a few months before he was dismissed by the court.

They were immediately moved and knelt down one after another, kowtowed to Zhang Shun and said: "King Shun, get up quickly, we can't afford it! Having King Shun here is a blessing to our people. If you have any errands in the future, dare to Not obeying your orders?"

Some older people even began to cry with tears in their eyes: "If King Shun had come here a few years earlier, there might not have been the trouble that bandits caused to Song County!"

What these old men are actually talking about is that after the rebel army was divided, "King Chuang", "General Chuang" and "Eight Kings" and others divided their troops and passed through Song County.

Zhang Shun just pretended not to know. At this time, he did not dare to tell these people that he actually knew those guys!

Thank you to the fan "sexualwof" for the many large rewards, thank you to the fan "start moving in the opposite direction" for the reward, thank you all for your strong support to the author!

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