Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 517 The Wind Rises

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" When the red lady heard this, she gritted her teeth and responded fiercely, "Then let's go! If you die, I will not die for you!"

"I want to give birth to our children, regardless of gender! I want to find the best master and teach him the art of war, martial arts, and Confucian classics. Then I want him to inherit your legacy, live for rebellion, and die for rebellion!"

Don't you care about nothing? Don’t you care about your own biological child?

Zhang Shun was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "That's fine! It's natural for a son to inherit his father's legacy."

He would not say nonsense like "children should have their own lives." In this era, it is the original sin for a child's parents to be rebels. Regardless of success or failure, he certainly does not think that his children will be able to live their own lives in the future.

"You..." The red lady was speechless. She laughed miserably and asked, "Is this what you want?"

"If I had met you before I embarked on the path of rebellion, maybe everything would have been easier. Now that I have become a rebel, there is no turning back when I draw my bow!" Zhang Shun sighed and said, "Madam, are you still a rebel? Don’t you understand? The war has begun, and there will be no paradise in the world. Whether it is for the world, for you, or for our children, I will end this disaster in my own hands!"

Zhang Shun left, leaving without any hesitation and without looking back.

The red lady stared blankly at his back until he turned out and could no longer be seen, then she fell to the ground.

At this time, two people came out and gently helped her up. The red lady looked up and saw that it was Li Xiang and Liu Rushi.

The two of them had already burst into tears, and they had been eavesdropping in the dark for an unknown amount of time. Then Li Xiang whispered to the red lady: "Leave him alone, 'A man's heart will be as strong as iron until death, let's try his hand to mend the cracks in the sky'! Our husband has such great ambitions, but it's too late for us to like him, so how can we blame him?" Woolen cloth?"

Luoshui, known as Luoshui in ancient times, originated from Longtan Spring in Luoyuan Town, Luonan County, Xi'an Prefecture. Like a bamboo stick, Luonan County, Lushi County, Yongning County, Yiyang County, Luoyang County, Yanshi County and Gong County are strung together from west to east like sugar-coated haws on a string.

Lushi County is 380 miles from Luoyang, 180 miles from Yongning County to the east, and 200 miles from Luoyang to Yongning in the west.

Zhang Shun traveled both ways and arrived at Yongning City in only two days. Along the way, Yiyang County and Yongning both looked at the wind.

The magistrates of these two counties did not know the movements of the officers and soldiers, but they had already heard that the "shun thieves" occupying Luoyang had defeated the officers and soldiers in succession, and the situation was extremely difficult to control. Therefore, they all abandoned the city and fled to avoid its sharp edge.

Yongning County, like Lushi County, originally had a garrison for hundreds of households. However, it has also been ruined for a long time and cannot be summoned.

After the rebels rushed to Yongning County in one breath, Zhang Shun temporarily allowed the team to take a breather and sent scouts, messengers and patrols to strengthen control of the surrounding area.

The Sanxiang behind Yongning County is a fork in the road. There is a trail that can go from Shaanzhou through Yanling Pass to Sanxiang, and then go down the river through Yiyang to Luoyang. This road is called "Nanxiao Road".

The road from Tongguan through Shaanzhou, passing through Mianchi, Xin'an and Luoyang is called "Beikiao Road".

Now Ni Chong and Wang Pu Jingying came from the Lu family, which was the main direction Zhang Shun sent scouts to investigate. But if another enemy comes around from the trail from Shaanzhou to Sanxiang behind, Zhang will be besieged in the isolated city of Yongning County, and it will be really difficult to fly at that time.

Therefore, Zhang Shun specially dispatched a patrol team to go between Sanxiang and Yanling Pass to detect possible enemies there.

As for the messenger, Zhang Shun sent someone over the mountains and over Xiong'er Mountain to Qiupali to inform Li Sanniang and Chen Changzhen that he had led his team to Yongning County.

Before Li Daliang returned to Kangjiazhuang, he reported to Chen Changzhen Zhang Shun's order for Baodu Village to assemble troops and prepare for defense.

Then Wei Congyi came to Baodu Village in person and held up a thorn to plead guilty. Because Zhang Shun and Hong Niangzi took away a large number of people from the camp twice, Baodu Village was empty. Chen Jingzhi knew that Wei Congyi was brave and fearful, so he quickly advised Li Sanniang: "Wei Congyi is capricious and ferocious and difficult to control. It is not appropriate to put him in the stronghold."

Li Sanniang was in a dilemma and couldn't help but ask: "Although this person is capricious, there are only two choices: to rebel or not to rebel. If he is closed to the outside world, wouldn't it mean that this person will not be able to follow King Shun?"

"Although Wei Congyi is brave, can he fight one against a hundred? If not, there are still hundreds of soldiers in Baodu Village. Is there any reason to be afraid of others?"

"This" Chen Jingzhi was also a little hesitant. Although he was somewhat talented, he was still young and found it difficult to make a decision when it came to such complicated matters.

Unexpectedly, a general stood up at this time and said: "What Madam said is true. Although Wei Congyi is brave, he can withstand it. What's more, I have five hundred elite soldiers under my command. Is there only one Wei Congyi? Even if he leads If everyone comes to attack, I will not be afraid."

Li Sanniang saw that this person was actually Li Mou who had followed the Red Lady to seek refuge with Zhang Shun. It turns out that the red lady led the left-behind elites under the command of "Running General" Huang Lai'er and followed Zhang Shun.

Li Mou is Chen Changzhen's cousin, and he is also cousin to Li You, Li Xin, and Li Daliang. After Zhang Shun learned about this later, in order to prevent Chen Changzhi from becoming more powerful, he kept him under the red lady's command and did not promote him specifically.

