Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 562 The tiger and wolf doctor used tiger and wolf medicine indiscriminately

No wonder Cao Wenzhao said such an unspeakable matter solemnly. Confucius said: "There are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is not having offspring."

At Cao Wenzhao's age. Not to mention filial piety and unfilial piety, he was not very happy if he could only earn this share of the family fortune through life and death, but then he could only leave it to his nephew Cao Bianjiao.

Although his nephew Cao Bianjiao had followed him into battle since he was a child and shared the same love as father and son, his sister-in-law also expressed a tacit understanding that she would adopt him into her own name later. But no matter how much they love each other, they are not biological father and son after all!

Although he knew that his mentality was wrong, Cao Wenzhao still felt a little "lost" in his heart.

As the leader of the rebel army, Zhang Shun used his "own skills" to find several housewives, but the others had nothing to say. Just because you have nothing to say doesn't mean that others won't be envious, jealous, and hateful.

Whenever there is trouble, these hungry men will inevitably arrange something behind Zhang Shun's back. I don't know when, but there were rumors circulating in the army about "a jackpot as big as a donkey" and "chariots fighting with females all night long".

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. After listening to Zhang Shun's joke about "last night, he had four women in the palace", and after asking about it for a while, he suddenly couldn't sit still.

Let alone ancient people, even modern people often cannot tell the difference between sexual ability and reproductive ability.

Hearing that Zhang Shun was so fierce, Cao Wenzhao inevitably had a little hope. I am only in my forties now, what if I can still be saved?

No, you are hopeless and cannot be cured. Just wait to die. Farewell! Zhang Shun couldn't help but secretly complained.

Now Zhang Shun is only in his twenties, full of energy, and naturally he is brave and diligent. You, Cao Wenzhao, are in your forties, and your nutritional conditions were not good in ancient times. Why do you want to eat shit?

Not only in ancient times, but also in later generations, infertility is a very troublesome disease. Zhang Shun himself is not a doctor, so what can he do?

Originally, if someone else had asked, Zhang Shun would have simply refused. But when Cao Wenzhao said, "Glory, wealth, power, soldiers and horses are like floating clouds with me," Zhang Shun couldn't help but think.

Cao Wenzhao's power was too strong, and he was connected with his nephew Cao Bianjiao, so he had the tendency to turn against the foreigners. And the Fu Wang family in Luoyang City, headed by Lu Weiqi, were always watching, so Zhang Shun couldn't help but be cautious.

If they cannot be divided and disintegrated in time, if Lu Weiqi and Cao Wenzhao join forces, he may end up as a wage earner in Luoyang City.

At this thought, Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel his heart beat: If Cao Wenzhao really gave birth to a son, how could their uncle and nephew be as close as before?

Thinking of this, Zhang smiled and said: "General Cao is so polite. I do have Zhang Fangzi. It's just that the human body is different, and General Cao is not too young. I have no idea whether it will succeed or not!"

Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. He originally asked with the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that this question would reveal the details of Zhang Shun.

He quickly looked around, and then responded in a low voice: "The law is not spread to six ears, and the conspiracy is not secret to three people. I understand this! Please let me know, whether it succeeds or fails, it is just destined by the imperial edict. You won’t offend others!”

"Okay! In that case, let me take your pulse!" Zhang Shun responded calmly.

Then he stretched out his hand, and Cao Wenzhao quickly held up both wrists and asked, "Is it the left hand or the right hand?"

"Men are on the left and women are on the right!" Zhang Shun became more and more indifferent. He casually put it on Cao Wenzhao's left wrist and squinted his eyes for a long time.

Cao Wenzhao felt anxious for a long time, then saw Zhang Shun frown and sighed. He couldn't help but feel nervous and asked quickly: "Master, what's wrong with me? Can it be cured?"

"Old Cao, there are no outsiders here, let's keep it to ourselves. You were emptied out by drinking and sex when you were young, and you suffer from kidney deficiency!" Zhang Shun looked at Song Xiance. If he wasn't such an old man, As a Taoist priest, Cao Wenzhao was the first one not to believe him.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Cao Wenzhao was even more convinced of Zhang Shun and responded quickly, "I have consulted many famous doctors, and they all basically diagnosed him like this."

