Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 569 Returning Guest

After waiting for a short time, Li Baihu and the "King of Chaos", accompanied by He Jin, arrived at Luoyang City first.

Zhang Shun hurriedly came forward and welcomed the two people to Prince Fu's palace. He also sent people to call Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance, Lu Weiqi, Zhang Dudu, Han Lin, Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao, Zhang Sanbai, Xiao Qinhu, and Jiang He. , "King of the World", "King of the World", Wu Xian, Wei Zhiyou, Wei Congyi, Wang Yidao and others accompanied him.

Li Baihu and the "King of Troubled Times" were almost dazzled when they saw that everyone here was either elegant and capable ministers or unruly heroes.

Some of them are familiar, some are new, some are old, some are young, some are tall, some are short, some are fat, some are thin, everything is included.

Zhang Shun smiled and took the "King of Troubled Times" by the hand, and said to the people around him: "This is the 'King of Troubled Times' who was one of the thirty-sixth battalion of the rebels in the past. We have been separated from Mianchi for nearly a year. Unexpectedly, we are able to meet each other today. What a blessing." Overjoyed!"

Immediately, he introduced the "King of Troubled Times": "I won't mention what you already know. This is Lu Weiqi, the former Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing!"

"The King of Troubled Times" couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this. Although he couldn't understand the difference between the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, he was a high-ranking official after all, and he couldn't compare with him.

The "King of Chaos" hurriedly came forward to pay his respects, and Lu Weiqi couldn't help but be shocked. He thought to himself: "I am a solitary thief who doesn't associate with other bandits, but he is easy to deal with. I didn't expect that now it seems that he is not an ordinary person!"

Therefore, Lu Weiqi quickly returned the gift, and both parties glanced at Zhang Shungao.

Afterwards, Zhang Shun introduced the "King of Troubled Times" again: "This is General 'Big and Little Cao'!"

"The King of Troubled Times" was stunned, looked at Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao up and down, and asked strangely: "Which 'big and small Cao'?"

"A certain Cao Wenzhao!"

"A certain Cao turned into a dragon!"

The uncle and nephew were quite interesting, and they responded in harmony. "The King of Chaos" was shocked and subconsciously asked: "Is this true?"

"Seriously, it's guaranteed to be true!" Everyone laughed when they heard this.

The "King of Troubled Times" was immediately heartbroken, jumped down from his seat, turned around and ran away. Zhang Shun reached out and pulled, but he didn't hold on. Fortunately, Li Baihu had quick eyesight and quick hands and caught the "King of Troubled Times".

"What do you mean by this? Didn't we agree to come and seek refuge with King Shun?" Li Baihu asked strangely.

"Don't harm me!" "The King of Chaos" shouted as he struggled out, "What kind of 'big and small cao' surrendered to King Shun? Could it be that King Shun surrendered 'big and small cao' and wanted to take credit for my head?"

"I treat you sincerely, how can you deceive me?"

Li Baihu only knew a little bit about martial arts, so he was no match for the "King of Chaos", and he was able to break away from him in no time.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Li Baihu was stunned and couldn't help but pat his thigh and said, "Although I have traveled far away from Huguang, I have also heard that King Shun occupied Luoyang and supported King Fu, who was powerful throughout the world."

"Although I have never heard of this 'big and small Cao' thing, I still trust King Shun. If Brother Wu has doubts, don't make your own guesses. Why not ask him face to face?"

The "King of Chaos" was shocked and turned to look at Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun smiled slightly and explained: "You two, please be patient and listen to me in detail!"

"Since I occupied the city of Luoyang, the imperial court has been deliberately planning to put me to death before it is too late. A few days ago, the new Governor of Henan, Chen Qiyu, led an army of 20,000 people to fight in three groups. I broke two of them and killed their commanders, Governor of Henan Chen Qiyu and The commander-in-chief of the Beijing camp, Wang Pu, and the general Liu Qian. 'Big and small Cao' was in a disadvantageous position alone, so he led his troops to join me!"

