Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 613 Conspiracy

Hearing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but said with great enthusiasm: "Heaven and earth are the game, all living beings are chess, who will make the move in the vast earth!"

"For a long time, we have all been chess pieces, struggling to survive on this chessboard. Now, after struggling for a long time, I finally became a chess player and landed a piece on this chessboard."

"Then Hong Chengchou is so famous, what's the point? My son is not born for him, but for Chongzhen's son, for the princes of the imperial court, and for the empress Jin Hongtai! How can the structure be superior and inferior? It’s all the chess pieces can know!”

Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi immediately looked at each other. They were already the most capable people among the rebels, but they couldn't even understand what Zhang Shun wanted to do or what he was talking about.

If they hadn't been ministers, they would have pressed his head and cursed: "Speaking like a human being!"

Of course, Zhang Shun didn't expect Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi to understand, so he faced the surging Luoshui with high spirits and said with a smile: "Do you still remember the 'food war' I talked about when I was buying food?"

"Ah?" Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi suddenly realized something. They seemed to understand something, but they still seemed confused.

"Food is the first priority for the people, and grain is the main food!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "Since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, food from the south to the north has been used to feed the border and the capital. In the early days of the country, the main purpose was to collect grain, and the soldiers were well fed and the soldiers were brave. War, so the Mongols were conquered five times and the country was not short of supplies."

"Since the Qing Dynasty in Wanli, Zhangge Lao has paid grain in exchange for silver, and taxes have increased. As a result, the nine sides have more silver and less grain. The price of grain has been rising, and the soldiers have not had enough to eat. In recent years, natural and man-made disasters have continued, and wars have continued for many years. The whole north has become a capital. The four provinces are already overwhelmed."

"Now the rebel army has purchased more than 300,000 shi of grain, and it will reach one million shi in more than a year. If the capital's water transportation is cut off again, five million shi of grain will be lost every year. I am afraid that the Ming Dynasty will not fight until our rebel army is approaching. It’s self-defeating!”

"Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, is known as the 'knowledge of soldiers'. I would like to see if he can withstand the pressure of the court and focus on 'suppressing bandits' when the court's grain supplies are cut off!"

Good guy, it turns out you are ambush here. Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi couldn't help but widen their eyes.

These two people are both human beings. Zhang Shun has explained it to this extent. How can he not understand that Zhang Shun is trying to buy time for himself by pointing here and there?

What a good King Shun. He dug him up from the heart of the imperial court while he was still alive. He even stabbed Ming Dynasty in the esophagus with a knife.

If the Ming Dynasty is prepared to single-mindedly deal with the "shun thieves", then will your court still care about the collapse of the entire northern frontier army and the capital that may be caused by the cutoff of water transportation?

If you try your best to solve the water transportation problem, then the "shun thieves" are like malignant tumors, gathering, worsening, and spreading. Do you still want to live in the Ming Dynasty?

This is in line with the saying in the Art of War: "Be prepared for the left, and the right will be few; be prepared for the right, and the left will be few; be prepared for everything, and be prepared for everything."

The young phoenix sings for the first time, the dragon sings for the first time, Zhang Shun's skills are so extraordinary. Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi couldn't help but kneel down and say: "It's a blessing that our lord has come to this world, and the people of the world have hope!"

Zhang Shun quickly helped the two men up and said humbly: "Where, where, thanks to the help of these two people, the rebel army has become as strong as it is today. But when the soldiers use their orders and all the kings work together to defeat Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, this The situation is finally over, and there is a chance to change the world!"

Gao Guiying listened to Zhang Shun for a long time, and hesitated several times. However, Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi were face to face, and Zhang Shun was talking about business again. She also knew that this was not the right time.

Her parents died when she was young. With the help of her uncles and uncles, her sister and mother raised her younger brother Gao Yigong, so she has always had a strong temper.

Especially after her uncle Gao Yingxiang started his army, she would often wear armor, hold swords and guns, and rush into battle, entering and exiting three times, and she was not inferior to the men.

