Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 527 Battle of Annihilation (Part 2)

The "dong dong" war drums sounded again, but this time it was not the war drums of the rebels, but the war drums of the officers and soldiers.

Whether it was Chen Qiyu, Wang Pu, or Ni Chong, they all miscalculated. They believed that no matter how powerful the rebels were, as long as they did not have a certain numerical advantage, they would not be able to take down the defending Beijing camp.

It may be that the rebels had few records of using artillery, causing them to subconsciously ignore the impact of firearms on the balance of victory in the war.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War: Planning and Attack Chapter": "Therefore, the method of using troops is to surround it with ten, attack it with five, divide it with twice the enemy. If the enemy is small, you can fight it, if it is small, you can escape from it, if it is weak, you can avoid it."

According to their past experience, only one side with a greater military advantage can attack, encircle and annihilate the other side; and only if the other side does not have a large military disadvantage can it rely on cities and camps to hold on.

But they never expected that the rebels would have such a large number of powerful artillery pieces.

Details determine success or failure. It was just a small mistake. The officers and soldiers who were originally confident suddenly fell into a dilemma.

Now Wang Pu and Ni Chong in the Beijing camp did not know that the newly appointed Governor of Henan, Chen Qiyu, had left them alone and was preparing to "attack Huanglong directly" and capture Luoyang City.

Wang Pu and Ni Chong, who had not yet received a reply from Governor Chen Qiyu, originally had two strategies: fight or flight.

However, both Wang Pu and Ni Chong believed that as long as they held on for one more breath, Chen Qiyu's army would arrive, and by then they would be able to defeat the rebels by attacking from both front and back.

If the Beijing camp did not achieve any results and instead lost troops and fled, the two generals would have done their job.

After thinking about this, the two decided to take a risk and prepare to struggle with the rebels for a while longer, waiting for Chen Qiyu to lead the army to come to the rescue.

The officers and soldiers were about eight or nine hundred steps away from the rebel artillery position. The traditional dense formation naturally suffered heavy losses after being continuously attacked by artillery.

Wang Pu and Ni Chong were helpless. When the cavalry retreated, they quickly ordered the infantry to attack up the hillside.

Wang Pu personally beat drums to cheer up and drove the officers and soldiers to march up the mountain as quickly as possible, in order to engage the rebels in close combat before the rebel infantry formed their formation.

Zhang Shun could see clearly on the mountain, couldn't help but smile, and ordered He Jin and He Yilong to continue harassing the officers and soldiers.

Li Shian, on the other hand, stuck to the artillery position and continued to fire solid artillery shells into the officers and soldiers. The size of a twenty-pound solid iron bullet does not seem to be very different from a ten-pound solid iron bullet, but the power of being penetrated into the array is completely different.

Ten kilograms of solid iron bullets can easily penetrate a hundred-man column of officers and soldiers, while twenty kilograms of solid iron bullets can penetrate almost all the soldiers blocking it before it stops.

The fragility of the human body is fully revealed at this moment. These shells can mercilessly cut through any flesh in front of them, whether it is heads, arms or legs, and even the human torso can be "exploded" into two pieces by it.

Fortunately, Li Shi'an's gunner's rate of fire is not very fast, and he can only fire five or six times in one stick of incense. In addition, the accuracy of the artillery is not very high. When twenty cannons fire in a salvo, there are about five or six shots. The artillery shells would fly and find no place; even if the remaining artillery shells fell into the formation of the officers and soldiers, more than half of the artillery shells would not bounce up like water.

Of course, despite all the shortcomings, the morale of the officers and soldiers was still very low.

Although the officers and soldiers have not never encountered enemies with fierce artillery, at least in the second year of Chongzhen when they defended the capital, they more or less fought against the elites of Hou Jin Dynasty, but they still never encountered such a terrifying scene.

You can only take a beating, but cannot fight back; once you are hit, you will end up with missing arms and legs, or even two parts of the body.

The pungent smell of gunpowder and the strong smell of blood, mixed with the large amount of wreckage and flying plasma around them, challenged the mental limits of these officers and soldiers.

As cavalry, He Jin and He Yilong were most sensitive to changes in the enemy's morale. Seeing this, they quickly joined in the harassment of the officers and soldiers on both sides.

Fortunately, although the Beijing camp cavalry was defeated for a while, the losses were not very great. In addition, the cavalry was fast and difficult to be hit by solid artillery shells of this era, but their morale was still good.

Relying on their numerical advantage, the Beijing cavalry was able to withstand repeated attacks by He Jin and He Yilong.

Seven or eight hundred steps were said to be both far and near. Before long, the officers and soldiers finally approached the rebels on the hillside.

But they never expected that by this time the rebels had already arranged their formation and were waiting eagerly on the mountain.

Since Zhang Shun started his army, he has always attached great importance to the training of his troops, especially team formation training, marching training and formation training.

These advantages are not visible at ordinary times, but they come into play at critical moments.

When the hopeful officers and soldiers finally climbed up the hillside and saw the rebels ready to go, one can imagine the huge gap in their hearts. Fortunately, the officers and soldiers were still holding their breath and did not collapse directly because of this.

The two sides came close to within a stone's throw of each other, and both began to shoot at each other with bows, arrows, and blunderbuss. Then, after approaching thirty steps, both sides deployed their Crouching Tiger Cannons and Franchise Machines, and fired indiscriminately.

Among them, the officers and soldiers also carried rockets called "swarm of bees". After being lit, they fired like fireworks into the rebel camp with screams. The rebels were caught off guard, causing a moderate commotion.

After ten or twenty steps, both sides took out their three-eyed guns and quick rifles and fired indiscriminately. Then, no matter what, the officers and soldiers launched a hand-to-hand charge.

However, the officers and soldiers never expected that more than ten black cannon muzzles would suddenly appear from the rebel formation.

Only a deafening sound of artillery was heard, and the officers and soldiers who rushed forward fell down one by one like harvested wheat.

Li Shi'an had already become proficient at this skill. He first used part of the artillery to falsely fire, making the opponent mistakenly think that the rebel artillery had finished firing.

In fact, he had already reserved part of the artillery and loaded it with shotgun shells, but when the officers and soldiers approached, he fired at once, and achieved very good results.

When Ni Chong and Wang Pu saw that the attack of the officers and soldiers was frustrated, they immediately had a bad premonition. But now it's hard to get off the tiger, and there's nothing we can do.

Ni Chong, the commander-in-chief, couldn't help but shouted when he saw this, and led the guards around him to rush forward.

The officers and soldiers, who were still in shock, saw that their morale was slightly boosted, and then they rushed forward to engage the rebels in hand-to-hand combat.

The two sides fought back and forth for a while, and then Wang Pu and Ni Chong breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that the rebels are condescending and have high morale. How can the officers and soldiers resist the rebels? Wang Pu and Ni Chong were also anxious privately, but they had no choice but to pray that Governor Chen Qiyu would arrive early.

Just as the two men were feeling uneasy, they suddenly heard several more gunshots coming from behind. The two of them turned around and were shocked.

I saw that the rebel flag had already been planted in the officers and soldiers' camp, and a group of people lined up in front of the camp to attack the officers and soldiers' backs.

Wang Pu and Ni Chong couldn't help but feel a thump in their hearts, and then they realized: No wonder the thieves ignored Luoyang City and struggled with them here for several days. It turned out that they wanted to eat them in one bite. This is the rhythm of a war of annihilation!

The two of them took a breath: This thief is so courageous. The gap in the strength of the two sides is not very big. Who gave him the courage to actually have the idea of ​​​​annihilating the officers and soldiers with the same force!

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