Li Mou's subordinates originally had three to four hundred "capitals" brought by the Red Lady. Later, with the permission of the Red Lady and Zhang Shun, they recruited another 100 pairs of people, barely enough to make up 500 people.

This person has been following the Red Lady for a long time, and is quite trusted by the Red Lady. Since Lady Hong led Li Xin and others to Luoyang City, she left him and his men under Li Sanniang's command.

Li Sanniang was already bold. Seeing that Li Mou supported her, she ordered: "Li Mou, please bring some people to prepare just in case. Chen Jingzhi, send someone to pick up Wei Congyi, and I will meet him soon." Meet him!"

When Wei Congyi, shirtless and carrying a thorn stick on his back, passed through the winding path and arrived at Baodu Village, he saw a woman in coarse cloth beating millet with a flail.

When the woman saw Wei Congyi coming up, she didn't shy away. She just put down her work and shouted: "Is this General Wei? Chen Jingzhi, you have such a big list, why did you tie him up!"

Although Wei Congyi only talked about Li Sanniang, she was Zhang Shun's wife after all, and the two parties had never met each other.

When Chen Jingzhi heard this, he knew that Li Sanniang didn't understand what "bearing a thorn to plead guilty" meant, so he quickly explained in a low voice: "He is asking for forgiveness!"

Hearing this, Li Sanniang laughed and helped him up and said, "General Wei, what are you doing? They are all our brothers, what crime do you want to plead guilty to?"

Wei Congyi was a little moved when he saw that she was a woman who did not avoid suspicion and was not afraid of worshiping the mountain. He responded quickly: "My staff, Azabu, has surrendered and the position of the village has been exposed. I came here to plead guilty and ask my wife to punish me!"

"Hey?" Li Sanniang laughed when she heard this, "I am a woman, what should I be punished for? If anything happens, King Shun will make the decision for you!"

"I don't know anything about rags or tablecloths. As long as you do things with your heart, my husband will treat them equally. As long as General Wei has a clear conscience, why should he do this?"

"Then why do I feel guilty?" Wei Congyi asked with a bit of shame. He always had a high self-esteem, but he didn't expect to be tricked by a master. It was really embarrassing.

According to his thoughts, even if Zhang Shun doesn't accept him, he will be at ease. As long as you have good luck, you may not be unable to make a comeback in the future.

Even if you want to join the officers and soldiers, you must pay a good price for yourself. He didn't even think about it, but Azabu took the lead and not only gave away the news about the rebels. Even he couldn't tell whether he had been sold by him or not.

There was no other way. In order to prevent the two hundred cavalry under his command from being wiped out by the officers and soldiers, Wei Congyi had no choice but to lead his troops and flee to Baodu Village overnight.

Li Sanniang couldn't help being stunned when she heard this, and thought to herself: I didn't expect this person to be a fool. All I have to do is call out a group of people and chop you to death with knives or I'll knock you down!

Li Sanniang was pondering undecided, not knowing whether to be cruel or not. Suddenly I heard a commotion outside, and saw several people breaking in.

It turned out that it was Chen Changzhen who had just received the report from Li Daliang, and he quickly led his men to Baodu Village.

When Chen Changzhen saw the people on the ground, he quickly separated Wei Congyi and Li Sanniang, and shouted sternly: "Wei Congyi! What do you mean, do you still want to hurt the mistress?"

When Li Sanniang saw Chen Changzhen coming, she immediately felt more confident. She quickly saluted Chen Changzhen and then said, "Brother misunderstood, but it was General Wei who came to inform Mabu about his collaboration with the enemy."

Despite Li Sanniang's silly look, in fact she had never left her hand with the flail that was beating the grains just now. Once she sees something is wrong, she will blow Wei Congyi's head off on the spot.

Wei Congyi didn't know that he had been through the gate of hell, so he quickly told the truth about the sackcloth.

Wei Congyi had sent news before, and Chen Changzhen knew about it, but he just didn't understand the details.

He was already an old man, and even though Wei Congyi tried to hide it, how could Chen Changzhi not know that this guy was half-hearted? However, now is a critical matter, and this person needs to be stabilized first.

Then, Chen Changzhen smiled and said: "I know brother Wei's ability and character, but I don't know what the officers and soldiers are doing now and what they want to do?"

Wei Congyi couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. This was Chen Changzhen's acceptance of him. He quickly replied: "I have an informant in the city. I only know that the officers and soldiers are preparing to set off this morning and go to Yongning County. I heard that there is some Governor Chen who asked them to arrive in Yiyang according to the agreed time and prepare to attack Luoyang. city!"

"In that case, please excuse me General Wei and go down to rest. We will discuss the matter of resisting the officers and soldiers tomorrow." Chen Changzhen heard this and stabilized Wei Congyi.

This guy said a lot of nonsense, all things the rebels knew. Only the news that the officers and soldiers were marching to Yongning is the key, but I don't know whether it is true or false.

Chen Changzhen couldn't trust him because he was afraid that he would make a mistake in judgment and miss a major event. So I deliberately delayed it all night, waiting for news from Li Xin.

Since Zhang Shun could not trust Wei Congyi at the beginning, he naturally set up hidden posts in addition to his open post to supervise the gentry, magistrates and Wei Congyi in Lu's city.

Later, after Zhang Shun occupied Luoyang City, since the rebels had no base near Luoyang, Li Xin was not dispatched to Luoyang City for the time being.

So after the Lu family's accident, Li Xin was afraid that others would not be reliable, so he put on makeup and went into the city to investigate the movements of the officers and soldiers.

This chapter is a big one, please update it in advance. The author has something to do tonight. I'll see if there is a second update depending on the situation.

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