It wasn't until she was humiliated by Zhang Shun in every possible way that she realized that she was still the weak girl. Especially the extreme nausea in her heart and the extreme pleasure in her body made her hate her body to the extreme.

Originally, she was in so much pain that she wanted to end her life on her own. As a result, the matchmaker's words, "It's a pity that I'm a girl, but if I were a boy and went out to have some adventures, my life would be worth it, whether it was life or death," which hit her right in the heart.

She had hated, hurt, and cried, and the anger in her chest had been vented. She had originally planned to just accept her fate.

It was only when she saw and heard that Zhang Shun was so high-spirited that in a moment he had the three heroes of "Running General", "Living Cao Cao" and "Eight Kings" in his hands, she seemed to know this man for the first time. The man who made her love and hate her at the same time.

On the way back with Zhang Shun, she hesitated for a moment, then reached out and grabbed Zhang Shun's clothes and pulled gently.

"Is something wrong?" Zhang Shun gave her a confused look.

"Um, can you tell me what's going on?" Gao Guiying gritted his teeth, thinking that since he had humiliated him so many times, there was nothing to be embarrassed about. At most, he would just mock her again.

"It's the one who cut off the water transport and the governor of the five provinces, Hong Chengchou." Gao Guiying gestured unconsciously with her hand in a panic, and repeated awkwardly.

"Huh?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at her in surprise, but he didn't say anything, but she was willing to ask and he was willing to answer.

Zhang told her the story again in detail, but Gao Guiying asked in confusion: "Why is there less food when there is more money?"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but turned his head and looked at her face carefully. He only looked embarrassed at her, and then smiled and said: "The amount of money has nothing to do with the amount of food. To put it bluntly, the north is prone to drought and disasters, and there are heavy troops stationed there. Supply the capital. The harvest of food cannot meet the food consumption. This is called living beyond one's means!"

"Is that why we transport grain to the capital through the canal?" Gao Guiying suddenly realized, and then became a little confused again, "Where did the money go?"

"Can silver be eaten? Silver cannot be eaten, but food can be eaten!" Zhang Shun thought she really understood, but he was still a little confused.

He couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Except for the food imported from the south, there is only so much food in the north. It has even become less and less due to natural disasters and man-made disasters. There is not enough food at all!"

Zhang Shun pointed out the key point at once, and Gao Guiying finally understood when he recalled that Shaanxi suffered from drought for many years and the price of rice reached more than ten taels of silver per stone.

"But...but, how can you guarantee that Li Hongji and the others will obey your orders?" Gao Guiying had another problem. There are also intrigues among the rebels, but who is an honest person?

"Call daddy!" Zhang Shun frowned. The slaves and servants in the Ming Dynasty called their master daddy. At first, Zhang Shun thought it was weird, so he didn't let Jian'er and Zhu'er call him.

These two people thought that Zhang Shun was going to take them into three bedrooms and four bedrooms, and they were even more happy to talk. Then Gao Guiying's fate was not so good, Zhang Shun was a little addicted to bullying her.

How could Gao Guiying shout out? I could only hum in my throat. Zhang Shun felt that it was a bit hard for others, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore!" Zhang Shun was a little patient and said with a smile, "Seeing how smart you are, it's okay to talk to you."

"Conspiracies and tricks can catch people off guard. They must be kept secret and not known to anyone. However, if the conspiracy is outright, it is difficult to deal with it."

"Li Hongji, Luo Rucai and Zhang Xianzhong are all tycoons in the world and have great ambitions. Therefore, I lured them with three parts of the southern land. If they don't have other better plans, they will have to join me."

"However, they have only five thousand soldiers and horses, few generals, and no supplies of food, grass, or supplies. If they want to take a place as a foundation, they must first find food and grass to strengthen their strength. If no one guides them, they can only be like headless flies. Generally running around.”

"Now that we know that grain is transported along the canal, if we can access it, great things can be accomplished, how can we just sit back and ignore it?"

"This skill is based on my experience with others, and I bully them because they are clueless. Compared with masters, if my martial arts is superior, it will be infinitely superior. As long as I am above them, they can only follow my rhythm. Because , this is the best choice!”

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