Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 518 Cloud surge

After getting the information from Azabu, the commander-in-chief Ni Chong and Wang Pu decided to attack Luoyang City first, abandoning the agreed date and place with Governor Chen Qiyu.

Among these two people, only Wang Pu had suffered a big loss from Zhang Shun. It was just that when Wang Pu was leading the Beijing camp to support Deng Qi, Zuo Liangyu and others, he was raided by Zhang Shun's cavalry.

At that time, the officers and soldiers were caught off guard. Not only did they not have time to line up, but they did not even have time to put on their armor and weapons. They were cut into two sections by Zhang Shun's cavalry and were severely defeated.

Although Wang Pu was defeated, he was not convinced. He always believed that this battle was "the crime of killing me here, and it is not a crime of war", and that "King Shun" was a "young man who did not respect martial ethics". If the two sides deployed their troops and fought openly with swords and guns, the outcome would still be unknown.

Ni Chong, on the other hand, had never fought against Zhang Shun, only after being belittled by Wang Pu and Ma Bu. He was also confused for a moment and believed the words of these two people, thinking that "King Shun" was only mediocre in ability.

What's more, Wang Pu was originally the son of Wang Wei, the chief military officer of Ji Town in the late Ming Dynasty. Although he was not very talented, he was still the son of a general, and he was worthy of Ni Chong's trust.

It's just that Ni Chong didn't know that one of the most famous things in history books about the commander-in-chief Wang Wei was that Zhang Xianzhong was executed for breaking the law. The commander-in-chief Chen Hongfan observed his appearance and interceded with the commander-in-chief Wang Wei for his mercy. Therefore, Wang Wei beat Zhang Xianzhong with a hundred military sticks and then removed him.

It is said that after Wang Pu and Ni Chong left Lushi County, they traveled sixty miles a day and took three days to reach Yongning County.

Not only did it take Zhang Shun two days to arrive at Yongning County, but he had already prepared his subordinates and soon discovered the east direction of Jingying.

The difference between the two is not only the quality and organization of the soldiers on both sides, but also the reason why the mountain road from Lushi to Yongning County is difficult to travel.

Now that Zhang Shun's rebels have captured the city many times, they already have a mature set of experience in restoring order in the city.

When commander-in-chief Wang Pu and Ni Chong led the Beijing battalion to Yongning County, they saw that the county was as busy as ever.

Of course they didn't have the slightest suspicion, and they never expected that Zhang Shun would be so bold as to suddenly leave Luoyang City and surprise the officers and soldiers before the officers and soldiers besieged him.

Before Wang Pu arrived at the city, he sent soldiers to the city to report: "Yongning County Magistrate has heard the order, please prepare food, grass and wine quickly, but when the Beijing camp army arrives, they will stay here to eat and drink."

After Zhang Shun received the report from the soldiers, he asked the soldiers to pretend to be officers and soldiers in the city and responded to the report, while he quickly hid the soldiers and horses in the city.

But in the evening, when the setting sun set behind the mountain and the sky was filled with sunset, the commander-in-chief Wang Pu and Ni Chong led the 6,000 people from the Beijing camp who were dusty all the way.

The road up the mountain is difficult and narrow, making it easy for thieves to take advantage of. Although Wang Pu said he was relaxed, he was actually worried about being ambushed by Zhang Shun again.

Therefore, whenever he encountered dangerous places on the road, he would only dare to pass through by repeatedly sending people to investigate. Especially the Gaomen Pass at the junction of Lushi and Yongning, the terrain is very dangerous, which made Wang Pu worried for a long time.

After arriving at the border of Yongning County, the terrain was slightly better, so Wang Pu and Ni Chong felt relieved.

But the terrain is actually not much better. Yongning County was the old "崤地" and was once the transportation artery connecting Chang'an and Luoyang.

Its topography is known as "seven mountains, two plateaus and one river". This river refers to the alluvial valley of the Luo River. Wang Pu and Ni Chong led the 6,000 Beijing troops along the north bank of the Luoshui River Valley and traveled eastward for more than a hundred miles before arriving.

After being vigilant for a long time along the way, Wang Pu and Ni Chong finally arrived at the scene. They breathed a sigh of relief and headed into the city to rest.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at the city gate, they heard the sound of a cannon and a group of people came out of Yongning County.

The leader has a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. He has a thick body and a dark face. Who is it if it's not Jiang He?

