Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 535 Three Strategies to Defend the City (Part 1)

Although he was an officer and a fighting general who lost his eggs, as the most courageous representative of Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Hualin, he was almost the same as the entire elite cavalry who lost their eggs.

Especially after Ma Yingniang cut off the man's right and wrong roots, she did not kill him on the spot. Instead, she got on her horse and drove him back to the formation of officers and soldiers.

After this man stumbled all the way back to the formation with blood dripping from his crotch, the morale of the officers and soldiers dropped to the extreme.

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Hualin's face was as cold as ice. He held it in for a long time and almost said: "What a shame, what kind of face do you have to return to the formation? You should commit suicide!"

It's just that as the head coach of the first army, if he really said such words, it would inevitably make people feel chilling.

Seeing how ignorant this man was, Yang Hualin almost broke his own teeth. But now that things have come to this, he can only regret it.

When Ma Yingniang left the city, he should have ignored it and directly ordered the army to attack. Even if he loses a little bit of his grace, it's better than being embarrassed now.

It's just that there is no regret medicine in this world. Who told him that Yang Hualin was so obsessed with sex at that time that he had to tease and tease the young lady opposite him?

There was no other way. At this point, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Hualin had no choice but to give an order for his five hundred cavalry to abandon their horses and try to attack Wangximen.

It is different from what many people think, thinking that cavalry can only fight on horseback. In fact, cavalry are basically elites. These people are heavy cavalry when they mount, and they are heavy infantry when they dismount. Whether to ride a horse or not depends solely on the needs of the battlefield.

The five hundred cavalry abandoned their horses, formed a square formation, and slowly pressed towards the city gate.

Ma Yingniang knew that her mission had been completed, and if she continued to struggle, it would be useless except for losing her troops and generals.

She quickly shouted twice to the city, asking the Red Lady to lower the drawbridge, open the city gate, and prepare to return to the city.

The moat outside Luoyang City was five feet deep and three feet wide. According to later data, it was about 16 meters deep and about ten meters wide.

On weekdays, there is not much water in this moat, so as not to damage the city. It was only because of the frequent military disasters this year that water from the Xianhe River, one of the nearby tributaries of the Luoshui River, was introduced to turn the moat into a moat.

Since there is a moat, it is natural to set up a suspension bridge outside the city gate.

With a "squeaking" sound of the winch turning, the heavy suspension bridge hit the ground outside the moat, causing a burst of dust.

Before Ma Yingniang and others stepped onto the suspension bridge, Yang Hualin was overjoyed. He quickly ordered five hundred infantry to attack, and at the same time ordered his left and right servants with twenty or thirty cavalry to rush over, trying to entangle Ma Yingniang and others.

Ma Yingniang heard the sound of horse hooves behind her, turned her head and saw twenty or thirty soldiers galloping towards her. She couldn't help but raise a cold eyebrow, and wanted to lead her subordinates to turn around and kill him.

Governor Zhang on the city saw this and shouted desperately: "Just enter the city, don't delay, we will take care of the rest!"

Ma Yingniang was actually a little doubtful, but fortunately she learned from Zhang Shun that Governor Zhang was also a veteran guarding the city. She tentatively believed it, and quickly patted her horse on the bridge and ran towards the city gate.

Ma Yingniang led fifty of Zhang Shun's personal guards who stayed behind. The suspension bridge was narrow and could not carry many people across it at one time.

Fortunately, everyone is a veteran, so we are not in a hurry. After finally crossing the bridge, the officers and soldiers' cavalry galloped to the suspension bridge.

The suspension bridge is heavy. How could I pull it up so quickly in such a hurry? However, Governor Zhang, Han Lin and Gao Yizhi did not panic at all, but instead looked at each other and smiled.

When the officers and soldiers arrived at the suspension bridge, they heard a burst of cannon fire, and in an instant more than ten people were swept to the ground. Some of the war horses were beaten to a bloody pulp and died on the spot.

And the armors on those elite cavalry were as if they were made of paper, and they didn't even have the slightest resistance.

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Hualin couldn't help but be shocked when he discovered that there were several heavy artillery hidden on the left and right sides of the strange city gate.

The firing distance of the artillery was so close, and it fired shotgun shells. Naturally, the officers and soldiers were unable to resist, so they had to retreat in panic.

It turns out that after Han Lin and Gao Yizhi proposed the Luoyang City Gate, a sharp-angled enemy tower was added to the left and right sides of the city gate. There are shooting holes behind the enemy tower, which can form left and right cross fire.

Yang Hualin had only encountered defensive facilities such as horse faces and towers before, but had never encountered an enemy tower. He suffered a hidden loss after just one encounter.

In fact, after the officers and soldiers failed in the one-on-one duel, they were humiliated by Ma Yingniang and lost their morale. Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Hualin knew this very well, so he reluctantly attacked again just to give an explanation to Governor Chen Qiyu.

Since the cavalry surprise attack failed and another attack was frustrated, Yang Hualin could only retreat three miles away with resentment and start setting up camp.

Everyone in the city breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. Song Xiance stroked his beard and said with a smile: "What we are worried about is just that we are afraid that the defense in the city will collapse at one touch."

"Now that the officers and soldiers have suffered a slight setback, as long as we strengthen our defenses, it will be difficult for the officers and soldiers to capture Luoyang City in a short while!"

Only then did Lady Hong realize that in the panic of yesterday's discussion, she had forgotten to invite Song Xiance to participate, and she quickly apologized to him.

Song Xiance laughed, waved his hands and said: "It doesn't matter, the old Taoist priest is not good at this. He is not good at writing or martial arts, it's just a little trick."

"Now that I have been watching the battle in the city for a long time, I have gained two little insights. I wonder if you would like to hear them?"

Upon hearing this, the matchmaker knew that Song Xiance was deeply loved by Zhang Shun, so she deliberately took the opportunity to make some plans to eliminate her grudge, so as not to get involved in the whirlpool of competition among the girls.

She smiled slightly and nodded. Unexpectedly, when Song Xiance's words came out, everyone was full of praise. Even Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but pat his forehead and said with a smile: "I knew Mr. Song had great talent, but I never thought that I would see it today."

It turned out that Song Xiance's first strategy was to attack the officers and soldiers at night.

Winter days are short, and by Shen time it is already dark. Shenshi, also known as Bushi, corresponds to three to five o'clock in the afternoon in later generations, which is the time for people in this era to have dinner.

Wang Shaoyu, the commander-in-chief of Henan Province, was eating noodles at home. Suddenly I heard that the soldiers were coming. Outside, Zhang Shenyan, Duke Zhang, Song Xiance, Mr. Song and Zhao Lizi, General Zhao, asked to see him.

Wang Shaoyu couldn't help but secretly cursed "bad luck". Now that times are bad, officials like him can no longer afford to eat bread every day.

These plague gods who can't afford to offend are coming, so they have to ask their servants to prepare more bowls of noodles. What's more, in the past two days, many big families in the city have sent messages to him. If even a word reaches the "thief"'s ears, he may be in trouble.

There was no other way. Now, "I'm a knifeman and a fish," so he had no choice but to straighten his clothes and go out quickly.

After a few polite greetings, Wang Shaoyu welcomed them into the living room. Zhang Shenyan lowered his head and saw a half-eaten bowl of noodles on the table. He couldn't help but laugh and said, "It's disturbing Mr. Wang's meal!"

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