"That's right, alcohol damages the liver, and sex damages the kidneys. Regardless of your strength and ability, you have actually been drained of your body by alcohol and sex." Zhang Shun said with a smile.

Of course, this is all bullshit. Zhang Shun doesn't have any medical knowledge, so how can he know how to take a pulse? He put on pretense for a long time, just trying to deceive Cao Wenzhao.

According to Zhang Shun's thinking, if Cao Wenzhao has a mental illness, wouldn't the illness be cured if he bullies him a few words? Even if it's not good, I'll be the first to say something ugly.

Anyway, as long as Cao Wenzhao continues to think of ways to have a son, Cao Bianjiao will inevitably have no ideas. I just said a few empty words, and I didn't lose anything.

Just letting Zhang Shun think about it like this really made him figure out something. When they were in school in their previous life, which boy hadn’t heard that riding a bicycle too much might affect fertility?

Zhang Shun thought that riding a horse was similar to riding a bicycle. As a military general, Cao Wenzhao must have lived on horseback for many years. After all this time, infertility is not impossible.

When Cao Wenzhao saw that what Zhang Shun said was reasonable, he couldn't help but believe his evil deeds, and quickly asked: "Then I don't know if my disease can still be cured? And how should I cure it?"

how could I know? Zhang Shun really wanted to ask. Has he ever been admitted to a reproductive department in his previous life? How can he know how to treat her?

The thing is such a thing, but you can't say it like that. Zhang Shun thought about it for a long time, and there were some crooked ways, which sounded like that.

Anyway, he didn't need to really know how to cure the disease, he just needed to make Cao Wenzhao sound like he was the best at it.

Thinking of this, Zhang smiled and said: "General Cao's illness is very serious and has penetrated deep into his bones. I need to take medicine from three places to have a chance of recovery!"

"Those three places?" Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but feel anxious when he saw that Zhang Shun's words were well-founded and well-organized. He was not only afraid that Zhang Shun's treatment would not be good, but also that the medicine would not be suitable for the patient's condition.

"The first place is external application. I have a medicine bag that I put on the perineum from time to time to nourish it." Of course, this is also nonsense. In fact, Zhang Shun was afraid that Cao Wenzhao would continue to ride a horse and put pressure on the perineum, so he sewed a soft cushion and put it under his buttocks like when he was riding a bicycle.

Huh? This is strange! Cao Wenzhao had never heard of this kind of treatment. He only thought that Zhang Shun was really capable, so he quickly agreed.

"The second step is to take it orally. I have a secret recipe passed down from my ancestors, which is specially designed to treat infertility. I will prepare it for you later and order it to be delivered to you!" Zhang Shun continued.

"No, no! I'll just come and get it myself. Why can't I do you a favor?" Cao Wenzhao was afraid that others would find out, so he had to express his opinion quickly.

"Well, I just need to trouble General Cao to make two more trips!" Zhang Shun was not polite to him, and continued, "This third place is called Nei Zhuang!"

"I know how to use it externally and internally, but I don't know how to strengthen it internally?" Cao Wenzhao felt strange and asked quickly.

"Does Guben Peiyuan know? Wine is a poison that penetrates the intestines, and sex is a steel knife that scrapes bones. Your body has been hollowed out a long time ago. With your strength, your ability to kill people is because you are strong. I am restoring your body. The fundamental thing is internal strength!" Zhang Shun responded with reason.

"I have a Kung Fu here, called: Internal Strength Boy Kung Fu, which is a skill passed down from my Zhang family. It has always been passed on to men, not to women, and not to outsiders. I see that General Cao is destined to me, so I will grant it to you. Bar!"

"Ah?" Cao Wenzhao knew that Zhang Shun had a great origin when he heard about it. As a martial artist, he knew very well that if he wanted to learn from a master, he had to first serve him tea and water, and then he could teach him after taking a three-year exam.

After these superficial skills are learned, only the most talented disciples who are most favored by the master can become disciples and teach the secrets. Cao Wenzhao was so aware that he quickly asked: "But you want me to become your disciple?"

"How can you? General Cao is one of our own, how can I, the king, be so precious to me?" Zhang Shun laughed quickly.

Thank you to the fan "Zawaki Erxin" for your reward again, and thank you for your strong support to the author!

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