Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 547 Decisive Battle (4)

In ancient Chinese military art, the active, offensive, and advantageous side is often called the "host", and the passive, defensive, and unfavorable side is called the "guest".

Before this battle, Chen Qiyu took the lead in selecting the battle location and prepared tanks and artillery for surrounding the camp. He regarded the officers and soldiers as the "hosts" and the rebels as the "guests".

It was just because the rebel artillery was sharp during the siege of the city by the officers and soldiers. Chen Qiyu didn't expect the rebels to pull the artillery out of the city and engage in a decisive battle.

However, in view of the heavy and difficult-to-move characteristics of Hongyi cannons in this era, Chen Qiyu believed that not too many Hongyi cannons would be transported outside the city.

Especially after several battles between officers and soldiers and the rebels, it is not that the rebels have never used live ammunition.

Chen Qiyu weighed the iron bullets fired by the rebels at about ten kilograms, based on his many years of military experience. He estimated that the rebel Hongyi cannon weighed between three and four thousand kilograms, and it would take about ten animals to pull it out of the city.

He never expected that Zhang Shun's artillery pieces were all ten to fourteen times the caliber of artillery. The actual weight was only between one thousand and one thousand five hundred kilograms. They could be easily dragged by two oxen during a short distance march on the ground.

Although Chen Qiyu deliberately left the most courageous He Renlong and led a thousand cavalry as a surprise force in order to deal with the rebel artillery, he never expected that there would be times when these thousands of surprise soldiers would be useless.

Fortunately, the new Governor of Henan, Chen Qiyu, is also a man who knows the war. He knows that if he cannot fight to the death at this time, he will not have a chance if it is later.

He quickly ordered: "The whole army goes out, all guns and artillery must be loaded, and prepare to fight the traitors to the death!"

Others couldn't understand it, but Liu Guozhen, the deputy commander, was in front of the rebels and had already seen clearly the reality of the rebels. He couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and quickly shouted: "Master Supervisor!"

Chen Qiyu knew his true intention, but now that his skills were inferior to others and he was in a passive state, what could he do?

As a person who was hated by Emperor Chongzhen, if he retreated without a fight and suffered heavy losses to his officers and soldiers, his fortune and life would probably come to an end.

If they fight desperately, the officers and soldiers have a three-point chance of winning. Chen Qiyu carefully calculated that Wang Pu, Ni Chong and Cao Wenzhao of the Beijing Camp had been delayed for two or three days as agreed. If nothing else, you can probably arrive at any time.

If reinforcements from officers and soldiers arrive and attack from both sides, this "obedient thief" will definitely be unable to come back.

After thinking this, Chen Qiyu responded firmly: "Listen to my orders and make no mistakes!"

"Yes!" Liu Guozhen's whole body was filled with ice. He certainly knew what a terrible end would happen to the three thousand men under his command who went to challenge the thieves who had nearly a hundred "Hongyi Cannons". It’s just that the military orders are like mountains and you have to obey them!

Before the officers and soldiers could make any move, a burst of cannon fire rang out that shook the ground.

No matter the officers and soldiers present or the rebels, they had never heard such a large number of artillery salvos before. Their ears were ringing and they looked at each other in shock.

A large number of artillery shells flew up from the rebel position and rained heavily into the ranks of the officers and soldiers.

Suddenly, flesh and blood flew everywhere in the formation of officers and soldiers, and their limbs were scattered in all directions.

When a shell hit the shield car, the shield car was immediately scattered, wood chips and iron pieces flew across, and were nailed into the bodies of nearby soldiers. Many people were knocked to the ground on the spot, clutching different parts, rolling on the ground and wailing.

Some of them hit soldiers. There was no difference between soldiers wearing iron armor and soldiers wearing civilian clothes. Some people were directly penetrated by the shells on the spot, leaving a hollow chest; some hit the soldiers' limbs so hard that their arms and legs were instantly cut off and disappeared; some were even more unlucky. , was hit in the head and turned into a headless corpse on the spot. He fell to the ground, twitched for no reason and died on the spot.

The terrible artillery and the terrible attack immediately caused terrible trauma to the officers and soldiers.

