Of course, Zhang Shun didn't know that someone was doing tricks behind his back, but that didn't stop him from knowing that someone would be doing tricks behind his back.

Nowadays, the forces in Luoyang City are roughly divided into three parts: one is the rebel headquarters led by himself, which is the strongest and is involved in military, political and business affairs; the other is Cao Wen's imperial edict, the only military force capable of competing with him; the other is the The Ming Dynasty led by Lu Weiqi was demoted and adopted a "non-violent non-cooperation" attitude. Privately, he always thought about counterattacks.

Originally, what Zhang Shun was most worried about was that Cao Wenzhao's group and Lu Weiqi's group would collude, so that the rebels would have no choice but to abandon Luoyang City.

Now that Cao Wenzhao has taken the initiative to show his kindness, Zhang Shunli used the "secret recipe for fertility" to temporarily stabilize Cao Wenzhao and divide their uncle-nephew relationship. However, until now, Cao Wenzhao still has not reported Lu Weiqi's matter to him.

According to Zhang Shun's estimation, after Cao Wenzhao visited his house many times, Lu Weiqi was bound to take action. Then there are only two possibilities:

Either Cao Wenzhao deliberately faked a shot to paralyze himself, but in fact he had already joined forces with Lu Weiqi; or Cao Wenzhao believed that he was strong enough to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers, and there was no need to choose a team for the time being. Regardless of the outcome, the situation is very unfavorable to Zhang Shun.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun is not someone who just sits still and waits for death. He deeply realizes that the people under his command are his foundation.

The first law of running an army is discipline, and the first law of discipline is punishment and reward. Zhang Shun previously promised to reward his soldiers with land in order to boost their morale. Now that the rebel army is still facing the dual crisis of the merger of Lu Weiqi clique and Cao Wenzhao clique, punishment and rewards should be implemented quickly to calm the soldiers.

Immediately, Zhang summoned Lady Hong, Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance and others to discuss rewards and punishments.

Zhang Shenyan had just calculated the people who would be rewarded, so he reported to Zhang Shunhui: "Our army's participating cavalry includes two cavalrymen, He Jin and He Yilong, with a total of one thousand cavalry; the "King of Ruler of the World", the "King of Troubled Times", Wei Zhiyou, Jiang He and Wu Xian each have 500 infantry; Cao Bianjiao and Wei Congyi each have 200 cavalry and 500 infantry; Xiao Qinhu's "Haierying" has more than 600 people, Zhang 300 has 1,000 Mao Hulu, plus the Lord. Under his command, Wukong led a hundred personal guards, and Wang Yidao led a revenge battalion of 200 people, totaling: more than 5,300 infantry and more than 1,500 cavalry."

"According to the Lord's promise, everyone who participates will be rewarded with 34,000 acres of land; those who have made meritorious services will be rewarded with another 8,300 acres of land. However, this battle is dangerous and many soldiers died in the battle."

"One hundred and eighty-six cavalrymen were killed and 271 horses were damaged. A total of 598 infantrymen were killed before and after the battle, and 433 were seriously injured. Based on this estimate, the reward should be four less. One thousand, two hundred and fifteen acres. In total, a total of thirty-eight thousand and eighty-five acres of farmland will be needed."

Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel a little dizzy when he heard this. When the rebels tried their best to cultivate land in Lushi, they could only cultivate 20,000 acres of barren land. So he quickly asked: "I wonder if our army has enough fertile land as a reward?"

Zhang Shenyan couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "My lord, you are overly worried. Prince Fu originally had twenty or thirty thousand acres of land under his name. Although Henan is not enough and it was taken from other provinces, there are only one or two thousand acres near Luoyang."

Zhang Shun made a mental calculation and found out that one hundred acres of farmland was equivalent to one hundred acres. If he had about 200,000 acres of cultivated land near Luoyang, he would have a lot to do.

So Zhang ordered by the way: "In this case, I would like to trouble Duke Zhang to transfer our officials who are measuring the land in the Lu family as soon as possible in these days, so that we can measure the land as soon as possible and reward the soldiers."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Shun remembered something again and continued: "By the way, Huang Shoucai still has three hundred sailors under his command, so I will reward them as usual!"

