Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 570 Li Baihu’s Experience

The banquet to welcome the "King of Troubled Times" came to a lively end, and Zhang Shun pretended to be a big contest invisibly.

As the saying goes, wealth without pretense is like walking in brocade at night.

This is not because Zhang Shun is a layman who loves fame and fortune. As a monarch, I have to act like this.

The unexpected arrival of the "King of Troubled Times" is indeed very beneficial to Zhang Shun's current status.

Originally, Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao's uncle and nephew had five thousand troops, and there were still two thousand men and horses who were related to them. Zhang Shun also had trouble sleeping and eating.

As a result, this time the "King of Troubled Times" brought back 3,000 elite soldiers to join him. He just used his strength to fight, but instead restrained the power of Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao's uncle and nephew.

At the same time, Zhang Shun used the banquet to entertain the "King of Troubled Times" and invited his subordinates and heroes, which greatly frightened the power of spying in the dark.

Although among the ministers who participated in the banquet, there were many people with ulterior motives. It's just that people's hearts are separated from each other. Most people only know that they have evil intentions, but they don't know what others are thinking.

When everyone saw that Zhang Shun had strong soldiers and horses, and many talents under his command, they temporarily calmed down their evil intentions.

Everyone drank until late at night, and they were all drunk, and then the meeting ended. So, with Wukong's support, Li Baihu and Zhang Shun stumbled towards Li Xiang's residence.

Li Xiang had been informed by Zhang Shun that his father would return to Luoyang today, and he had ordered Liu Rushi to prepare tea and hangover soup for the two of them.

The two had tea and sobering soup, then dismissed Li Xiang and Liu Rushi, leaving Wukong to guard the door.

At this time, Zhang Shun's eyes flashed, and his drunken state suddenly disappeared. He asked in a low voice: "What is going on with the 'King of Chaos' and why are you here?"

Although Li Baihu is older, he is not as good at drinking as Zhang Shun. Fortunately, he has participated in many drinking venues and has some ability.

Although this man was still drunk, his speech was clear and organized. He quickly responded: "This matter should start when I go to Huguang to buy grain."

"Huguang has many mountains and rivers, which are different from those in the Central Plains. Rice is grown along the rivers and rivers in Huze, and sweet potatoes and rice are grown in the deep mountains and old forests."

"At that time, the rebels had little money and food. The life of the mountain people was difficult, and they produced a lot of sweet potatoes, cereals and rice. I wanted to use this opportunity to buy more food, so I was introduced by someone and went deep into the mountains to find the mountain people to buy sweet potatoes, cereals and other cereals. .”

"At that time, the officers and soldiers were very strict in suppressing the bandits. I had to take people over the mountains and ridges to avoid going back and forth. By accident, I broke into the camp of the "King of Troubled Times". The 'King of Troubled Times' had long been trapped by the officers and soldiers, and the men were exhausted. There is no food and grass. When they see that I carry a lot of food, they will kill people to seize the food."

"I heard that his accent was different from people from Jingxiang and Huguang, and his speech was quite similar to that of Yansui people. I treated the dead horse like a living horse doctor and asked tentatively: 'I am under the command of King Shun, and I have been ordered to come here. When buying food, who knows who is in front of you?'"

"That man was honest. When he heard that I was under your command, he ordered people to release us. He said to me: 'Since he is an old friend, I will buy him at a price. It will also save me from meeting King Shun in the future. , lost face.'"

"After that, I sold the grain I purchased to him. It's just that I worked hard to buy this grain, so how could it be resold for nothing? There was a shortage of grain in the 'King of Chaos' camp, so I added three Four times the price with him."

"Not only did he not say anything, he also begged me: 'Since we are old friends, if you have free time, why don't you buy more food and grass for me. Since I accept my love, you will benefit, killing two birds with one stone.' I think there is some truth to this. , he ordered people to go around to buy grain and sell some to him."

"This has been repeated many times. Until a few days ago, I had purchased 50,000 dan of grain, ready to say goodbye to this man and return to Baodu Village. Unexpectedly, he had just been attacked by officers and soldiers in the old camp, and the camp's family members, women, children, grain, grass, gold and silver were almost lost. Coupled with the repeated encirclement and suppression by officers and soldiers, the men and horses under my command also suffered a lot of losses."

"When he heard that I was leaving, he couldn't help but said to me: 'I wonder where King Shun is now? I was familiar with him, but now I can't stay in the mountains of Jingxiang. Why don't you go and surrender? he?'"

"I don't know what your intentions are, so I said to him: 'I can't take charge of this matter! But King Shun has always liked to make friends with heroes in the world. When I heard that you came with your troops to surrender, I will definitely treat you with all my heart.'"

"He was very happy after hearing what I said. Then he led the army to the north, but was blocked by Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang. I used my identity as a merchant to inquire about the military situation for him many times, and specially used the recent situation of Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, to gather his troops. Take the opportunity to cross the Han River and head north."

"When we arrived at Lu's, I heard that you had occupied Luoyang City. I was worried that he would know the location of Baodu Village, which would be detrimental to me. I asked people to transport the purchased grain to Baodu Village, and at the same time persuaded him to lead the way. Everyone came to Luoyang City. It was only today that we arrived."

Zhang Shun listened and was silent for a long time. If it weren't for one of my own family members, how could they do this for me with all their heart?

Immediately, Zhang Shun bowed to Li Baihu honestly and said gratefully: "Your Majesty, Taishan, I bow to my son-in-law!"

Li Baihu suffered so much along the way, put in so much effort, and worried so much, he felt like a bright mirror in his heart. He thought he could afford this obeisance, so he didn't say anything.

After Zhang Shun finished bowing, he quickly helped Zhang Shun up and sighed: "Song Xiance often said that I am blind and cannot recognize the real dragon! What happened back then still makes me beat my chest and stamp my feet!"

"I am old, but you are still young! I have no worries about food and drink in my life, but I am childless and just want to find a son-in-law to support me in my old age. It was only later that the governor of Chenzhou forced me to betroth my daughter to you. , in order to have a place to stay.”

"I'm already in my forties now, and I don't know how long I can live. What's the point of keeping my wealth, gold and silver? It's better to buy some property for you early and give birth to a son early."

Hearing Li Baihu mention the "son" matter, Zhang Shun remembered that he had promised to adopt a son in Li Baihu's name.

At this time, Zhang Shun quickly patted his chest and made a promise, and promised that if Li Baihu was helpless for the rest of his life, he would help him take care of himself.

No wonder Zhang Shun is so generous now. This "King of Troubled Times" was originally a person with a intolerant personality and was often at odds with other rebel leaders.

Previously, he even had a conflict with Wang Ziyong, the leader of the 36th Battalion Rebel Army "Purple Golden Liang" because of a woman.

It just so happened that this person was very compatible with him. Since Li Baihu helped bring him back, he had no reason to let him go this time.

Just when the two of them were talking about going into the alley, Li Xiang and Liu Rushi couldn't sit still. What is wrong with my husband? Ignoring the two beautiful women and hanging out with a few old men all day long and midnight?

She couldn't help but come to the door in person and urged: "It's past midnight, can't you two talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to say?"

The old man and the young man stopped talking and went to sleep separately without mentioning anything.

Thank you to the fan "Zawaki Erxin" for two consecutive rewards. Thank you for your strong support to the author @

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