Jingying had been working hard all the way, and had already taken off his armor for convenience. Unexpectedly, he "suffered a second hardship" and suffered a second loss.

When they saw someone coming to kill them, they were caught off guard. They had to shoot randomly with bows, arrows and firecrackers in their hands, and then rushed forward with long knives and spears.

Then Jiang He's men were originally heavy-armored sword and shield soldiers, so how could they be afraid of these long-range attacks?

Those arrow projectiles were either blocked by shields or covered by armor. Apart from a few blunderbuss that injured a few people, they were basically useless.

Jiang He took the lead and charged into the crowd, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. He ignored the swords and guns of the officers and soldiers and just killed them. The officers and soldiers were not as good at slashing with swords and could not be hurt by spears. Instead, they were knocked to the ground one by one by Jiang He.

The Yongning County town is four miles and one hundred and seventy steps around, and it is two feet and five feet high. It is adjacent to Fengyi in the north and Luohe River in the south. The parapet is seven feet high and one foot wide, and the trench outside the city is one foot deep and three feet wide.

The city is rectangular, more than a mile long from east to west and about half a mile wide from north to south. There are three gates in the southeast and west. The east gate is called Yingen Gate, the south gate is called Zhonghe Gate, and the west gate is called Pu'an Gate.

Only the north gate has no door, because Fengyi Mountain is just north of Yongning County, and there is no way out.

The place where the officers and soldiers were attacked was at Pu'an Gate at the west gate. Yongning County was narrow from north to south, making it difficult to deploy troops.

If the commander-in-chief Wang Pu and Ni Chong were determined to die, they could just recruit dead soldiers to block the Pu'an Gate. Even though there were thousands of troops and horses hidden in Zhang Shun City, they could not leave.

It's just that these two people are typical "generals who don't know the right time or the right place". Once they are attacked, they will be at a loss but lead their troops to retreat.

It didn't matter that Wang Pu and Ni Chong retreated. The Jing camp, which was already low in morale and worrying about its combat effectiveness, completely collapsed like an avalanche.

Zhang Shun saw it clearly from the city, and quickly ordered his soldiers to wave the Chinese army's flag and ordered the surprise troops to launch.

The cavalry ambushing in Fengyi Mountain, led by He Jin and He Yilong, directly attacked the left flank of the officers and soldiers. Xiao Qinhu, who was hiding at the south gate of Luoning County, led his "Children's Battalion" to directly attack the right flank of the officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers were already in chaos, but they were immediately killed by these two groups of strange soldiers. Corpses were scattered all over the field, and people were turned upside down.

The cavalry and the "Baby Camp" chased for a while. Due to the difference in speed between the cavalry and the infantry, a pursuit formation was gradually formed with the cavalry in front of the left wing of the officers and soldiers and the infantry behind the right wings of the officers and soldiers.

Next to the right wing of the officers and soldiers was Luoshui. After being driven away by the cavalry, some officers and soldiers suddenly panicked and jumped into Luoshui to escape.

It was November in the dead of winter, and a thin layer of ice had formed on the river. The defeated soldiers were able to escape, but not only did they step on the thin ice, but they were also agitated by the biting river water, and they fell into the river and could not stand up.

He Jin, He Yilong and Xiao Qinhu pursued for five or six miles until it was dark and the mountain road was difficult to travel, and then they reluctantly returned to Yongning City.

Wang Pu and Ni Chong were frightened and gathered their troops. They chose a high ground to camp randomly and repaired all night, hoping to fight again.

On the next morning, Wang Pu and Ni Chong counted the men and horses. Whether they were killed in battle, escaped or fell into the water, the total loss was more than a thousand.

Fortunately, the nearby Luoshui River Valley is narrow, and the slight loss of numbers does not affect the formation of officers and soldiers to fight the enemy.

The rebels in Yongning City, who were scouted by Wang Pu and Ni Chong, knew that King Shun was in the city. The two of them were not angry but happy. They looked at each other and smiled and said: "This is really 'no place to be found after wearing iron shoes, and it takes all the effort to get there'. I never thought that the 'shun thieves' did not defend the city, but came to Yongning County instead." .

"It's true that there is a road to heaven if you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you can come to it on your own. We only need a piece of paper to be sent to Governor Chen's hands to discipline him to death without a burial place!"

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