"Are you serious?" Seeing how relaxed Zhang Shun said it, "The King of Troubled Times" was still shocked and doubtful.

Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao said with dark faces and said angrily, "Seriously, what the hell!" Although what Zhang Shun said was slightly different from the truth, it was just to save the face of Cao's uncle and nephew. I just kept it simple on purpose.

The "King of Troubled Times" heard that Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao personally admitted it. He was shocked at first, and then became ecstatic.

He laughed forward and backward for a long time, and everyone was stunned by the laughter. Then he pointed at Cao Wenzhao and shouted loudly: "'Big and small Cao', you too have today!"

"Where are you doing?" Cao Wenzhao frowned, and his two bell-like eyes stared, as if two blazing flames were shooting out.

The "King of Chaos" took two steps back in shock, and then remembered that this man had surrendered to Zhang Shun's command. He couldn't help but became tough again, took two steps forward, patted his chest and said, "Do you dare to kill me? I have been King Shun's brother since the day he raised his army! This is the rebel army, not your Ming Dynasty court!"

Cao Bianjiao was not a good-tempered man either. Hearing this, he drew out his sword and stepped forward. Cao Wenzhao sneered and stretched out his hand to stop him.

He laughed softly and said: "Whether it is a rebel army or an officer and a soldier, strength will speak for itself after all! I could kill you when I was an official, but I can still kill you as a rebel!"

"The world is so vast that there are many wonders, but it is rare to find people who want to die. Today, I will spare you for the sake of King Shun. If you provoke me again, the Sa family will have to apologize to King Shun!"

"The King of Troubled Times" was immediately frightened when he heard Cao Wenzhao's harsh words. He hurriedly hid behind Zhang Shun and shouted loudly: "Listen, I have just arrived under King Shun, and he is going to kill me. King Shun, you heard it with your own ears and saw it with your own eyes. You have to do it for me." Make the decision!"

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "General Cao is not killing innocent people indiscriminately. What's more, both of you are rebels now. Why do you need to provoke him? If you provoke the fire, everything will be done." If you two are really hurt, it’s my fault!"

"Originally, Cao Wenzhao was just sitting there, but if you want to provoke him, wouldn't it be your fault? And General Cao, the 'King of Troubled Times' is my guest today. As the master, why do you need to scare him?"

"Both of you are guilty of disturbing everyone's enjoyment. How about you two drink a glass of wine and ignore this matter?"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Shun took out two wine glasses, filled them with wine and handed them to the "King of Troubled Times" and Cao Wenzhao.

These two people originally wanted to beg Zhang Shun, but seeing Zhang Shun speak out, they were willing to sell his favor. The two had no choice but to drink the wine in one gulp and ignore the matter.

This was just a small episode on the field, but unexpectedly, it had already stirred up a storm in the hearts of interested people.

There was a conflict between the rebels and the surrendered troops, which was expected by Lu Weiqi, the former Minister of War in Nanjing. But he never expected that Zhang Shun could easily settle the matter with just a few words.

This shows that Zhang Shun's prestige among the rebels is high enough to suppress other rebel leaders except his own direct lineage.

Secondly, it shows that Cao Wenzhao has indeed turned to Zhang Shun's side. It's no wonder that the previous efforts by himself and others to win over have gone nowhere.

It seems that some things need to be discussed in the long term.

In the eyes of the "King of Troubled Times", Zhang Shun is naturally more and more unfathomable. Even powerful generals like Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao can obey him, and he can settle the conflict between the two with just one word.

To be honest, the "King of Chaos" is really afraid of Cao Wenzhao, but now that Zhang Shun can suppress this person. Then as long as you hold your tight and smooth thighs, everything will be worry-free.

In Cao Wenzhao's mind, Zhang Shun's danger increased to another level. He has been fighting with the rebels all year round, so he naturally knows what the alliance among the rebels is like.

But he never expected that Zhang Shun could make the deliberately provocative "King of Chaos" submissive with just one sentence.

If this is really the case, it would be better for you to be more restrained!

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