Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 536 Three Strategies to Defend the City (Part 2)

Wang Shaoyu, the former chief military officer of Henan Province, heard the strings and knew the elegant meaning. He quickly asked Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance and Zhao Lizi to sit down, and then shouted: "Hurry and prepare a few more bowls of noodles. I want to treat three distinguished guests to dinner. One man per man Bowl, add a piece of mutton to the bowl in the hall!"

"Ah? That would be disrespectful to me!" Song Xiance was the first to respond after hearing this.

"They are all family members, why are you so polite!" Wang Shaoyu was unhappy in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face.

Song Xiance then smiled and said: "As the saying goes, 'Nothing is better than going to the Three Treasures Palace.' The three of us are not idle. We came here for Wang Zongbing's bowl of noodles. Now outside the city, our rebel army is fighting against Chongzhen's child's rebellion. The army is fighting, I wonder if General Wang has heard about it?"

Why not? Wang Shaoyu thought to himself, I am very familiar with this. In the past two days, the big houses in the city have almost destroyed the door of my house, and they are all encouraging me to "do whatever it takes".

However, he would never dare to say this. He could only smile awkwardly and said: "People who are facing crimes should not dare to act rashly, lest the three of them become tigers!"

"Hey? What are you talking about, Mr. Wang?" Song Xiance said unhappily, "Since the Lord has forgiven your sins, we are all brothers, how can we treat sins differently?"

"My King Shun has always been magnanimous and magnanimous. Once he says something, it is hard to chase him! Since you intend to trick King Shun, is it possible that you are convinced in appearance but not in heart?"

"Ah?" Wang Shaoyu, the former Henan headquarters, almost knelt down. He quickly wiped the cold sweat on his head and explained repeatedly, "I don't dare, I don't dare! I'm just careful every day, for fear of accidentally damaging King Shun's event!"

By this time, the servant had already prepared the noodles and brought them to him piping hot. Song Xiance was not overly surprised.

He grabbed the chopsticks, picked out the noodles, then took two sips of the hot soup, took a comfortable breath, and then said: "In this weather, I took a sip of the hot soup. It’s really exciting!”

Zhang Shenyan glanced at him but remained silent. At this time, Song Xiance smiled and said: "Brother Wang, how old is Brother Yu? Do you mind if I call you that?"

"Don't dare, don't dare! It's Wang's honor to be able to call him brother-in-law with Mr. Song!" Wang Shaoyu didn't know what kind of medicine Song Xiance was selling in his gourd, so he had no choice but to take advantage of the situation with a guilty conscience.

"That's good. Brother Yu has a piece of credit that he wants to give to you. I'm sure you won't mind, right?"

Wang Shaoyu's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: It's broken, I'll see you soon! However, he did not dare to say that. He could only nod and bow in response: "Sir, it's okay to say it. I'm all ears!"

"This afternoon, officers and soldiers came to attack my city. They worked hard but to no avail, but were defeated by our army. I calculated with my fingers and found that there is a northwest wind tonight, so we should rob the camp!"

Well, Maipi, which winter doesn't have a northwest wind, and you still have to count it with your fingers? You should be more sincere when trying to deceive people! Wang Shaoyu was going crazy.

"It's just that the main force of the rebel army is not here now, and the rest of the soldiers are guarding the city, so there is no manpower available. I thought about it and found that only General Wang has one or two thousand elite soldiers under his command, who can be used together!"

"No, no, no, Mr. Song, the men and horses under my command are all rabble. They are neither elites, nor are they all paid for their money. In fact, they are only three to five hundred people!" In order to survive, Wang Shaoyu did not care about anything.

If he really had one or two thousand elite soldiers, how could Zhao Lizi capture Prince Fu's Mansion with just a few soldiers and horses?

"Oh?" Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but look solemn after hearing this, and asked sternly, "Commander Wang is under the command of King Shun, and he dares to take empty pay? Aren't you afraid of the sin of beheading!"

"Ah? No, no, no, I'm not free to pay." Wang Shaoyu was flustered and didn't know how to answer.

