Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 571: Don’t avoid relatives during internal promotion

After a conversation with Li Baihu, Zhang Shun discovered that his father-in-law was also a talent.

When he was in Chenzhou, Zhang Shun only knew that he was a local rich man and didn't know much about him.

It was not until later that we found out that this man was handed over to the magistrate of Chenzhou, and he formed a garrison, border army and salt merchants, exchanged grain for silver, and engaged in the beheading business of smuggling private salt.

However, the war was urgent, so Zhang Shun did not think deeply about it. Now that I think about it carefully, everything about this person has a track to follow.

Like this time when buying grain, if someone else had done it, he would have simply bought it and shipped it back. Do you have any other ideas?

He was the only one who knew that the camp was short of silver grain, so he went to the mountains where grain prices were lower to buy it. As a result, he not only refused to buy, but also took advantage of the "King of Troubled Times"'s urgent need for food. Instead, he bought and resold in the mountains to earn the price difference.

After going back and forth like this, he was originally asked to buy 20,000 shi of grain and he was satisfied. Unexpectedly, he not only completed the task, but also purchased 30,000 shi in excess of the quota.

This person is top-notch in both character and ability. In addition to completing his task of purchasing food, he actually lured the "King of Chaos" over when he found that he was desperate. This was amazing.

The "King of Chaos" has 3,000 elite warriors under his command. He has a intolerant personality and has many conflicts with other rebels. If you operate it properly, it may not be another new force to help your great cause.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at Zhang Shenyan with admiration. In the past, I only regarded him as a tool for handling government affairs, but I didn't expect that he had some skills in recognizing and employing people.

On the second day, Zhang Shun couldn't bear to be sleepy and quickly called everyone again to hold a rebel meeting.

Zhang Shun did not bother to consult other people's opinions, so he directly said: "The war between the rebel army and the officers and soldiers is over, and the pensions and rewards for the soldiers who died in battle should be paid out in time."

"The matter of appreciating the fields will be carried out later because the operation is complicated. If there are no pensions and rewards, they should be carried out in time to avoid doubts among the soldiers."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Shenyan quickly stood up and responded. When Xiao Qinhu heard this, he hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "May I ask my lord, how to deal with the rewards for those who died in the battle?"

The "Children's Camp" under his command was quite brave and many died in battle. Ren Jirong and others under his command were inevitably unsure, so they specifically asked him to ask.

"If any family members claim it, the land will be distributed according to the amount. If no family members claim it, the public land will be temporarily stored for three years. If no family members claim it during this period, the land will be returned to public ownership!" Zhang Shun thought for a while and came up with a compromise.

Xiao Qinhu nodded with satisfaction, but unexpectedly Zhang Shenyan quickly asked: "What about the family members? What about the public land?"

Zhang Shun originally didn't expect so much. When Zhang Shenyan asked, he couldn't help but look at Zhang Shenyan in surprise.

This person is a person who does things, and he got to the key of the matter as soon as he asked. Fortunately, there were similar precedents in previous lives that we could follow. Zhang smiled and said, "As for family members, parents, children, wives and concubines are the first, brothers and nephews are the second, and the rest of the family are the third."

In fact, Zhang Shun's answer was similar to that of a legal heir. Zhang Shenyan saw that Zhang Shun's thinking was clear and organized, so he quickly wrote it down.

"As for the public land, that's the second thing we talked about today. Our army has occupied Luoyang, and Prince Fu has given me the farmland belonging to the palace. I have already rewarded some of the meritorious soldiers. I will implement it in accordance with the law. Those who have tenants cultivating the land will follow the old rules. . If the palace is managed by the palace itself, the rebels should take over the unified management."

"Besides this, there are also farms under the jurisdiction of the Henan Guard that have not been counted. The Henan Guard was established by the Ming Dynasty and has nothing to do with our rebel army. Now when the rebel army arrives, there is no need for the officers and soldiers of the guard station to guard the land and ward off the invaders."

