Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 526 Battle of Annihilation (Part 2)

Zhang Shun was a general who fought on the battlefield. How could he not know the pressure from Xiao Qinhu and his "Baby Camp"?

It's just that "if you don't polish it, it won't make it into a useful tool." He deliberately took the opportunity to train them.

Zhang Shun was experienced in military affairs and knew that officers and soldiers also had concerns and would not launch an attack rashly without being tested.

So he sat still and watched for a long time, mentally estimating how long the "Children's Camp" could endure. When the fire was almost done, Zhang Shun gave the order: "Let He Jin and He Yilong lead the cavalry to attack and cover the two wings of the position!"

After Zhang Shun's staff Sun Chengzong received the order, he quickly ran to the flag with the military order in hand and conveyed the order.

After receiving the order, the flag-bearer quickly waved the Chinese army's flag to signal the generals to obey the order. Then he took out two smaller flags and waved them to both sides. Those two flags represent the two cavalry units under He Jin and He Yilong.

Not long after, the cavalry riders of He Jin and He Yilong on the left and right wings saw the military order and waved the flags in their hands to indicate that they had received the military order.

Sun Chengzong then asked for military orders again and returned to Zhang Shun to deliver them. But He Jin and He Yilong had already received the order and started taking action.

They formed one on the left and one on the right, outflanking the left and right flanks of the officers and soldiers who were galloping towards them. Not to be outdone, the officers and soldiers separated out a cavalry group, one on the left and one on the right, to meet them.

At this time, only one of the Chinese army's cavalry was left, with about five hundred cavalry. And between the artillery position and the Beijing camp cavalry was Xiao Qinhu's "Child Camp".

The cavalry general gave the order and galloped towards the "Children's Camp" again. Only this time, they no longer wandered and threatened as before, but quickly approached the "Children's Camp" formation.

Xiao Qinhu was stunned when he saw this, and quickly followed his previous training habits and ordered: "Fire the arrow!"

Suddenly a wave of arrows flew past and fell into the crowd of officers, soldiers and cavalry. Although most of the arrows either hit behind the cavalry or were blocked by the cavalry's armor.

But there are always some unlucky ones who get shot in the body and fall off their horses. Some were shot at their horses, which either fell to the ground on the spot and threw the cavalry on them violently; or the horses were frightened and ran rampant in the cavalry formation, causing small-scale harassment.

Fortunately, the distance between the cavalry and the cavalry was relatively large, and the slight confusion did not affect the charge of the officers and soldiers.

The Beijing camp cavalry rushed more than ten steps in front of the "Child Camp" formation. Looking at the densely packed trees and the hedgehog-like formation of spears, they did not dare to run into them.

Instead, they tightened their reins, turned their horses' heads, and passed sideways in front of the "Children's Camp" formation. At the same time, he used the three-eyed blunderbuss, bows and arrows, and quick guns in his hands to shoot at the "children's camp". The "Baby Camp" was caught off guard, and more than ten people were shot dead by officers and soldiers.

Fortunately, Ren Jirong responded quickly. Seeing that there was no military order, he quickly shouted on his own initiative: "If you don't shoot now, when will you wait?" After saying this, he took a bow and shot an arrow, and shot down a cavalryman on the spot.

When the other boy soldiers heard this, they realized and quickly followed Ren Jirong's example and shot back one after another. Fortunately, these people were all carefully selected by Zhang Shun. They were highly skilled in martial arts and accurate in their archery skills. They shot down more than 20 officers, soldiers and cavalry on the spot.

Wait until the officers, soldiers and cavalry evacuate and count the number of people. The two sides fired at each other on foot and cavalry, and the officers and soldiers actually lost more than twenty cavalry.

The cavalry general couldn't help being shocked and angry. He quickly ordered his cavalry to adjust their formation and prepare to charge again after finishing the reorganization.

Xiao Qinhu also reacted at this time, and couldn't help but look at Ren Jirong with approval, and said in his heart: "I was brave in the past, but today I was frightened by the enemy's cavalry. I have to think carefully about the next wave, and I must not lose it." Lose the Lord’s face!”

