Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 605: It’s hard to get off the tiger (Part 1)

On this day, the red lady felt a little sleepy and was resting in her house.

The red lady was originally in good health, and she had developed a good ability to ejaculate from left to right in the field. She was even teased by Zhang Shun in private as "Master Dong from Xiliang".

However, after following Zhang Shun, she mostly showed herself to others with gentleness and rarely participated in battles, which made people subconsciously ignore her bravery.

But now since she became pregnant, the red lady's body has reacted strongly. No matter how good she is, she can't resist the laws of nature. No matter you are a dragon or a tiger, you still have to lie down, and you can only wait peacefully for the birth of the little life in your belly.

While in a daze, the red lady suddenly heard the little girl Jian'er's cry. She suddenly woke up from her years of living habits.

The red lady quickly got up from the bed and saw Jian'er running in with a panicked look on her face. When she saw the red lady, she didn't say anything. She just turned around and looked around. Then she closed the door tightly, then closed the windows one after another, and then she took a breath.

The red lady's heart tightened when she saw it, and she quickly asked: "What's wrong, Arrow? Why are you in such a panic!"

"It's not good, madam." Seeing that the arrows were closed tightly, he responded in a low voice, "Li Hongji brought a group of people to come to make trouble for the master!"

"Today, I went to get anti-fetal medicine and heard rumors that my wife was not dead, but was with the master. After hearing this, I ran back quickly to report to the master."

"I never imagined that as soon as I arrived at the door of the house, I heard the master, Li Hongji and others arguing there!"

When the red lady heard this, she couldn't help but feel frightened in her heart. Her hands and feet suddenly became cold, and she felt that the world was spinning and the stars were moving.

When Jian'er saw that the usually calm and composed lady actually fainted on the ground, and there was no Zhang Shun to rely on for the time being, Jian'er suddenly lost his backbone and became in a panic.

It took her a long time to remember what to do, and she quickly knelt down, hugged the red lady's head, and pinched the red lady's vagina with her hands.

After a while, the red lady finally woke up. She was calmer now and asked in a low voice: "What did the master say?"

"They insisted on forcing the master to hand over his wife, but the master refused and was arguing with them. The servant was afraid of being discovered by them and did not dare to listen carefully, so he ran back in a hurry." Jian'er responded with lingering fear.

The red lady felt cold all over her body. Ever since she followed Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun never beat or scolded her, but he loved her very much. Now that she is pregnant with Liujia, maybe after a period of planning, it is not impossible to become the main wife.

But she never expected that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway and things that were done so secretly would be revealed again.

She was aware of the methods of "Investor" Li Hongji. His previous wife, Han Jin'er, was killed by him because of adultery.

Not only that, but he also secretly eloped with Zhang Shun. What would happen if he fell into his hands?

According to common sense, Zhang Shun is not that kind of person, not to mention that he is still pregnant with his child, so he will never hand him over.

It’s just that there are always some things in the world that you can’t help yourself with. The Red Lady participated in the secrets of the rebel army and knew that Zhang Shun already knew that Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, would lead an army to encircle and suppress him sooner or later.

The reason why Zhang Shun is willing to retaliate with kindness and even take the risk of being exposed by taking in "Chuang King", "Chuang General", "Living Cao Cao" and "Eight Kings" is to strengthen his own strength and get more soldiers to deal with him together. Just more powerful officers and soldiers.

If it was because he and other rebels had turned against each other, then not only would their eight thousand elites not be able to help the Shun camp, but they would also be more likely to cause a fight. When the time comes when both sides suffer losses and Hong Chengchou takes advantage of it, then it will be a big deal.

Thinking of this, the red lady turned pale. She said to Jian'er with trembling hands: "Two things: first, you immediately notify Wang Jinyi and lead the guards to the door of the house to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry; second, you help me dress up, I want to go over and take a look!"

Jian'er was almost frightened when he heard this, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Madam, are you crazy? They can't find you. I can still deny it. If you really pass by, both parties will fight to the death!"

"Hurry up and inform Wang Jinyi to go and guard the head of the family. Let me think about this again!" Lady Hong was heartbroken, but she also knew that Zhang Shun's safety was the prerequisite for her own chance of survival. If he loses Zhang Shun's protection, he may have no choice but to die a miserable death.

If she doesn't go over and both sides talk about their own things, they might end up fighting each other. However, if he passes by, either "Invading General" Li Hongji will get what he wants, and Zhang Shun will not do anything, and he will suffer the consequences; or Zhang Shun will protect himself, and "Invading General" Li Hongji will become angry and fight on the spot; even if he commits suicide and dies, I am afraid that both parties will also die. A fight to the death. What should I do?

A single move can affect the whole body. This matter is not only related to Hong Niang's own wealth and life, but also to the future of Shunying and the life and death of the entire rebel army.

Not to mention that the red lady was in shock and hesitant. But at the gate of the palace, the two sides were already at war with each other. If there was a slight disturbance, it would end with blood splattering in five steps.

Zhang Shun was really murderous this time. As the saying goes: Buddha even has nameless fire. Although Zhang Shun is easy to talk to, he is not a soft-hearted person.

Zhang Shun felt guilty about the incident with the Red Lady. If other rebel leaders wanted to take the opportunity to ask for some favors from him, Zhang Shun would agree.

It's just that now they eat their own food and drink their own food, not to mention that Huaiqing Mansion helped them escape before. Instead, they are looking for fault in themselves. Do they really think that they are soft persimmons?

Now that I am strong and my enemy is weak, I do not want to annex you, but you want to start a war. In this case, why don't I go with the flow and kill them. Firstly, to avoid future troubles forever, the affair of the Red Lady was completely buried in history; secondly, they took the opportunity to annex their eight thousand soldiers to deal with Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces who might appear at any time.

Who are the four people: "Chuang Jiang", "Living Cao Cao", "Eight Kings" and "One Tiger" Li Guo? They didn't need to look at Zhang Shun's expression, but as soon as he showed his alert posture, his expression suddenly changed!

"Chuang Jiang", "Living Cao Cao" and "Eight Kings" secretly called "One Tiger" Li Guo an idiot!

Originally, there was still a way out for both parties, but he blocked it with such words. Not only did he block his own way out, he also blocked Zhang Shun's way out.

Even "Jiang Jiang" himself felt a little regretful. Why did he get so excited and follow him to the door to "find trouble"? Not to mention having no evidence, even if there is evidence, wouldn't it be a fight to the death? Now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, and we are at war with each other, how can we still enjoy our own good fruits?

Thank you to fans "sexualwolf" and "Qiye Luoqiu" for your tips, and thank you for your strong support to the author!

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