"My lord is kind, I would like to express my gratitude to Huang Shoucai!" Zhang Shenyan knew that Huang Shoucai joined the battle late and only achieved the effect of blocking the enemy. If Zhang Shun was stingy and refused to reward, others would not be able to say anything. What's more, Huang Shoucai failed to stop Cao Wenzhao. If not, the rebel army would not have been in danger for a time.

However, Zhang Shun, as the commander-in-chief, had different opinions from him. Huang Shoucai's ability to delay Cao Wenzhao for many days with only three hundred navy troops was already a great achievement.

As for Cao Wenzhao's timely arrival, which caused the rebel army to almost collapse, it was just the consequences of taking the risk to launch a decisive battle. What does it have to do with Huang Shoucai?

If Huang Shoucai had not arrived in time and blocked Cao Wenzhao from crossing the river, it is very likely that after the rebel army defeated Chen Qiyu, he would have had to watch the officers and soldiers slip away to avoid being taken advantage of by Cao Wenzhao.

According to Zhang Shun's idea, Huang Shoucai should be the first to win this battle. It's just that the other generals led the troops to fight hard and were definitely not convinced.

So Zhang Shun simply didn't talk about it, just rewarded him as an example, and would look for opportunities to compensate him later.

Zhang Shun and everyone were having a heated conversation when suddenly Wukong ran in and reported: "Master, that villain Wang Jinyi is back and wants to see you!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Why is he a villain?" Zhang Shun couldn't help scolding him after hearing this.

"We are here fighting to the death, but it would be better for him to run away to his hometown and stay at home and never come back!" Wukong said plausibly, "It was so easy for us to win the battle, but he ran back in a hurry!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shun was at a loss of whether to laugh or cry. He laughed and scolded, "You're such a talkative guy! Why did Wang Jinyi offend you?"

"Actually, when I went to Jiangzhou to persuade Han Lin, I met Wang Jinyi once. He wanted to temporarily give up guarding his family and return to the camp, and follow me back alone. But I think this battle is dangerous. Wang Jinyi, Chen Changzhen, Li Xin, It is inconvenient for Li You, Li Mou and other family members to come."

"What's more, if there is an emergency, it will be easier for him to protect everyone. So I ordered him to hide in Huaiqing Mansion temporarily until the war situation becomes clear! Now that Chen Qiyu has been defeated, I think this person should also return with his family!"

"Hey! Master, you really guessed it right. I saw that he brought many chariots and horses, and there were fifty or sixty people, old, young, women and children. They must be the families of these people!" Wukong heard this and knew that it was a misunderstanding, so he stopped shouting. .

Upon seeing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile at the Red Lady, Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance and others: "In that case, the three of them are here, why don't we go to greet them together?"

Lady Hong, Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance nodded in agreement, and then followed Zhang Shun out of the meeting place and outside Prince Fu's Mansion.

Sure enough, I looked up and saw Wang Jinyi leading twenty or thirty young men, guarding fifty or sixty women and children, and carriages and horses waiting there.

When he saw Zhang Shun coming out, he quickly handed the reins to the young man beside him, ran over to see Zhang Shun and said, "My lord, are you okay? The rebel army fought with the officers and soldiers for a long time, and Jin Yi just sat back and ignored it. He felt really uneasy!" "

"Have the generals and their families been harmed? Were there any shortcomings such as hunger, thirst, cold, etc. along the way?" Zhang Shun ignored him and asked himself.

"Never!" Wang Jinyi responded quickly, "Wang can't do big things, how can he slack off on small things?"

"In that case, why are you derelict in your duty?" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "It is my order to bring back the families of the generals. Why are you so hesitant?"

Knowing Zhang Shun's thoughts, Wang Jinyi couldn't help but bowed excitedly, and was about to open his mouth to express his gratitude.

Unexpectedly, a gong rang out: "Could it be that you, the mother-in-law, seduced my husband-in-law? Wang Jinyi! Why is she pregnant? Could it be that Chen Changzhen stole someone behind my back!"

The author is busy today, sorry everyone, there is only one chapter!

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