Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 606: Riding a Tiger with Difficulty (Part 2)

These people are all top-notch heroes, so shrewd that "Living Cao Cao" reacted instantly.

He stepped forward and kicked "a tiger" Li Guo, knocking him to the ground, and cursed: "What the hell, why don't you apologize to King Shun quickly!"

Afterwards, "Living Cao Cao" turned to Zhang Shun with a smile and said: "My son, you have no control over your mouth. Please be more patient!"

In fact, the act of "living Cao Cao" is also very dangerous. He took the initiative to approach Zhang Shun. If Zhang Shun suddenly attacked, he would definitely bear the brunt.

However, don't you know that this "living Cao Cao" is a good old man. In fact, by acting like this, he seemed to regard himself as the "talker" of the rebels.

Firstly, he likes to uphold and promote the principle of "thieves do not kill thieves"; secondly, he often mediates conflicts between rebel leaders and helps the downtrodden rebel leaders.

If it weren't for the more powerful "King Shun" and "King Chuang" Zhu Yu, "Living Cao Cao" would be almost the best candidate to be in charge of the rebel army today.

As the saying goes, "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs." Living Cao Cao lives on the edge of a knife, and he naturally understands that risks and returns are directly proportional.

Zhang Shun has always been benevolent and righteous, and he was not ready to break up with the rebels. "Living Cao Cao" knew that Zhang Shun would not be so unwise, so he was willing to take this risk.

But since Zhang Shun had murderous intentions, his heart was naturally full of cold calculations. Naturally, he wanted to protect his mother-in-law, Hong Niangzi, to the end. Not to mention that Hong Niangzi, as his wife, was one with him.

Let's talk about how many internal affairs she, the "female prime minister", took charge of on his behalf, and how many logistical affairs she took care of for herself.

When Zhang Shun took a risk and violated morality to hook up with the red lady, he not only liked her looks, but also his ability to stabilize his foundation?

I can rest assured that you are doing the work! If there was no Red Lady to take charge of the camp for him, even if he recruited Zhang Shenyan, how would he dare to easily entrust all his property to others?

Although there are few guards around Zhang Shun now, with Wukong by his side, even if the four "Champion", "Living Cao Cao", "Eight Kings" and "One Tiger" are highly skilled in martial arts, the outcome should be between 50 and 50. If you get angry on your own.

Just as "Living Cao Cao" finished speaking, Zhang Shun was thinking about it, but he heard a laugh: "I don't know how many dignitaries are coming, but Zhang is not far away to greet you!"

Everyone turned around and saw that it was Zhang Shenyan. Zhang Shenyan took a few steps closer, and after greeting each other, he couldn't help but smile and said: "I remember that the four rebel leaders came in and out together. How come there are only three here today?"

Zhang Shen said that it was not a big deal, and Zhang Shun suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Sure enough, the other three people immediately confirmed Zhang Shun's guess: "'King Chuang' is not feeling well today, so he is recuperating in the camp and helping the brothers take care of the camp!"

Zhang Shun suddenly realized that it was no wonder that rumors were spreading in Luoyang City. What a good trick!

There is a saying that goes, "When fish and clams fight, the fisherman wins." If he really killed these people in Luoyang City, I am afraid that all the soldiers and horses outside the city would be obtained by Gao Yingxiang, the "King of Chuang".

When the time comes, it would be unwise for me to make a wedding dress for someone in vain and not mention it, but instead provide a moral excuse for the other party.

Zhang Shun's murderous intention subsided and he was about to continue talking about "living Cao Cao". Unexpectedly, another sweet laugh sounded: "I heard that several uncles want to meet the slave family. I don't know what the reason is?"

Zhang Shun didn't know whose voice it was, so he couldn't help but secretly thought, "It's bad!"

Everyone turned around and saw that the man was dressed in red, with two swords on his slender waist, and his bare hands stroking the handles of the swords. His face was like a peach blossom in March, and his eyebrows were like willow leaves in early spring. He walked like the wind and moved like a rabbit. He had a certain heroic spirit. Between the eyebrows.

Everyone was almost stunned, and after a while they subconsciously asked: "Who are you?"

