Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 534: Defeating his edge (Part 2)

The guy who likes to lead the lower three lanes in the battle is naturally the most taboo about others attacking his lower third lanes.

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Hualin was scolded by Ma Yingniang. He couldn't help but feel ashamed and annoyed. He couldn't help but yelled: "Smelly bitch, I want you to look good later!"

After saying this, he wanted to abandon his left and right sides and go to fight with Ma Yingniang. Fortunately, the people on the left and right hurriedly said: "General, as the commander-in-chief of an army, how can he behave like a woman? If he sends a warrior to capture her alive, he is not just letting the general do whatever he wants!"

When Yang Hualin heard this, his anger subsided a little. He chose the most proud person under his command and ordered: "As long as she is alive and not dead, I don't want her to be harmed in the slightest! If I can't humiliate her thousands of times, I can't." Let go of this anger!"

This man's servant, Yang Hualin's servant, has always been famous for his martial arts, and Yang Hualin raised him with five cents of salary.

This man also knew very well the principle of using money to eliminate disasters for others, so he quickly issued a military order and said: "General, don't worry, the woman I took will come back unscathed, otherwise I will ask the general to behead my dog!"

"I don't want your dog head, I want that stinky bitch!" Yang Hualin roared.

At this time, Zhang Shenyan, Han Lin, Gao Yizhi, Song Xiance and others also rushed to the North Gate Lijing Gate and looked down.

I saw a vast sea of ​​thousands of troops and horses, from left to right, from front to back, almost as far as the eye could see. There are also swords and guns like a forest, and iron armor like a mirror, making it difficult for anyone who shines to open their eyes.

There were more shops outside the city. When they saw the imperial troops arriving, they all ran out, shouting and watching the excitement.

But Ma Yingniang could only lead dozens of people alone to block the city gate. It was quite a sad scene like ants blocking the elephant.

Seeing that others were silent, Zhang Shenyan relied on his old skills and said: "How can we let this woman leave the city? There are thousands of officers and soldiers. Isn't this just asking for death!"

The Red Lady knew what Zhang Shenyan meant, and said with an ugly face: "It's not that the Red Lady is seeking revenge, but this woman has repeatedly requested that the Red Lady have no choice but to let him out of the city. There are only a hundred personal guards left by my husband in the city, and I and I She has fifty people, which is the limit! If more people leave the city, the damage will be too great, and the city will no longer be defendable!"

When Zhang Shenyan heard this, he knew that he had wrongly blamed the red lady, so he could only sigh and said: "It is rare that there is such a strange woman in the world, but I underestimated her!"

Everyone felt heavy when they heard the words and didn't know how to answer, so they had to remain silent.

By the way, not long after, a horse came out of the formation of officers and soldiers. This man was tall and tall, wearing a pair of hats. He walked up and shouted like a thunderbolt on a sunny day: "You stinky bitch, get off your horse quickly and capture us! Otherwise, Don’t blame Sajia for destroying flowers with ruthless hands!”

Ma Yingniang also wore a suit of iron armor. Although she was much bulkier than before, her figure was still slender and petite.

She also clapped her horse and came forward, but waved the spear in her hand and said: "Stop talking nonsense, you will be a hero if you win this spear in my hand!"

The man had been in battle for a long time and knew that words alone could not persuade him to surrender, so he had no choice but to shake the spear in his hand, clapped his horse and rushed over.

As soon as the two horses crossed each other, their spears shook, and the two spears joined together. Ma Yingniang was originally from a female generation, her strength was not as strong as others, and she had not practiced marksmanship for a short time, so she was not as good as her peers who had been immersed in this skill for decades.

The man's flick of the spear shocked Ma Yingniang so much that she could hardly hold the spear in her hand. It's too late, but it's soon. Seeing that Ma Yingniang was only at this level, the man couldn't help but feel happy. He put away his spear and reached out to hold Ma Yingniang under his arm.

But how could he have imagined that Ma Yingniang, with her superb riding skills, would be such an easy person to deal with?

The moment this person reached out to catch Ma Yingniang, Ma Yingniang suddenly disappeared. Before the person could react, he saw the sharp tip of a gun swishing upwards from bottom to point towards the person's throat.

Even if this person is wearing double armor, his throat is a vulnerable part after all. Even if the shot couldn't penetrate the neck guard, it might still break the person's Adam's apple.

What a man. Although he didn't understand what was going on for a while, he still subconsciously tilted his head back.

I just felt a strong force coming, my head was pulled, and then my vision became brighter. There was a cold sweat on his forehead, and the man only reacted when he was blown by the cold wind.

The shot fired by the woman across from her just now almost killed her. In just a few seconds, she actually "took" off her own helmet and neck protector with one shot.

It turned out that Ma Yingniang relied on her superb riding skills to hide at the critical moment and avoid the man's sharp edge. Then she took advantage of the situation and stabbed the man's neck protector with a spear. The neck guard was connected to the helmet and was picked off by Ma Yingniang.

