Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 537 Three Strategies to Defend the City (Part 2)

It was a pity that he could not catch the little girl who humiliated him during the day. Yang Hualin felt a little regretful and had to fall asleep alone.

Not long after, he was in a daze when he suddenly heard shouts from the left and right: "General, we have caught that woman, please enjoy it in time, General!"

He looked up and saw a woman wearing a red hijab and a red wedding dress being escorted by soldiers on the left and right. With a voluptuous figure and handsome appearance, he looks like a first-class romantic figure.

Although Yang Hualin couldn't see her face, he knew for no reason that she was the one who humiliated him during the day.

His heart was burning, and he quickly backed away. Without waiting for any sweet words, he hurriedly pulled off his shirt and rushed over.

As expected, the woman had no power to resist and was thrown to the ground by him. With the beauty in his arms, Yang Hualin couldn't help but smile and said: "Little lady, now that you are in my hands, where will you run away?"

While saying this, Yang Hualin reached out and pulled off the bride's hijab.

Who would have thought that instead of the beautiful face underneath the hijab, a green-faced and fanged face suddenly appeared. Before Yang Hualin could react, the monster opened its mouth violently, revealing its bright white fangs, and fought back towards Yang Hualin.

Yang Hualin screamed strangely, unable to struggle, and said: My life is at risk! Unexpectedly, he suddenly turned over and sat up.

It turned out that he was lying in the Chinese army's tent.

Yang Hualin was still in shock when he heard the guards outside the tent lift the curtain and come in. Before anyone arrived, he said: "General, what's wrong!"

Being blown by the cold wind outside the tent, Yang Hualin shivered involuntarily. Only then did he realize that he had broken out in a cold sweat and his clothes were soaked through.

He quickly responded: "It's nothing, I just had a nightmare! Bring me another suit, these clothes are soaked!"

The guard responded, opened the curtain and went out. Another cold wind blew in, and Yang Hualin shivered again. He couldn't help but cursed loudly: "You bastard, you push me here and there, I'm going to feel cold!"

Before Yang Hualin could finish cursing, a scream suddenly sounded in the silent night. Then there were sounds of fighting, explosions, and firecrackers.

Yang Hualin was stunned for a moment and had not yet reacted. I felt another cold wind coming in, and then a soldier stumbled in and reported loudly: "General, it's not good! Thieves have attacked the camp."

Yang Hualin suddenly trembled, jumped up quickly, and shouted loudly: "Hurry and help me put on the armor, wait until I come out of the tent to see!"

Not long after, cold armor was draped on Yang Hualin's wet clothes. He quickly stepped on the sword and walked out of the Chinese army's tent in a panic.

He looked up and saw fires all over the camp, people screaming and horses neighing, everyone doing their own thing, and the officers and soldiers in the camp in chaos.

He quickly led his soldiers forward, chopped down two soldiers who were running back and forth, and shouted sternly: "Generals at all levels, quickly restrain the soldiers and return to camp. The rest of the guards will follow me to suppress the rebels!"

At the critical moment, Yang Hualin finally showed the level that a Ming Dynasty general should have. He keenly judged that since the thieves first used "flower guns" and then attacked the camp, they must have insufficient troops.

What's more, judging from the confrontations with officers and soldiers during the day, the thieves should not have many manpower except a few backbones.

With this thought, Yang Hualin stopped trying to expel the rebels who came to attack the camp, and instead focused more on restraining the soldiers and putting out the fire.

After going back and forth for an hour, Yang Hualin finally restrained the soldiers. Seeing that there was nothing they could do, the incoming rebel army secretly retreated under the cover of night.

By the next morning, Yang Hualin got his wish and was infected with the cold. His head was dizzy and he didn't know whether it was because he didn't get enough rest or because of the cold.

His nose was still running, so he had to lie down on the seat, wiping it with a handkerchief while listening to his staff report on the losses last night.

"Thirty-one soldiers were injured, 13 were missing, 233 horses were lost, seven tents were burned down, and more than ten stones of food and grass were lost!"