Fortunately, officers and soldiers have been using muskets and artillery for many years and have some experience in dealing with tactics. Chen Qiyu's train formation is actually a large hollow square formation.

This formation is surrounded by sidecars and shield cars, with muskets, artillery, pikemen, and killer teams lined up behind the cars. Although there were Chen Qiyu's Chinese army and He Renlong's cavalry in the center of the vehicle array, the rest of the area was open space.

Although this round of fire from the rebel artillery was scary, it actually only disrupted the front of the formation of officers and soldiers. As the soldiers at the back came up in rotation, the formation of the officers and soldiers remained neat.

However, outsiders still don't know how much the officers and soldiers were injured and how much their morale dropped. And how come the commander-in-chief Chen Qiyu and the rebel general Liu Guozhen don’t know?

The two men couldn't help but burst into tears, and quickly ordered the entire army to attack the rebels. The soldiers under the officers and soldiers are all raised by their mothers and fathers. Which one is not made of flesh and blood?

They had been frightened by the rebel artillery, so how could they move forward? Liu Guozhen had no choice but to lead his soldiers and kill more than ten people in a row before driving the group forward slowly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Qiyu didn't care much this time. He shouted quickly: "Where is General He Renlong?"

He Renlong thought: Are you blind? I'm not right in front of you! However, Chen Qiyu was an important member of the party after all. He Renlong did not dare to offend him, so he had to respond honestly: "My subordinates are here!"

"I order you to lead a thousand fine cavalry to assist Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Hualin, quickly repel the traitor cavalry, and then attack the left wing of the traitor formation without any mistakes!"

"No!" He Renlong didn't dare to argue and quickly accepted the order and left.

"Where is General Liu Qian?" Chen Qiyu continued to shout.

"The general is here!" Liu Qian quickly stepped forward to pay his respects.

"You lead two thousand infantry under your command. When you engage the bandit in a moment, take advantage of the suppressive power of the cavalry to roll towards the bandit's left wing. Be sure to defeat the enemy in time."

"The general has the order!" Liu Qian also knew in his heart that Chen Qiyu was about to struggle to the death.

Nowadays, the officers and soldiers and the "thieves" have changed their positions. The "thieves" have fierce weapons, and the officers and soldiers cannot resist them. If we can defeat the thieves' left wing and sweep the thieves' formation before they defeat Liu Guo's town head-on, the officers and soldiers will naturally be able to return with a great victory.

On the contrary, the officers and soldiers could only lay corpses all over the field, dyeing the Xianhe River on the left red with their own blood.

The rebels were about a mile apart from the officers and soldiers. According to normal speed, it would take about five minutes for both sides to meet the enemy. If it were running instead, only two or three minutes would be enough.

Under the urging and whipping of Liu Guozhen, Liu Qian and others, the officers and soldiers quickly abandoned the side carriages and shield carriages around them and rushed towards the rebels.

At this time, Li Shian was also nervously urging his rebels to load artillery. Don't look at the hundreds of cannons fired just now, which were so majestic.

In fact, Li Shian didn't have that many gunners at all. The gunners who originally defended the city only needed to be able to load and light the fuse. Anyway, the main focus is to fire shotguns at close range. If you follow the military orders, you will win.

But now, pulling out the artillery requires adjusting the angle, direction and charge, which is much more difficult for these rookies.

What's more, the rebel army had many "iron-moulded cannons", seven of which exploded in just one round, injuring more than a dozen gunners, and causing these people to tremble and panic.

After finally loading, Li Shian quickly ordered the soldiers to release them again. Another burst of earth-shaking cannon fire sounded, but the effect achieved this time was far from comparable to the first time.

Many artillery pieces even did not adjust their angles according to Li Shian's orders, but instead fired the shells back to where the officers and soldiers were originally in formation.

Li Shian looked at the distance between the officers and soldiers and knew that he only had one chance. He quickly ordered again: "Clear the barrel quickly and load it with shotshells this time. Whoever dares to put iron lumps into it again will be killed by me!"

Thank you again to the fans for the reward of "reading late at night", thank you for your strong support to the author!

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