Ma Yingniang took off the man's helmet and neck protector. Instead of flying them away, she deliberately lifted them up and galloped back and forth across the city in a show of force.

This battle may seem complicated, but the winner has already been decided between the rising of the rabbit and the falling of the falcon.

The onlookers were surprised at first, and then couldn't help but be overjoyed, and shouted "Okay!" involuntarily.

Zhao Lizi was also a military commander, so he naturally knew how difficult it was. He had been following Zhang Shun for a long time, and he was accustomed to using all available means.

He laughed loudly and said, "Haha, what kind of thing are these officers and soldiers sending? They even beat up a woman. Why don't you go home and take care of your child!"

It doesn't matter what Zhao Lizi shouted. Everyone in the city felt happy and started laughing and laughing.

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Hualin couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry, and cursed "trash". Then, he loudly ordered: "Raise troops for a thousand days and use them for one day. If you lose at the hands of women, you don't have to come back!"

The warrior was originally a good rider and warrior, but now he lost his face and felt ashamed. He couldn't help but feel cruel in his heart, brandishing his spear again, and charged forward. I swear that I will kill this woman even if I try to get punished, in order to repay today's humiliation!

When Ma Yingniang saw him coming to kill again, she was not afraid. She just picked up the spear and threw the helmet and neck guard on the spear point.

The man quickly ducked down, dodging his helmet and neck guard. He never thought that Ma Yingniang was already approaching.

She just heard her yelling "hit" and stabbed the man in the chest with a gun. Only a "stab" sound was heard. The spear could not penetrate, and a few sparks flew out, scratching the enemy general's breastplate and tearing open a piece of armor on the side.

The man couldn't help but be shocked again. Fortunately, he was wearing double armor, otherwise this shot would have penetrated him!

He also quickly stabbed the spear in his hand, but Ma Yingniang just fell back and used an "iron bridge" to avoid this man's killing move.

It was really an eye-opener for the people watching around, and they all shouted: "Okay, what a great skill!" "I'm almost catching up with Team Leader Liu's circus!"

What everyone calls "Leader Liu" is actually the circus troupe that Ma Yingniang used to belong to. Just because Ma Yingniang's circus is the most outstanding, she is famous in Luoyang.

Everyone didn't know that the former circus performer was actually the female general in front of them, so they subconsciously compared her with themselves.

The warrior sent by the officers and soldiers was quite experienced. He had seen Ma Yingniang being beaten twice and knew that this woman was not easy to hold back.

His eyes couldn't help but roll, and he had a plan in his mind: People often say that when shooting a person, shoot the horse first. This woman has superb riding skills, but I can't beat her. Why don't I hurt her horse first, and then capture this person alive?

As soon as he thought about it, he clapped his horse and stepped forward again. Ma Yingniang only said that he was a poor man, but she never thought that this man would swing his big gun and stab her with his black horse.

Although this black horse was originally a performance horse for the circus troupe, it is also tall, handsome, and quite humane. Ma Yingniang has been riding it for a long time, and it fits her best.

How could Ma Yingniang be willing to let go? She had no choice but to shake the gun and push the long gun away. As a result, the guy was unreasonable and came to kill Ma Yingniang again, and stabbed Ma Yingniang's horse on the horse.

This happened several times, and once he suddenly changed his gun and almost stabbed Ma Yingniang.

Ma Yingniang couldn't help but feel angry and annoyed. When she saw the guy charging at him again, she just stood there and refused to dodge. She only took out the blunderbuss that Zhang Shun had given her before. When the guy approached, she stretched out her hand and fired the blunderbuss.

When everyone saw this guy acting like a rogue, they couldn't help but ridiculed him: "What a man, he can't beat a woman, but he actually has the nerve to act like a rogue!"

After several repetitions, when Ma Yingniang was at her wits' end, the onlookers began to yell and curse.

At this time, the officers and soldiers had long lost the mentality of showing off their power. Seeing that this person was a rogue, they were ashamed and their morale dropped.

How could Yang Hualin not know? But now it’s hard to get off the tiger. He could only hope that after this person captured Ma Yingniang, he would humiliate her to the death to boost the morale of the officers and soldiers.

But everyone never expected that Ma Yingniang, who was not a martial artist, suddenly knocked over this guy's horse with a bludgeon. This guy was wearing double armor, and he was suddenly knocked solid, and he couldn't breathe for a long time.

Seeing that there were no threats from other officers and soldiers on the left and right, Ma Yingniang simply jumped off her horse. She stepped forward and stepped on the man's chest, took out the two swords at her waist, and cut off the belt of the man's skirt and armor with three strokes.

When the man saw something bad, he stared at his legs and tried to struggle. How could Ma Yingniang allow him to escape? With just one knife, the man's sense of right and wrong was cut off through his clothes.

Then, on the silent battlefield, a miserable cry suddenly rang out. The onlookers were stunned, and couldn't help but clapped their hands and laughed, saying: "Now he is really useless. This man just happens to be a middle-ranking official in the palace, so that he can serve the emperor!"

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