"Bastard! Did you lose more than ten kilograms of food last night when the fire was soaring? You are lying to a fool!" Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Hualin was furious when he heard this.

"Uh, I made a mistake. The actual loss was one hundred and twenty shi!" the staff member followed suit and quickly changed his words.

"There are still three hundred and thirty war horses! Okay, that's it! Hurry up and make rice, prepare to attack the city!" Yang Hualin added a few words, then did not go into details and continued to order, "The supervisor will lead the infantry. , we should arrive today. You must attack hard and don’t lose my face!”

The attack without any siege equipment, apart from leaving a dozen corpses behind, was of course fruitless in attacking the city again.

Seeing that there was no other way, Yang Hualin had no choice but to order: "Try the other doors again to see if there is any opportunity!"

It was not until noon that the governor of Henan, Chen Qiyu, led his infantry to rush over.

Chen Qiyu raised his eyes and saw that Luoyang City was as motionless as a mountain, and he couldn't help but look sad. He deliberately handed over his cavalry to the leadership of his trusted deputy general Yang Hualin, hoping that he could catch the rebels by surprise and capture Luoyang City in one go.

Unexpectedly, Yang Hualin's mud couldn't support the wall, and there was no progress at all. Chen Qiyu suppressed his anger, called him over and asked, "What's going on? How come Luoyang City is still in the hands of thieves!"

"The thieves have been on guard for a long time. They have prepared many defensive measures, and the artillery is so fierce. It is really difficult to attack in a hurry!" Yang Hualin's ability to make excuses is first-rate.

"Trash!" Henan Governor Chen Qiyu didn't care about his twists and turns and scolded directly, "If Luoyang City cannot be captured in the next two days, don't blame our ruthless military law!"

"By the way, where is Cao Wenzhao's headquarters? How far is it from our army?" Chen Qiyu hated the fact that iron cannot be transformed into steel, but the wood is already done and there is no other way. Anyway, since Cao Wen's edict, the army has surrounded him, and even the small city of Luoyang cannot escape from his grasp.

"Ah?" Yang Hualin was so angry with Ma Yingniang that he forgot about such an important matter. Fortunately, this man was also quite quick-witted and responded quickly: "Cao Wenzhao's troops are marching slowly and it will take another two days!"

Originally, the governor of Henan, Chen Qiyu, came on a double trip, so it was natural that Cao Wen's edict was delayed by two days.

However, Chen Qiyu couldn't wait any longer, so he ordered: "Send someone to him quickly and tell him to arrive as soon as possible. He has the Hongyi cannon seconded from Xuanda under his command. Without this, it will be difficult to attack the city!"

Yang Hualin quickly agreed, let’s not mention it for now. After Chen Qiyu took a short rest, he personally led his army to the gate of Luoyang City and surrounded the west Lijing Gate and Beiwangxi Gate of Luoyang City.

Before Chen Qiyu could order the attack, he suddenly heard singing from the city.

The song says:

The Ming Dynasty rode fiercely and traveled thousands of miles to Luoyang City.

Who would have expected that the city would be impenetrable, yet he would be trying to be a hero with a woman!

If you can't fight with your ideas, you will become a bear before you become a hero.

It became a bear and couldn't run away, and lost its eggs to become a clean soldier.

All the elite soldiers of the Ming Dynasty worked together to defend the city of Beijing.

There are three thousand beauties in the city, and Chongzhen is busy day and night.

Jing Bing has the intention to distract you from your worries, but he has the intention and is powerless to do it!

Chen Qiyu was stunned for a moment and asked his left and right: "Which song is this song from?" Then he explained to him a little embarrassedly: "Yesterday, General Yang sent people to attack the army, but unfortunately they were defeated and humiliated by thieves. !”

"What a waste!" Chen Qiyu almost vomited blood and couldn't help shouting, "attack the city immediately!"

Thank you to fan "Ink Like a Beast Half a Light" for your large reward, thank you to fan Wang Yao for your many rewards, and thank you all for supporting me!

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