Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 546 Decisive Battle (3)

Zhang Shun stood on the high platform and saw from a distance that Jiang He was about to rush to the officers and soldiers. He quickly ordered the Chinese army's flag to be moved, allowing the entire rebel army to move forward and approach the officers and soldiers.

Chen Qiyu was shocked when he saw the flag of the rebel army moving and the entire army beginning to press in. Immediately, he couldn't help laughing and said: "The thieves are so poor!"

Deputy General Liu Guozhen, staff generals He Renlong and Liu Qian were all in the Chinese army. Hearing this, they couldn't help but asked strangely: "Superintendent, why did you say this?"

"The way you use war is to be light first and then heavy, plan first and then fight. For example, in Dunlun, there is some foreplay first, and then both sides can practice with real swords and guns. How can you take off your clothes and force the overlord to draw the bow? reason?"

All the generals couldn't help but laugh when they heard this. Only Liu Guozhen frowned slightly and thought to himself: Governor Chen's words make it seem like we are the women who want to be humiliated. It's really indecent!

It's just that now is the time for hand-to-hand combat. Liu Guozhen has too much time to deal with Jiang He, his enemy in front of him. How could he say this without knowing it and try to get Chen Qiyu into trouble?

In fact, when Chen Qiyu saw that the rebels were acting abnormally, he had some doubts in his heart. It's just that everything is within his control now, so it's not convenient to say that it came from chaos.

Speaking of which, Jiang He led his swordsmen and shieldmen to rush to the formation of officers and soldiers. They saw numerous chariots in front of them, like a city or a wall, covering the formation of officers and soldiers. Behind the shield car, officers and soldiers were densely packed with flags, like a copper wall.

The enemy in person is not the kind of person who "flees upon seeing the enemy". But seeing Jiang He approaching the formation twenty steps, Liu Guozhen waved his flag, and suddenly dozens of killer teams filed out from the gaps in the shield vehicles, and the killing generals came out.

Because the main opponents of the towns in Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Yansui are the "three major bandits" in the border areas of Shaanxi. These "three major bandits" are: "sea bandits", "pine bandits" and "tao bandits".

Among them, the pirates were not the Japanese pirates on the southeast coast, but the Mongolians who were nomadic near Qinghai Lake; the Tao pirates were Taolu, but they occupied the Tumote tribe near the Hetao in later generations; and the Song bandits were those who occupied the villages. The Mongolian nomads in the Big and Small Song Mountains, one hundred and twenty miles east of Langwei.

The opponents in these three places are all good at cavalry. Therefore, the soldiers carried by Chen Qiyu also use spears as their main weapons to stop the enemy's cavalry; they use large shields as a supplement to cover the enemy's cavalry fire.

So the "killer team" filed out, with the first row holding large shields to cover the column, and the rest followed with spears.

When Jiang He saw the enemy coming out, he admired the officers and soldiers for daring to fight. He gave an order, and all the heavy sword and shield men under his command took out short spears from their waists.

With the help of their running strength, everyone threw the short spears in their hands violently. Suddenly, hundreds of densely packed short spears roared into the sky and drove towards the officers and soldiers.

The first row of officers and soldiers quickly raised their large shields to resist, but their manpower was limited. The shield was too big and its thickness was inevitably insufficient.

The power of the short spears thrown by the rebels was far beyond the ability of the arrows shot by the "three big bandits". Suddenly, as the short spears seized the shields of the officers and soldiers, there was another burst of crackling firewood and screams.

It turned out that many wooden shields were hit by several short spears and cracked into several pieces. The officers and soldiers were knocked to the ground on the spot by the other short spears that roared towards them.

Immediately, the two sides met in close combat. However, because the swords and shields in the hands of the rebels were much shorter than the spears of the officers and soldiers, they suffered a big loss. More than ten people were stabbed to the ground on the spot.

However, fortunately, the number of rebels is not large, and they are all skilled in martial arts. Some people waited for the opportunity to enter with guns. The officers and soldiers had difficulty in deploying their spears, and they were immediately killed by the rebels in chaos.

The remaining people who failed to get their spears grabbed their short spears again and waited for the opportunity to throw them into the formation of officers and soldiers.

The main attention of the officers and soldiers was attracted by the sword and shield man who fired the gun. How could they be prepared? Suddenly, more than a dozen people were thrown over by the rebels' short spears.