Since Zhang Shenyan was showing off, Song Xiance quickly put on a red face and said, "Commander Wang, don't panic. The so-called attack on the camp is not as difficult as you think. As long as you lead the crowd to make a noise near the officers and soldiers' camp tonight, we will succeed." Whether it succeeds or not, it’s all a great achievement!”

Wang Shaoyu couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this, so that's it! If I were to lead three to five hundred men and go out for a casual walk around the city, with all the lights and lights outside, what would I know in the city?

As soon as he thought about this, he quickly asked: "Is it really so?"

"As expected!" Song Xiance said decisively.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll risk my life to accompany the gentleman and just go away like this!" Wang Shaoyu returned with courage and responded with great pride.

"Okay! As a gentleman says, a horse is hard to catch!" Song Xiance said with a smile, "Here, bring two thousand taels of silver to General Wang."

Not long after, three or four big men came in carrying two big boxes. Wang Shaoyu opened it and saw that it was all filled with white money. He couldn't help but his eyes turned green, and he quickly asked: "This is it?"

"This is the silver reward after the job is completed. I ordered someone to bring it to you first. As long as you complete the task, the silver will be yours!" Song Xiance answered.

Wang Shaoyu couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly ordered an inventory of the troops and ordered his servants to quickly bury the pots and make rice to feed the soldiers.

It was finally midnight. Under the supervision of Song Xiance, Zhang Shenyan and Zhao Lizi, Wang Shaoyu led 500 soldiers and left the city one by one.

In the cold winter of mid-November, water almost turned into ice. The steel sword in the soldier's hand is like the biting northwest wind, and the armor on his body is like the ice in the moat.

Wang Shaoyu turned his head and looked at the dim lights on the city wall. He could not clearly see where Song Xiance and Zhang Shenyan were, but he knew that those people should be watching his movements.

Wang Shaoyu felt quite uneasy, but then he thought about it, on such a cold winter night, what fool would not go back to camp to rest?

All he had to do was walk about a mile further, and he could no longer see the city clearly, so he only had to set off the gongs, drums, and firecrackers. Even if the officers and soldiers reacted, I am afraid that by the time they put on their armor and mounted their horses, they would have been able to run back to Luoyang City safely in the morning.

"For money!" Wang Shaoyu secretly encouraged himself and quickly urged the soldiers to continue walking out.

The soldiers groped for a long time in the dark, but they didn't know how far they had gone. Just when Wang Shaoyu felt that he was almost done.

Suddenly, in the quiet night, there was a sound of cannon, and the fire was all out, and a group of people came to kill them.

The leader also shouted: "Little lady, my brother has been waiting for you for a long time! Today I must keep my promise and show you love and affection!"

Wang Shaoyu couldn't help but trembled, turned around and ran away without caring about others. As he ran, he cursed secretly: I knew this old-fashioned guy had no good intentions! God, "Brother, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Could this man be a good man? As far as you are concerned, please don’t fall into the hands of this person and be humiliated!

It turned out that the person ambushing here late at night was none other than the deputy commander-in-chief Yang Hualin.

By the way, after Yang Hualin withdrew his troops last night, he became increasingly angry the more he thought about it. It is so unreasonable to be humiliated by a little bitch!

The guy tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at night. Fortunately, he is a veteran, and a fool will eventually succeed despite all his worries.

He suddenly thought: "The thieves are so audacious. If they attack the camp tonight, wouldn't our army be nothing more than nothing?"

As soon as he thought about this, the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, so he called out the soldiers all night, ignoring the call in winter, and went straight to an ambush a mile or two outside the camp. Unexpectedly, after waiting for half a night, he actually guessed it.

By the way, Wang Shaoyu's men were originally a mob, and they lost the command of their generals. How could they be Yang Hualin's opponent?

They were immediately killed and defeated, and fled in all directions. Yang Hualin was afraid that the horse's hooves would be broken in the dark night, so he only used infantry to chase him.

The officers and soldiers pursued them all the way to the gate of Luoyang City. Yang Hualin shouted loudly and proudly outside the city before returning to the camp triumphantly.

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