Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 528 Breaking the Road

The people occupying the officers and soldiers camp were none other than the people from Baodu Village led by Li Sanniang and Chen Changzhen.

At the beginning, Zhang Shun went on both roads and occupied Yongning County one day in advance, so that the officers and soldiers had one more day to spare.

Zhang Shunli used the extra day to complete the training and exploration work around Yongning County, and discovered the movements of the Beijing camp one day in advance.

Zhang took advantage of the extra day to cross the mountains and ridges, report the military situation to Baodu Village, and asked Chen Changzhen to lead his troops to prepare to cut off the retreat of the officers and soldiers.

Later, Wang Pu and Ni Chong suffered a loss at the hands of Zhang Shun. They sent a courier early the next morning to contact Henan Governor Chen Qiyu, which delayed another half a day.

And because the rebels blocked the roads leading to Shaanzhou from Cai Sanxiang and Yanling Pass in Yongning County, the officers and soldiers' messengers had to take a detour of more than 200 miles.

This two-hundred-mile journey was only the one-hundred-and-fifty-mile journey that the rebel messenger had to take over Xiong'er Mountain to reach Baodu Village, and it took an extra day.

In other words, when Henan Governor Chen Qiyu received the news that Wang Pu and Ni Chong in the Beijing camp encountered the main force of the rebel army, Li Sanniang and Chen Changzhen in Baodu Village had already received Zhang Shun's order to block the retreat of the officers and soldiers two and a half days in advance.

Among them, Zhang Shun occupied Yongning County one day in advance, which also bought Baodu Village an extra day to organize troops and supplies.

The two or three days of entanglement between the rebels and the officers and soldiers was actually the time Zhang Shun waited for Li Shi'an's artillery to arrive and Chen Changzhen to cut off the retreat of the officers and soldiers.

In this complex operation, Zhang Shun maximized the use of time. Not to mention that the Governor of Henan, Chen Qiyu, was preparing to make a double route to attack Luoyang. Even if he spent two or three days detouring to Yanling Pass to outflank the rebels' retreat, the day lily would have been cold long ago.

Li Sanniang and Chen Changzhen have been near Baodu Village for a long time, and they already know that they can reach the Luoshui River Valley from Baitu to the north by walking over the mountains and ridges through the Xia Shigou.

Although it was difficult to travel in the mountains, fortunately they did not carry too much baggage, food and grass, and most of the soldiers under their command were from the local area, so traveling over the mountains and ridges was completely normal.

It took them three days to get out of Xia Shigou, cross the Luoshui River secretly, light up the smoke, and report to Zhang Shun that they had arrived at the designated location.

Therefore, Zhang Shun led Li Shi'an's artillery battalion to leave Yongning County, occupied the hillside outside the officers and soldiers camp, and began to bombard the officers and soldiers camp.

After that, things seemed to have been well rehearsed, and the performance started according to Zhang Shun's script.

Wang Pu and Ni Chong were both experienced in military affairs. How could they not have fallen into Zhang Shun's scheme?

Wang Pu quickly pulled Ni Chong and said: "Now that things have happened, we have all fallen into an urn. If we want to survive, I am afraid we have to cut off our tails to survive!"

"I think the number of thieves occupying our camp is small and they have no firearms. If I can lead the crowd to defeat the army of thieves, Brother Ni can escape!"

When the commander-in-chief Ni Chong heard this, he couldn't help but be moved, and he quickly said politely: "Brother Wang is very righteous, but how could you, foolish brother, have the heart to abandon me and just live an ignoble existence!"

"Brother Ni is really a man with lofty ideals. In this case, I have to trouble Brother Ni to stop the bandit army for an hour. I will definitely capture this group of thieves and take back the officers and soldiers camp!" Wang Pu was delighted when he heard this and said quickly.

Ni Chong was speechless. He didn't know how he had been fooled by Wang Pu. With his angry look on his face, Wang Pu led his two to three thousand men and drifted away.