"In my opinion, the property should be cleared in time, and those who actually farm it should sort out the land deeds and pay the grain in accordance with the law. Those whose ownership is undecided, and those who have returned to Prince Fu's Mansion to the rebel army, should be uniformly cultivated and harvested by the rebel army. What do you think?"

These matters were discussed with Zhang Shenyan, so he had nothing to say. Song Xiance did not care about the affairs, while Governor Zhang only took care of the casting and smelting matters. They all nodded in agreement. Only Lu Weiqi, the former Minister of War, was shocked. He subconsciously objected: "I think this is inappropriate!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Shenyan asked before Zhang Shun could say anything.

"This" was a policy that others had been planning for many days. Lu Weiqi couldn't think of any excuse in his eagerness.

While Lu Weiqi racked his brains to find excuses, his eyes subconsciously wandered. It didn't matter. It just gave him a glimpse of the old god, Wang Shaoyu, the former commander-in-chief of Henan Province.

He couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he quickly said: "The soldiers from the Henan Guard are also rebels. It would be unsightly to deprive them of their farmland for no reason!"

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China by Zhu Yuanzhang, Henan Prefecture has had a health center with five thousand households under its jurisdiction. It's just that the system is corrupt now. According to the original system, five thousand soldiers could be recruited, but in fact there are only one or two thousand soldiers under the command of Henan Commander-in-Chief Wang Shaoyu, and the number of soldiers capable of fighting is only two or three hundred.

This person said that he had defected to the rebel army, but in fact he was similar to Lu Weiqi. He used the name of King Fu to be a snake and a mouse.

It's just that during the previous defense of the city, he was able to lead the troops into battle under Song Xiance's deception and misled the deputy commander Yang Hualin's judgment, which can be regarded as meritorious.

Thinking of this, Zhang said by the way: "Since the officers and soldiers under the command of General Wang Shaoyu have joined the rebel army, all the fields under their names belong to them. The rest of the excess land can be implemented according to the plan."

Wang Shaoyu originally thought that he was going to bleed heavily this time, so he couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. He quickly kowtowed and said, "Thank you, King Shun, for your understanding. If I have to do anything in the future, I will definitely die without mercy!"

Originally, Lu Weiqi winked at Wang Shaoyu, hoping that he would take the opportunity to cause a scene. I never thought, and I don't know if this guy didn't see it, but he recognized it like this.

Now that the owner of the suffering has acknowledged it, what can he, an outsider, say? In this case, he had no choice but to cup his hands and say, "King Shun is a wise man!" Then he sat back obediently without saying a word.

Do you think Wang Shaoyu really didn't see it? In fact, this guy is like a mirror in his mind. He couldn't help but secretly smile bitterly and said: "Lao Lu, don't blame me. If you do, blame yourself for not knowing the current affairs!" The sky is big and the earth is big, and the sword is the biggest. People kill us just for fun. What do you use to fight with them?

Now we are women who have fallen into a den of thieves. We must obey even if we don’t! Do you still think you can be coy?

Seeing that no one had objections, Zhang announced by the way: "In that case, all the extra acres will be returned to the public land, and Mr. Zhang will be responsible for the time being! Li Baihu will be responsible for all the other applications for silver and shops and farms under the name of the royal family, and they will be responsible for them together. Under management! If there is no objection, just follow it!"

"Who is this Li Baihu?" Lu Weiqi only joined Zhang Shun's army after Zhang Shun occupied Luoyang City, so naturally he didn't know the details of Li Baihu.

Although the two had an encounter last night, he just regarded him as a thief like the "King of Chaos".

Song Xiance heard this and said casually: "This is my lord's father-in-law and Mrs. Li's biological parents!"

Lu Weiqi, the former Minister of War in Nanjing, couldn't help but get angry when he heard this: "Isn't this nepotism?"

"This is because you don't avoid relatives when doing internal promotions, and you don't avoid enemies when doing external promotions! How can you say it's nepotism?" Song Xiance couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, "Only those who are talented are promoted, and knowing people who are good is the king's way."

Thank you to fan "Zawaki Erxin" for three consecutive rewards. Thank you for your strong support to the author!

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