Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 561 Why teach me

Since the new governor of Henan, Chen Qiyu, was defeated and died, and Shaanxi bandits have flowed into Henan again, the court naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore them.

Chongzhen asked: "Since you two are here, let's discuss the current situation and how to deal with it!"

"Zhang Shangshu knows the army, please tell me first!" Wen Tiren, a humble gentleman, quickly gave in to show that he was not interested in the matter but the person.

"Hmph!" Zhang Fengyi, Minister of War, snorted unhappily and did not want to pay attention to him. He looked to himself and said: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, just in time to annihilate the Shaanxi and Henan thieves in one fell swoop!"

"For the campaign to suppress thieves, it was originally planned to gather 72,000 troops and follow the thieves' direction for the period of annihilation. Now Hong Chengchou is the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces of Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Huguang, and Sichuan. Thirty thousand troops are distributed across Henan and Chu. Thousands of miles; he spread out 20,000 people within a thousand li of the Three Qins; and he himself led 22,000 people to follow the thieves."

"Sun Tzu's Art of War says: Be prepared for the front, and the rear will be few. Be prepared for the rear, and the front will be few. Be prepared for the left, and the right will be few. Be prepared for the right, and the left will be few. If you are not prepared for everything, you will be few for everything. Now that we are in a thief situation, the thief is dedicated. I am divided, so I cannot catch up with you and cannot win the battle.”

"The few are the ones who prepare others; the ones who are numerous are the ones who make others prepare for themselves. Now that the thieves have gathered in Yudi and have turned from rogue bandits into sitting bandits, they are looking for death. I must gather a large army to attack them. If the drum is broken, you will not be able to escape!"

The words of Zhang Fengyi, Minister of War, struck a chord in Emperor Chongzhen's heart. Nowadays, the world is in turmoil. There are rogue bandits inside and golden captives outside. It is not allowed to use troops exclusively. Now if he could defeat the bandits in one fell swoop, why wouldn't he feel happy?

He quickly asked for advice: "I wonder if sir, what can you teach me?"

When Zhang Fengyi saw Chongzhen asking for advice, she couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had survived another disaster.

He quickly responded: "According to the old minister's plan, the governor of Shanxi, Wu Di, will guard the north, the governor of Yunyang, Lu Xiangsheng, will station in Nanyang, and the governor of Henan, Xuanmo, will lead his troops to the east to occupy Song County and other places to prevent the thieves from coming east. And the governors of the five provinces will Hong Chengchou mobilized 20,000 troops from Shaanxi Province and a total of 42,000 troops to go out of Tongguan and fight the traitor!"

"The land of Luoyang originally had eight passes for defense to ward off foreign enemies. Now it has been idle for many years and has long been abandoned. From my perspective, these eight passes can be used for defense and as a lock to trap the enemy. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" "It is recorded that Cao Ren once deployed an eight-door golden lock formation to control Liu Bei. Although this is a novelist's words, you can also borrow a few words! I call this strategy the 'eight-door lock thief' for your Majesty's pleasure."

"Good!" Chongzhen stood up and praised, "This is a great plan! I wonder if Mr. Wen has anything to add?"

The chief minister of the cabinet, Wen Tiren, doesn't know how to fight, so what else can he add? He originally wanted to ask King Fu how to deal with it, but then he thought about it, isn't this a matter of which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted? Let Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, have a headache about this matter. Why should I say more?

As soon as he thought of this, Wen Tiren smiled and said: "Zhang Shangshu is really good at military affairs. He can come up with such a comprehensive strategy in an instant. Wen Mou is very impressed!"

"I just have a small suggestion. If the thieves stick to the west of Luoyang, I'm afraid Hong Chengchou won't be able to defeat him in a hurry. If not, why not order Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, to wait for the opportunity to go north, and we won't lose a surprise soldier!"

"Okay, let's do this! You should draft an edict immediately. Xiaoyu ministers, if there is any excuse or neglect, they will be killed without mercy!" Chongzhen couldn't help but said with joy.

Of course, Zhang Shun didn't know that the court had already agreed to use an "eight-door golden lock formation" to lock his real dragon.