Ni Chong just said some kind words, how could he take them back? What's more, when Wang Pu led his troops to leave like this, the pressure on Ni Chong's troops suddenly increased greatly, and they were in danger of collapse at any time.

Ni Chong, the commander-in-chief, had no choice but to pick up a knife, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Brothers, there are thieves in the front today, and they are blocking them in the back. The only way to have a chance of survival is to fight to the death."

"I'll wait but wait for an hour, and General Wang will be able to retake the camp and open up a way to retreat!"

The other soldiers also knew that this was a critical moment, and any hesitation would result in being massacred. They quickly shouted in unison: "I am willing to die with General Ni!" The morale of the officers and soldiers improved slightly, and they were able to withstand Zhang Shun's attack again. .

At this time, the troops arrayed in front of the original officers and soldiers camp were Li Mou's 500 troops and Chen Changzhi's 500 troops.

Chen Changzhen ordered Li Xin to lead his men and horses to form a formation on the left, and Li Mou to lead his five hundred men and horses to form a formation on the right.

Wei Congyi led 200 cavalry under his command, and lived in the middle army with Li Sanniang, Zhang Luxuan, Wu Xian, Ji Dan, Chen Changzhen and others.

Fortunately, Wang Pu was not shameless to the extreme. In addition to his two to three thousand infantry, he only brought one cavalry. The remaining two cavalry were left to Ni Chong to protect the two wings of the army, preventing the rebels from taking advantage.

The cavalry arrived first before the soldiers and infantry arrived. Wang Pu only knew that the rebels occupying the camp had no cavalry, so he bullied the few rebels and sent cavalry forward to test them first.

Galloping down the hillside, the five hundred cavalry of the officers and soldiers were even more impressive.

Facing the officers and soldiers galloping towards them, it was better for Li Mou's soldiers to have three to four hundred veterans, and there was not much fluctuation.

However, the 500 soldiers under Chen Changzhi led by Li Xin, most of whom were new soldiers recruited and trained from Kangjiazhuang, could not help but change their expressions.

Upon seeing this, Li Xin couldn't help but order his spear to be leveled to prevent the enemy's cavalry from charging into the formation. However, he abandoned his team and rushed forward instead.

Before the officers and cavalry could approach, Li Xin took up his bow and shot an arrow. First, he hit a cavalryman in the face with one arrow. Then he changed to a long gun and rushed over with the gun in hand.

When the officers and soldiers saw a cavalry charging back, they couldn't help being surprised and happy, and quickly thrust the three or four spears into it.

Li Xin was as slippery as a loach. He evaded the thrusts of three or four cavalrymen with a twist of his body, and knocked down a group of officers and cavalrymen with a single shot from his backhand.

After this harassment, the officers, soldiers and cavalry formed a somewhat chaotic formation. They just shot a round of arrows in front of the rebel formation and galloped away.

When the officers, soldiers and cavalry dispersed, everyone only said that Li Xin was dead. Especially when Wu Xian sighed and said to Li Sanniang: "What a good man, it's just a pity!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, Li Xin appeared followed by the officers and cavalry, carrying a figure who looked like an officer in his hand, and followed by a war horse.

Only then did the rebels realize that Li Xin not only rode into the battle alone, but also captured a minor official. Immediately, the morale of the rebels was greatly boosted, and they all shouted: "The general is mighty!"

Mr. Wu couldn't help but change his expression, and murmured to himself in a low voice: "Unexpectedly, there are such fierce warriors among the thieves. What a pity!"

Li Sanniang heard this unpleasantly and couldn't help scolding: "You bastard, what is a grown man talking about? If you have the guts, go ahead and fight. If you don't have any eggs, you are living quietly behind my back." yes!"

Wu Xian couldn't help but blush when he heard this, and quickly argued: "You are a thief and I am an official. How can it be right for an official to kill an official?"

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