"You keep saying you want to see me, but how come you don't recognize me when you meet me? My family is the wife of King Shun, Ma. Now that I have met, what do you have to say?" the woman said with a smile.

So you know who this is? It was none other than Ma Yingniang, who had already made an oath to Zhang Shunshan.

Originally, according to Zhang Shun's plan, Ma Yingniang was supposed to come in. It was just because of Li Xiang's trick that she secretly hid in Baodu Village that she was pregnant, which made Zhang Shun worried for a while.

As a result, Li Xiang is now pregnant, and the red lady is no longer wary of Ma Yingniang. However, the military situation is urgent, so Zhang Shun can't take care of the girl's personal relationship for the time being.

Originally, after the two separated today, Ma Yingniang, who was in the period of passionate love, secretly followed Zhang Shunni for a while, but she happened to hear clearly what happened when the leaders of the rebels came to confront her.

Ma Yingniang, who was eager to make things happen with Zhang Shun, couldn't help but feel moved, so she hurried back to her residence and called Mother Wu to comb her hair.

Ancient girls' hairstyles, post-haircut hairstyles and post-marriage hairstyles were all different.

Just like Ma Yingniang, as a daughter who had not left the court, she originally wore a bun with a small hairdo. In this hairstyle, the hair is first divided into strands and tied at the top, without supporting pillars, so that it hangs naturally; then the tail is tied so that it hangs on the shoulders. It is a common virgin hairstyle among the Han people since the Tang Dynasty.

Ma Yingniang asked Ma Yingniang to help her make up her hair into a common peach blossom bun. This is a very fashionable hairstyle since the Jiajing period. This hairstyle is made by combing the bun into a flat round shape, and then decorating the top of the bun with flowers. It looks somewhat similar to Lin Daiyu's hairstyle in Dream of Red Mansions.

Wu Ma was extremely anxious about Ma Yingniang's life-long matter. Seeing that the girl was enlightened, how could she not obey her?

After Ma Yingniang finished combing her head, she excitedly came over to kill him. One is preparing to relieve Zhang Shun's crisis as soon as possible, and the other is preparing to take the opportunity to confirm his identity.

As a result, due to a strange combination of circumstances, the two parties who were originally going to calm down found that after Ma Yingniang made such trouble, there was no way for both parties to go down. Zhang Shun's "mother-in-law" came out, and the ball went to "a tiger" Li Guo again.

Zhang Shun smiled bitterly in his heart, but he had to react logically. He couldn't help but glared at Li Guo and said, "What else do you say now?"

Li Guo was first exposed to the secret in his heart by Zhang Shundao, and then realized that he had done something stupid, and he was already filled with grief and anger.

Hearing the words, he couldn't help but smile sadly, and responded: "In that case, I am willing to admit defeat. The spitting of a man is a nail, and I will destroy my eyes!" After saying this, he stretched out his two fingers to dig out his own eyes.

Zhang Shun, "Chuang Jiang" and "Living Cao Cao" were unable to save him. He only heard a scream of "ah", and Li Guo's eyes shed tears of pain.

It turns out that he is not a martial arts master like in martial arts novels. How could he bear it if he just poked his eyes with his fingers? As soon as my eyes hurt, my strength suddenly became lighter. He only poked himself in the eyes until tears flowed, but luckily he didn't hurt his eyes.

"Chuang Jiang" and "Living Cao Cao" quickly restrained "One Tiger" Li Guo from left to right. With tears in their eyes, they shouted loudly to Zhang Shun: "King Shun!"

The two of them said a simple sentence, which was more like a plea than a plea. When the "Eight Great Kings" saw that the situation was not good, they quickly begged for mercy: "King Shun is benevolent and righteous!"

Hum, be reasonable when you are looking for trouble, and be gentle when being counterattacked. You guys will avoid the important and take the easy.

"Humph, what do you say?" Zhang Shun asked coldly.

"Crashing General", "Living Cao Cao" and "Eight Kings" suddenly broke into a cold sweat. After a while, they mustered up the courage to ask: "Are you really going to kill us all in one fell swoop?"

Thanks again to fans "sexualwolf" and "Dudupingyoume" for their tips!

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