After a short period of fierce fighting, the officers and soldiers could not resist and had to retreat from the formation. When Jiang He saw that the enemy was about to flee, how could he obey?

He quickly shouted and led his subordinate Dao Dun to chase after him. After chasing the officers and soldiers in front of the shield car, the defending officers and soldiers took advantage of the shield car and only thrust out their spears and spears, as dense as hedgehogs.

Jiang He personally led the team, and despite repeated attacks, they were unable to break into the formation of officers and soldiers. Instead, the officers and soldiers took the opportunity to load firearms such as flanges and three-eyed guns, and beat them randomly, knocking down more than ten rebels.

Jiang Heyou tried his best to rush two or three times, but still couldn't make any progress. He knew that nothing could be done, so he had no choice but to retreat with his troops.

When the rebels retreated, the officers and soldiers fired another burst of muskets and artillery. The rebels lost more than 20 people before they returned to the formation.

Jiang He was so ashamed that he quickly ran to the Chinese army in person to plead guilty to Zhang Shun. However, Zhang Shun quickly took a few steps, helped Jiang He up, and said with a smile: "What is the general's fault? If not for the general's desperate fight, how could our army deploy these hundreds of artillery pieces?"

Jiang He followed Zhang Shun's gesture and saw that nearly a hundred artillery pieces were densely lined up on the right side of the army. The barrels of the artillery were pointing diagonally at the sky like a forest.

Jiang He imagined what would happen if he was targeted by so many artillery pieces, and suddenly shuddered. The consequences were unimaginable.

It turns out that the Han River on the edge of Luoyang City originated near Hengshui Town in Mengjin County in the Mang Mountains. Although it can be said to run north-south, in fact, the north of the Han River is to the west and the south to the east. It is not due south or north.

In order to protect the left wing of the large formation of officers and soldiers, Chen Qiyu, the governor of Henan, deliberately formed an formation close to the river in order to free up more cavalry to deal with the rebels.

As expected, Zhang Shun's formation had nothing to rely on. Both sides of the rebel formation could only rely on two cavalry units, He Jin and He Yilong, which were originally fewer than the number of officers and soldiers to guard them.

According to common sense, when the two sides start fighting, the rebels will soon find that due to insufficient cavalry, officers and soldiers on both sides can easily take advantage of them and fall into a passive position.

It's just that Chen Qiyu never expected that Zhang Shun would be superior after all. Since he dared to go out of the city to fight, he had to think about it for a long time.

He first conscripted Luoyang City's cattle, horses, donkeys, mules and vehicles overnight, and secretly loaded most of the artillery in the city onto the vehicles, ready to be transported out of the city at any time.

After the battle, Zhang Shun ordered Li Shi'an to carry more than a hundred cannons and hide them behind the rebel formation. Just waiting for the two sides to compete, Zhang Shun sent two cavalry units, He Jin and He Yilong, to cover the battlefield, and sent Jiang He to test the attack to attract the attention of the officers and soldiers.

In private, Zhang Shun waved the Chinese army flag and the whole army pressed forward. Since the south side of the Hanhe River is far east, as the rebel army advances, a clear space is reserved on the right side of the formation near the Hanhe River.

Immediately, Zhang Shun ordered Li Shi'an to arrange the artillery position here, with hundreds of artillery arrayed one mile away from the officers and soldiers' car camp.

It was only then, when he saw the dense artillery fire of the rebels in the distance, that Chen Qiyu woke up from a dream and was horrified.

It turned out that the artillery position set up by Li Shi'an was located between the Hanhe River and the Rebel Army's formation, and was just covered by the Hanhe River and the Rebel Army's formation.

If the officers and soldiers wanted to send cavalry to eliminate the artillery threat here, they could only defeat the two cavalry units of He Jin and He Yilong outside the formation, and then bypass the rebel formation in front or behind.

Without even thinking about it, Chen Qiyu also knew that not to mention that Yang Hualin only had a thousand cavalry under his command, even if he sent a thousand cavalry led by He Renlong, it would only be a moth flying into the flame.

"Hateful!" Chen Qiyu clenched his fist with his right hand and smashed it against his left hand, saying with grief and anger, "The thief is indeed cunning, the host and guest have changed positions!"

Thanks to fans Wang Yao and "Late Night Reading" for the reward, thank you for supporting the author!

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