He finally finished offering sacrifices to the people who died in vain outside the city, and nailed Chen Qiyu and others to the historical pillar of shame, and then he dragged his tired body back to his residence with satisfaction.

Red Lady and Arrow have left. As the person in charge of the rebel army, how can she stand up to being pointed out behind her back? I was so embarrassed that I ran to the house, covered myself with a quilt, and didn't dare to see anyone.

Although Li Xiang and Liu Rushi were extremely embarrassed, they finally drove away the red lady and won a victory, which made them somewhat proud.

In fact, Zhang Shun lost control. According to his concept, they are all his mothers-in-law. Wouldn't it be nice if they all sleep together like in "The Deer and the Cauldron"?

How could he have imagined that although women in this era were required to have "three obediences and four virtues", they were not unlimited in satisfying men. Husbands and wives should treat each other with respect as guests. If their husbands make excessive demands, they must advise their husbands just like ministers advise kings. This is the virtue of women.

For something as ridiculous as last night, Lady Hong and Li Xiang didn't take the opportunity to scold him, as it was a minor incident.

Originally, Lady Hong and Zhang Shun had a lot to say, but now that something like this has happened, how can they still be in the mood to talk?

No matter what, seeing that the four of them had finally settled their dispute, Zhang wanted to take a nap to replenish his energy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took off his outer shirt, he heard Wukong coming to report: "Cao Wenzhao outside the door has something to ask for."

"Let him come in!" Zhang Shun responded quickly, but then he thought, this person's strength is not inferior to that of the rebels, so he should not be so neglectful. He quickly stopped Wukong and said with a smile: "Forget it, I'll welcome him in!"

Cao Wenzhao was standing at the door, pacing back and forth. Suddenly seeing Zhang Shun wearing clothes and coming out to greet him, he couldn't help being shocked, and he quickly said in fear: "Why is this! It's worthy of my lord to welcome you like this!"

Zhang Shun looked at Cao Wenzhao's expression and felt proud. He thought to himself: At that time, Duke Zhou vomited food and Cao Cao was barefoot. I, King Shun, dress in response to imperial edicts, and I will not show mercy to the sages!

When the two of them entered the house and decided on the host and guest, Liu Rushi served tea. Cao Wenzhao looked around and then said to Zhang Shun in a low voice: "This matter is of great importance. If it comes from my mouth and enters the ears of the lord, I must not let any third person know about it!"

Zhang Shun's heart tightened, and he was a little worried that Cao Wenzhao would suddenly launch an attack. But when he took a closer look, he saw Cao Wenzhao's bare hands and his mace hanging upside down beside him. He waved his hand and said: "Wukong, go and guard the door. Don't let others get close to you!"

Wukong accepted the order, and Zhang Shun asked, "I wonder what's important about General Cao?"

Cao Wenzhao then said with a bit of embarrassment: "Actually, it's not that important, it's just some personal matters that are not convenient for outsiders to know!"

Zhang Shun was stunned. Could it be that you, a thick-browed man with big eyes, want to borrow money from me? He quickly calculated in his mind how much money he was going to lend him. If this person opens his mouth like a lion, how should you reject this person!

Unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao smiled bitterly and said: "My lord does not know something. Don't laugh at Wenzhao and make a fuss about it. It's just that this matter is really hard to talk about."

"At my age, people in the world already have children and grandchildren, and they are living happily. But although Wen Zhao is a boy, he still doesn't have a son and a half. It's really a pity!"

ah? It’s not a loan, that’s fine! Zhang Shun breathed a long sigh of relief, and then felt nervous again. What does Cao Wenzhao mean? When he is sick, he sees a doctor, when he is sick, he takes medicine. If he doesn’t have a son or a half, what does it have to do with me?

Unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao then said with a bit of embarrassment: "I saw my lord guarding four girls in one night and was very energetic. I also heard that my lord has given birth to a son and is pregnant with a son. It is really enviable. I wonder if your lord has any secrets that I can teach you. Me? If Wen Zhao has a successor, the glory, wealth, power, troops and horses will be like floating clouds with me!"

Damn it! Which one is in high spirits? Ah, who is it that has four girls in one night? You don't want to slander anyone, okay?

Zhang Shun almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. I see you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are so wretched behind your back!

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