The officers, soldiers and cavalry charged for the second time, this time in column formation, divided into two lines like two long snakes, galloping towards the "Children's Camp".

This time Xiao Qinhu gave the order step by step, but due to the formation of the officers and soldiers, the contact area between the two sides was small, and he was basically unable to shoot down a few cavalry.

This time when the officers and cavalry arrived in front of the formation, they did not continue shooting as before. Instead, he tightened the reins, one to the left and one to the right, like two long snakes, passing by the "Children's Camp" formation.

This time, the cavalry and the boy soldiers were closer. Instead of taking out their firearms and bows and arrows to shoot, they stabbed them diagonally with the spears in their hands.

This was not a direct charge, but a sweeping attack, using spears to test the strength of the "Children's Camp".

Originally, the "Baby Camp" encountered the cavalry for the first time, and they were still a little scared. As a result, after the last round of fighting, it was found that the officers, soldiers and cavalry were no more than this, but their morale increased.

When they saw the cavalry approaching, Xiao Qinhu gave the order and picked up the hook spears in their hands to hook the cavalry on the horse.

Where have officers, soldiers and cavalry ever encountered such a situation? Suddenly, many people were careless and were hit by the boy soldier's hook gun, and their horses were torn off on the spot.

These people fell to the ground with a "plop" and were immediately thrown to pieces. Some of them were even knocked out of breath.

Before these people could stand up, the boy soldiers slashed at them with swords and guns, killing them immediately.

When the officers and soldiers left the battle again, the cavalry general counted the number of people and found that thirty or forty people were missing. He couldn't help but be shocked.

He turned around and looked at the officers and soldiers camp. The infantry was almost in formation. This man immediately lost all intention of fighting against the "Children's Camp", and quickly gave the order and led his cavalry to retreat to the officers and soldiers' positions.

It didn't matter if he retreated, Zhang Shun looked at the fighter and quickly gave the order. Behind the hillside, Zhang Sanbai, Cao Bianjiao, Wei Zhiyou, the King of Chaos and the King of Zhishi came out with their troops to kill the generals.

If they were to catch up, they would not be able to catch up, but the momentum of the attack frightened the officers, soldiers and cavalry in front of the formation to turn around and run away.

It didn't matter that the officers, soldiers and cavalry ran away, so they exposed their horse's buttocks in front of He Jin and He Yi's dragon cavalry.

Are He Jin and He Yilong easy to mess with? Immediately, the two of them showed their spirit of beating a drowned dog and chased him on horseback. They were ready to kill him. They fought straight to the front of the officers and soldiers formation and were threatened by Wang Pu and Ni Chong who released a fire cannon before they retreated.

The officers and soldiers lost the first formation and their morale was suddenly low. Wang Pu and Ni Chong saw clearly from the bottom of the hillside that although the rebels had gained an advantage in the cavalry confrontation, the infantry was in confusion and had an opportunity to take advantage of them.

They quickly gave the order and ordered the infantry who had completed their formation to slowly push towards the rebel position.

Li Shian had already loaded the shotgun, but he didn't use it, which made him very depressed. Seeing that the officers and soldiers were rampant, he quickly ordered the soldiers to take out the shotguns, replace them with solid bullets, and shoot at the officers and soldiers down the hillside.

Li Shian personally adjusted the angle and the amount of gunpowder, and then tried firing. As a result, because the angle was too high, the shot hit the officers and soldiers behind the formation.

Li Shi'an quickly adjusted the angle of the second school cannon and fired it into the formation of officers and soldiers. He beat up five or six people in a row before disappearing.

Li Shian couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly ordered the rest of the artillery to fire at such an angle. Suddenly more than a dozen artillery shells flew over, plowing more than a dozen bloody ditches in the formation of officers and soldiers. The Beijing camp had never suffered such a loss before, and there was a sudden commotion in the formation.

Wang Pu couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and thought to himself: "There are actually experts in the traitor camp who are giving guidance, and the Hongyi cannon can fire so accurately. This battle is very dangerous!"

"For the current plan, the only way to survive is to work hard and take advantage of the thieves' infantry to rush forward and seize the cannon while the thieves' infantry are unstable!"

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